| Index 1.
of Horasastra Author's prayer and introduction 2.
of Hora 3.
Description Description of the 12 Rasis, limbs of Kalapurusha and their use,
synonyms of Rasis and Houses, zodiacal halves, their Lords and effects. Rasi
and Navansa rulers, importance of sub-divisions, Vargothamamsa, Lords of
decanates, Horas, Trimsamsas and Sapthamsas, different Vargas, benefic and
malefic Rasis, Gandantha, directions of Rasis, DigBala and KalaBala, day and
night Signs, Sirodara & Prishtodara Signs, strength of Rasi, synonyms of
Bhavas, additional synonyms, Kendra, Apoklima and Panaphara, Upachaya and
Anupachaya, exaltation and fall, long, medium and short ascensions of Signs,
favourable Rasis for journey and colours of Rasis 4.
Characters Kalapurusha's soul etc., limbs from decanates, planetary portfolios,
directions and nature, synonyms of planets, planetary colours, deities, sex,
caste, elements, robes, substances, periods and Ritus, Lords of Vedas and
Worlds, description and nature of the planets from the Sun to Saturn, planetary
friendship permanent and temporary, five kinds of consideration of these,
planetary aspects and strengths, directional and positional strengths, temporal
and motional strengths, Ayana, Drekkana, Tribhaga and Naisargika Balas 5.
Matters States of planets, effects of various states, retrogression in
exaltation, good results in mid-life, Swakshetra, Mulatrikona etc., effects
thereof, inauspicious planets, exalted, retrograde, auspicious planets,
Nathonnatha Bala, Lords of year etc., Paksha Bala, planets with all kinds of
strengths, benefics and malefics with such strengths, planetary stages and
planets in odd, or even Signs 6.
Karakas Planetary coworkers and effects thereof 7.
Indications Lord of weekday etc., Bhava effects, planetary rulerships, or
Karakatwas and planetary places 8.
(Conception) Menstruation, occurrence of pregnancy, disposition of fetus, birth
of twins, male, hermaphrodite, one male child and one female child, triplets
etc., parents, process of growth of embryo, miscarriage, comfortable carrying,
adversities to the pregnant woman, progress of progeny, time of delivery, natal
Moon, belated progeny, eye defects, dumbness, dullwitted, teethed at birth,
peculiar birth, short stature, lame by birth and birth sans legs, hands and
head 9.
at Birth Kinds of delivery, place of delivery home, position of cot, delivery
on ground, number of attendants, position of light, birth out of fathers sight,
birth out of wedlock, evils to mother, resemblance, rounded by coil, features,
characteristics and nature, death of parents and happiness to parents 10.
at Birth Need to assess longevity, strength of male/female planets, kinds of
evils, longevity curtailed to minimum, Yogas adverse for eyes and ears, death
in few days, effects of time causing a disease, malefics and decanates, death,
exceedingly long life, elapsed longevity, timing infant death, death in
childhood, death in 3rd year, fateful degrees of the Moon etc. 11.
and the Moon Combinations to counteract lunar evils 12.
Canceled at Birth Evils relating to longevity nullified 13.
Yogas Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhura, Kemadruma, different permutations, other
kinds of Sunapha etc., results of Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhura by Mars etc.,
lunar Yogas from the Sun, Moon in invisible and visible halves and Dhana Yogas 14.
from the Sun Vasi, Vesi and Ubhayachari, effects of Vasi and Vesi by different
planets and effects of Ubhayachari 15.
of Two Planets 16.
of Three Planets 17.
of Four Planets 18.
of Five Planets 19.
of Six Planets 20.
for Renunciation 21.
Yogas 32 kinds of Nabhasa Yogas, rules for their formation and effects thereof 22.
of the Sun The Sun in 12 Rasis and special effects, when in aspects to other
planets 23.
of the Moon in Various Rasis The Moon in the 12 Rasis and special effects, when
in aspects to others 24.
of the Moon in Various Navansas The Moon in various Navansas and in aspect to
other planets 25.
of Mars in Various Rasis Mars in 12 Signs and special effects in case of
aspects from others 26.
of Mercury in Various Rasis Mercury in 12 Rasis and special effects in case of
aspects to other planets 27.
of Jupiter in Various Signs Effects for Jupiter's position in different Signs
and aspects from other planets 28.
of Venus in Various Signs Effects for Venus' positions in different Signs and
aspects from others 29.
of Saturn in Various Signs Effects for Saturn's position in different Signs and
aspects from others 30.
of Planets in Bhavas Sun to Saturn in the 12 Houses and individual results 31.
Planets in Angles Effects of all possible 2-planet conjunctions in the
Ascendant, 4th, 7th and 10th 32.
House and Effects thereof The 9th House, Jupiter in the 9th and aspects thereto
by individual planets/two planets, affliction to the 9th, the Sun and others in
the 9th with others, 3 planets in the 9th, 4 planets in the 9th, special
effects 33.
House and Effects thereof The 10th House, individual planets in the 10th from
the Moon, two planets in the 10th from the Moon, three planets in the 10th from
the Moon, four planets in the 10th from the Moon, malefics in the 10th from the
Moon, livelihood, Signs and profession, planets in the 10th and source of gain 34.
Houses and Worldly Affairs Several planets aspecting the Ascendant, general
aspects to the Ascendant, unaspected Ascendant, planetary conjunctions in the
Ascendant, AdhiYoga from the Ascendant, principles related to the 2nd House,
3rd House, 5th House, number of children, various kinds of progeny, as per
Hindu Dharma Shastras, sons and daughters, childlessness, loss of children, 6th
House, 7th House, 11th House, 12th House, miscellaneous matters 35.
Yogas 36.
Rays Computation of rays of planets contributed at birth and effects of total
number of rays 37.
MahaPurusha Yogas Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra Yoga formation and
effects 38.
of Natural Constituents and Primordial Compounds Satva, Rajo and Tamo Gunas,
Akasa, Jala, Vayu, Agni and Prithwi Tatwas, births in such Tatwas, Windy,
Bilious and Phlegmatic temperaments, Luminaries in Pancha MahaPurusha Yogas 39.
to Rajayogas 40.
of Longevity Selection of system for longevity, Amsayurdaya calculations,
additions for Ascendant's contribution, rectification for planetary
contributions, reductions for Amsayurdaya calculations, Vyayadi Harana,
Pindayu, Ascendant's contribution in Pindayu, reduction for rising planets,
Naisargikayurdaya, full span of life, unlimited longevity, span of full life
for various animals 41.
Dasa Order of the scheme, Satya's view, auspicious periods, inauspicious
periods, effects of the Moon, aspects to the Moon at the commencement of a
Dasha, major Lord's placement at the commencement of a Dasha, special effects
based on Navansa, Lagna Dasha, Naisargika Dasha, effects of adverse and favourable
planet's Dasha, different kinds of Dashas of the Luminaries based on their
dispositions, other placements of planets 42.
of Sub-Periods Distribution of sub-periods to planets in Moola Dasa,
Dasa-Bhuktis thereof, special considerations 43.
Effects of Dasa 44.
for Evil Dashas 45.
of Planetary Dignities Effects of exalted planets, planets in Moolatrikona, own
Signs, friendly Signs, debilitation Signs, inimical Signs, effects in Navansa,
more planets in exaltation, in Moolatrikona, in own Signs, friendly Signs,
inimical Signs and debilitation 46.
Horoscopy Important Houses, the Moon and the Ascendant, Trimsamsa positions,
Moon/Ascendant in various Trimsamsas of various Signs, beastly lust of a
female, unchastity, mother and daughter to be unchaste, miscellaneous, rulers
of the 7th Sign and 7th Navansa, planets in the Ascendant, 8th House, female
with masculine disposition, religious order, Vedic exponent, application of
rules 47.
of Death Reasons of death, death by drowning/fall, fire, hanging, due to a
female, trident's hit, hit by wood, by a club, due to royal wrath, due to
insects, intoxicants and machinery, in filthy surroundings, by thirst, weapons
and birds, 22nd decanate, 22nd decanate related to the 36 decanates of the Zodiac
and reasons of death therefrom 48.
Horoscopy Effects of births in the 12 different Ascendants in the context of
lost horoscopy 49.
of Horas 24 halves of the 12 Signs and effects thereof in the context of lost
horoscopy 50.
of Decanates 36 decanates of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of
lost horoscopy 51.
of Navansas 108 Navansas of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of
lost horoscopy 52.
Horoscopy The natal Ayana, other natal factors, position of the querist, personal
name, another method, lost horoscopy based on the Moon at query 53.
Planetary BhinnashtakaVargas, method of preparation of A.V. charts 54.
of AshtakaVarga Effects of the A.V. of planets from the Sun to Saturn 55.
Births 1. Glory to the Sun-God, whose very breathing causes
Creation in this world, with whose rising all the animals (living beings) wake
up (from the sleep of their ignorance), whose state at the head (zenith)
accentuates all activities (throws the brightest light on one's wisdom) and
whose setting (absence, weakness) causes all to sleep. Such Sun-God has his
efficacy spread (all over). 2-4. Varaha Mihira in his Horasastra, i.e. Brhat
Jataka, stated briefly the essence of the teachings of the learned sages viz.
ten divisions of the Zodiacal Sign, Raja Yogas, longevity, effects of planetary
periods etc. This could not be done elaborately by him and hence I am conveying
in this work such useful essence, as called out from Yavanas etc., rejecting
other unuseful portions, which may be appended to the said Brihat Jataka. 5. I,
Kalyana Varma, whose fame on account of patronizing Gods and administering
villages and cities is brilliant, like that of a female swan in the cage of the
universe, who is the king of Vyagrapada region, present this Saravali, an
astrological treatise, with a chaste heart. 6. Saravali is a river with chilly
water, which has taken its birth in the mountain called Kalyana Varma, to ward
off the thirst for astrology of those interested. Thus ends the 1st Ch. Birth
of Horasastra in Kalyana Varma's Saravali 1-5. The Creator Brahma has written on the foreheads of all
living beings their fates, which are deciphered by the astrologers through
their pure insight. The first and last letters in the word Ahoratra are removed
and the word Hora is thus born and has come to exist. The Zodiac and the
planets are therein, as discussed. Some scholars say Horasastra is indicative
of effects of one's Karma, i.e. fate. Some call Lagna, or half of a Rasi, as
Hora. In practice the science relating to horoscope is called Horasastra. Hora
is capable of analyzing the destiny. Barring this Horasastra there is no device
to help one earn money, to help, as a boat, to cross the ocean of unexpected
situations and to serve, as an advisor in journey. Thus ends the 2nd Ch.
Meaning of Hora in Kalyana Varma's Saravali 1-2. At the time of Pralaya (Destruction) the Universe
plunged into darkness and was flooded with water, when all of a sudden the
Sun-God with his brilliant rays appeared in the Universe. He created all the
planets and the 12 months. 3-4. Description of the 12 Rasis. The names of the
12 Rasis are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The Sign Aquarius resembles a man
holding a pot, while Gemini is compared to a couple holding Veena and mace. A
pair of fish is the imagination about Pisces. Sagittarius is compared to a man
having a hip, like that of a horse and holding an arch in his hands. Deer-faced
Sign is Capricorn. Virgo resembles a virgin sitting in a boat with a lamp in
her hands. A male holding Scales in his hand represents Libra. The other Signs
are identical with their names. 5-6. The Limbs of KalaPurusha and their Use.
The Signs Aries etc. represent the limbs of Kalapurusha, as under: Aries head,
Taurus face, Gemini arms, Cancer heart, Leo stomach, Virgo hip, Libra space
below navel and private parts, Scorpio private parts, Sagittarius thighs,
Capricorn knees, Aquarius ankles, Pisces feet. If at birth one has benefic
planet in a particular Sign, the particular limb will be strong. A malefic
makes such a limb weak. 7. Synonyms of Rasis. Kriya, Tavuru, Jutuma, Kulira,
Leya, Pathona, Jook, Kaurpika, Tauksha, Akokera, Hridaya Roga and Anthya are
the other names given, respectively, to Rasis from Aries onwards. 8. Synonyms
for Houses. Riksha, Rasi, Kshetra, Bha and Bhavana are identical names given to
a House by the sages. 9-10. Zodiacal Halves, their Lords and Effects. The Rasi
Chakra with 12 Rasis is called Bhagana. Six Signs counted from Leo to Capricorn
consist of Solar Half and the Sun rules this Half-Zodiac. Six Signs in the
reverse order from Cancer to Aquarius are Lunar Half and ruled by the Moon.
Barring Cancer and Leo, planets from Mars to Saturn get one Rasi each in each
Half. If at birth more planets occupy the Solar Half, the native is brilliant
and, if more planets are in Lunar Half, he is soft, good and lucky. 11. The Rulers
of Rasis and Navansas. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are the Lords, respectively, of Aries to
Pisces. The Navansas for these Rasis are calculated from Aries, Capricorn,
Libra and Cancer in their order. 12. Sub-Divisions Essential. The effects of a
horoscope should be predicted according to the divisions of Houses. Without
knowing the strength of such Lords, one cannot lay even a step forward in the
direction of astrology. 13. Vargothamamsa. The first Navansa of a Movable Rasi,
the 5th one in a Fixed Rasi and the 9th one in a Common (Dual) Rasi are called
Vargothamamsa. Should the natal Lagna be in such Vargothama Navansa, the native
becomes an important person in his circle. The rulers of Dwadasamasas start
from that Rasi itself. 14. Lords of Decanates and Horas. The Lords of decanates
are first Lord of the same Rasi, second Lord of the 5th Rasi therefrom and
third Lord of the 9th from the Rasi in question. The first Hora of an odd Rasi
belongs to the Sun, while the second one is ruled by the Moon. In the case of
an even Rasi the first Hora is ruled by the Moon and the second by the Sun. 15.
Lords of Trimsamsas. In odd Signs 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees are Trimsamsas of
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, respectively, while the arrangement
is reverse in even Signs. 16. Lords of Sapthamsas. The Sapthamsas for the 12
Rasis from Aries onwards are, respectively, counted from Aries, Scorpio,
Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius
and Virgo. The Lords thereof are those, in whose Rasis they fall. l7. The total
of the number of Horas and that of decanates is sixty (24+36) in the entire
Zodiac. The figure is increased by 72, if the total of Horas + Navansas is required,
i.e. 60+72=24+108=132. Each Rasi has 1800 Kalas (30°, each of 60'). 18.
Different Vargas. To know any kind of Varga (Hora, Navansa, Drekkana etc.)
adopt the following method. Convert the longitude into minutes of arc and
multiply by the Varga figure concerned. Divide the product by 1800. The
resultant figure will reveal the required Varga. 19. The malefic and benefic
effects of such Vargas are explained in detail in the Nashta Jataka chapters
(at the end). 20-21. Rasis Benefic and Malefic, Gandanta and its Effects. From
Aries onwards alternatively the Rasis are known, as malefic and benefic on the
one hand and male and female on the other hand. These are also classified, as
Chara (Movable), Sthira (Fixed, Immovable) and DvisvaBhava (Ubhaya, Dual, Common)
Rasis. The ending portions of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are called Gandanta.
It is said, that one born in Gandanta will not survive. He will either lose his
mother, or he will end the dynasty, i.e. he is the last of his descent and will
not have any children. If, however, he survives, he becomes a king with many
elephants and horses. 22. Directions of Rasis. The four Rasis from Aries
onwards indicate East, South, West and North, while the remaining Rasis repeat
in the same way. A journey undertaken by a person towards the direction
indicated by the Lagna, or the Moon (at the commencement of journey) yields
fruitful results. 23. DigBala and KalaBala. Human Signs, quadruped Signs,
Scorpio and watery Signs are, respectively, strong in the directions commencing
from the East. Further during night-time quadruped Signs, day-time human, or
biped Signs and the second half of Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are
strong at the time of daybreak and of nightfall. 24. Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn
Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius are night Signs. Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius,
Pisces and Virgo are day Signs. The Signs Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius
and Taurus are called Prishtodaya, which rise with hind part. Sirshodaya Signs
(rising with head) are Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Aquarius and Gemini. The
Sign Pisces is Ubhayodaya (rises with both head and hind part). 25. Strength of
Rasi. If a Rasi is aspected by its Lord, or by a planet, that is friendly to
its Lord, or by Mercury, or by Jupiter, it is said to be strong. Planets other
than the above do not lend strength by aspect. 26-27. Synonyms of 12 Bhavas.
Lagna Thanu and Sakthi, Second Artha and Dhana, Third Sahaja and Parakrama,
Fourth Bandhava and Griha, Fifth Putra and Pratibha, Sixth Ari and Vrana,
Seventh Stri and Kama, Eighth Vinasa and Dehavivara, Ninth Punya and Guru,
Tenth Karma and Mana, Eleventh Aya and Bhava, Twelfth Vyaya. 28-31. Additional
Synonyms. The 4th (Vesma) and the 8th are called, as Caturasra Houses. The 9th
is known, as Tapa, i.e. penance. The 4th has names, like?Sukha (happiness),
Jala (water), Patala (nether-world), Bandhu (relatives) and Hibuka. The other
names given to the 10th House are Karma (deed), Agna (command), Gagana (sky,
zenith) and Meshurana. The 5th and 9th are Trines. The 5th is the only House
connected with Dhi, while the 9th is Tritrikona, the Trine of Trine. The 7th
House is called Dyuna, Astha (setting), Jaya and Jamitra. The 6th is Shatkona,
3rd is Duschikya and 12th Rippha. Kutumba is the 2nd. 32. Kendra, Apoklima and Panaphara,
Effects thereof. The adjoining Houses with reference to Angles (Kendras) are
Panaphara. The Houses next to Panapharas are Apoklimas. The planets in Angles
give effects in one's boyhood. The effects of planets in Panapharas are felt in
the middle age, while the planets in Apoklima give result at the conclusion of
the native's life. 33. Upachaya and Anupachaya. The 6th, 10th 11th and 3rd are
called Upachaya Houses, while the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th
are Anupachayas. 34. Moolatrikonas of Planets. Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo,
Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius are the respective Moolatrikonas for the
planets from the Sun onwards. 35-36. Exaltation and Fall. Aries, Taurus,
Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Libra, respectively, are the Signs of
exaltation for the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. These
are deeply exalted at 10, 3, 28, 15, 5, 27 and 20 Degrees in the respective
Rasis. The Rasis opposite exaltation are the places of debilitation for the
planets concerned. And the respective degrees are of deep fall. 37-38. Long,
Medium and Short Ascensions of Signs. Pisces, Taurus, Aries and Aquarius are
Signs Of short ascension. Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn are of
medium ascension. The long ascension Signs are Scorpio, Virgo, Leo and Libra.
The head and other organs of the native will be similar to the Sign ascending
at birth and other relative Signs. The planets occupying such Houses will also
influence the form and shape of the various organs. 39. Favourable Directions
for Journeys. The direction ruled by the Lord of a Rasi becomes Plava direction
for that Rasi. This is Yavana's school of thought. If the king undertakes his
journey towards such direction, indicated by the Rasi concerned, he attains
quick success. 40-4l. Colours of Rasis. From Aries onwards the following 12
colours are allotted to the various Rasis, respectively, red, white, green,
pink, brown, gray, variegated, black, golden, yellow, deep-brown and white. If
an idol of the Lord of the Ascendant is made in the colour allotted and is
worshipped, the native will destroy his enemies, just as Lord Indra destroyed
the demons. Thus ends the 3rd Ch. Rasi Description of Kalyana Varma's Saravali 1-2. Kalapurusha's Soul etc. and their Use. The Sun is the
soul of the Zodiac personified, the Moon mind, Mars strength, Mercury speech
(voice), Jupiter intelligence, Venus comforts, Rahu ego and Saturn grief. If at
birth planets indicative of soul etc. are strong, these significations will
equally be strong. If these planets are weak, the effects are only meager. But
in the case of Saturn it is different. 3-6. The counting of limbs according to
the decanate rising at birth should be identified, as under. If the first
decanate rises, count from head. If second, from neck and, if 3rd, from pelvis.
The 6 Rasis backwards from the Ascendant denote the left side of the body,
while the 6 forward Rasis from Lagna indicate the right side of the body.
Should the first decanate of a Sign ascend, the lapsed part of the Ascendant
denotes left side of the head and the part to rise yet indicates the right side
of the head, the 2nd and 12th denote right and left eyes, respectively, 3rd and
11th right and left ears, 4th and 10th right and left nose, 5th and 9th right
and left cheeks, 6th and 8th right and left chins and the 7th left side of the
face (area yet to rise) and the 7th right side of the face (portion already
descended). If the 2nd decanate rises, neck, shoulder, arms, side, heart,
stomach and navel are to be understood in the same order. Should the third
decanate rise, pelvis, anus, penis, testicle, thigh, knee, calf and feet will
be counted in the same order. The decanates occupied by malefics denote wounds
etc., while the ones by benefics indicate marks (moles) on the limbs concerned.
Should these planets be in their own Rasi, or Amsa at birth, then the wound, or
mole are right from birth. Otherwise these will be caused later on (in
appropriate periods). 7. Planetary Portfolios and their Use. The Sun and the
Moon are said to be the kings. Mercury is the prince, Mars Army chief, Jupiter
and Venus ministers, while Saturn is servant. The native acquires such
qualities, as of the strongest planet. 8. Planetary Directions. The Sun, Venus,
Mars, Rahu, Saturn, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are, respectively, the Lords
of the directions commencing from the East. 9. Planetary Nature. Jupiter,
Mercury and Venus are benefics in nature. Saturn, Mars and the Sun are natural
malefics. Mercury in the company of malefics and the waning Moon are also
considered malefics. 10-11. Synonyms of Planets. Heli and Bhanu are the other
names given to the Sun. The Moon is called Sasi. Kruradrik, Bhomisuta, Ara,
Rakta and Vakra are indicative of Mars. Hemna, Vid, Gna and Bodhana denote
Mercury. Idya, Ijya, Angira and Jiva are the Jupiter's names. Asphujit, Sita
and Bhrigu means Venus. Manda, Kona, Yama and 1. After discussing the Ch. Rasi Prabheda (Ch. 3) and Graha
Yoni Bheda, or Graha Gunadhyaya (Ch. 4) I now explain Misrakadhyaya
(Miscellaneous Ch.), which is the most supreme of all. 2-4. Avasthas, or States
of Planets. Planets have nine states of being, viz. Dipta (radiant), Svastha
(confident), Mudita (rejoiced), Santa (peaceful), Sakta (strong), Nipidita
(oppressed), Bhita (alarmed), Vikala (mutilated) and Khala. A planet in its
exaltation is said to be in Diptavastha. In its own House, it is in
Svasthavastha, friendly House Muditavastha, in beneficial Vargas Santavastha,
with bright rays Saktavastha, in combustion Vikalavastha, if defeated in
planetary war, Nipidita, in malefic Vargas Khalavastha and, if in fall, in
Bhitavastha. Notes. There are 27 Graha Samayas, i.e. planetary conditions.
These will help us know, as to what a planet is doing at a particular moment
with reference to either birth, or query. Such positions reveal specific
results. How to calculate these positions and the effects thereof are noted
below. Find out the number of Signs from Aries to Ascendant. Again find out in
what number of Sign is the planet, for which (Samaya) is required, counted from
Aries. Multiply these figures mutually and again the latest product be
multiplied by the total number of Dasa period years of the planet, as per
Vimsottari Dasha scheme. Divide this by 27 and the remainder indicates Graha
Samaya (some scholars, however, advise, that the planet's position is to be
counted from Lagna instead of Aries. It is wrong counting the planet's position
from Lagna, as the Sloka clearly says, vide Jyotisharnava Navanitam). Let us
assume, that in Virgo Lagna chart the Moon is in Sagittarius. Hence we count
six Signs from Aries through Virgo Ascendant and get 6. Again from Aries to
Sagittarius we get 9. Multiply 9 by 6 to get 54. The Dasha period of the Moon
is 10. When we multiply 54 by 10, we get 540. This, when divided by 27, yields
no balance and hence the 27th Samaya is denoted. Now the scheme of Samayas and
their effects (1-27). Snana: good family, children, respect, success and
position. Vastradharana: precious stones, money, position and clothes.
Pundradharana: dear to people, gains in foreign countries, hard work and
honour. Upadesa: lands, conveyances and happiness. Siva Puja: fond of lands, royal
wrath, expenses and litigations. Aposana: wealth, fond of wicked people.
Vishnvarchana: bile, grief, highly learned. Vipraradhana: fortune, gains from
lands, success over enemies, rich relatives. Namaskara: soft-spoken,
conveyances and capability to speak on either side in arguments. Adri
Pradakshina: bilious diseases, dysentery, litigations and penalties.
Vaisyadeva: position with king, good family, perennial progress. Athithi
Satkara: cheat, jimminks and monetary gains. Bhojana: sick, dismissed from the
circle, cheating. Ambhapana: bad meal, bad acts. Ahamkara: egoism and enmity
with people. Tambula: good position, high learning, money and fame of high
order. Nripalapa: respect, pious disposition, diviee cows. Kiritadharana: big
position in Army, learned, wealthy. Ekanta Sambhashana: lazy, soft-spoken.
Alasya: abundant education, lazy, careless. Sayana: very short-tempered, sick,
disputes in family. Amritapana: foolish, harmful, blaming elders, destruction
(some texts prescribe good results, which only seem to be sensible). Madhupana:
health, good children, beautiful wife, rich food. Dhanarjana: respect, much
wealth, skilful. Bhikshatana: loss, bad teaching. Nidra: long-lasting diseases,
drunkard. Sambhoga: attached to base women, cunning and revengeful. 5. Effects
of a Radiant Planet. Should a planet be in Dipta state at birth, the native
burns his enemies with the fire of his valour. He gathers all kinds of wealth.
His (band of) elephants soak the surface of the earth with the juice, or ichor
exuding from their temples. (That is the native will own a large number of
elephants. See the simultaneous literary ability of Kalyana Varma. A number of
such comparisons can be found in this work) 6. Effects of a Confident Planet.
Should a planet be in Svastha state at birth, the native acquires gold, family
etc. He will be a justice in a king's employ. He will own houses and will amass
grains. His family will prosper. 7. Effects of a Rejoicing Planet. If a planet
is in Mudita state at birth, the native will be pleasingly disposed, will have
wife, gold, diamonds etc., will win the entire band of his foes and will enjoy
all kinds of comforts in life. 8. Effects of a Peaceful Planet. If a planet is
in Santa, or peaceful state at birth, the native will have peaceful mind,
comfort and wealth. He will be a king's minister, will be learned, helpful to
others, religious and fortunate. 9. Effects of a Sakta Planet. If a planet is
in Sakta state at birth, the native will have wife, clothes, scents, garlands
etc. He will be famous, liked by all and have his name spread all-over. 10.
Effects of a Hurt Planet. If a planet is in Pidita (hurt, oppressed) state at
birth, the native will be subjected to grief and sickness and will have
enemies. He will be deprived of his own people and wander from one country to
the other. 11. Effects of an Alarmed Planet. Should a planet be in Bhita state
at birth, the native, even, if he were a king with varied paraphernalia, will
be troubled by enemies. He will lose his men. He will be defeated and will
become poor. 12. Effects of a Mutilated Planet. If a planet is in Vikala state
at birth, the native will be deprived of his place, or position, dirty-hearted,
poor and will wander here and there. He will be frightened by his enemies. 13.
Effects of a Planet in Khalavastha. Should a planet be in Khalavastha, the
native will grieve in sorrow, due to maintaining his wife (the native cannot
maintain even his wife), will lose all his wealth, will have an impure mind and
be never free from miseries. 14. Retrogression in Exaltation. If a planet is
retrograde, while in exaltation, it produces no effect (nothing good will
happen). This is the view held by some. Even, if it is in exaltation by its
entry in retrograde motion from the next Sign (for example Jupiter entering
Cancer from Leo), the effect is same, for it takes unduly long time in such
traversion. 15. Different Effects. A planet in exaltation is considered highly
strong. It is medium in strength in its Mulatrikona Rasi, or own House. Its
strength is only nominal, if it be aspected by a friendly planet, or be in a
friendly Rasi. 16-17. The elders among Yavanas say, that the Moon is of medium
strength for ten days commencing from Sukla Padyami, i.e. first of Bright Lunar
Half. During the following ten days (from the 11th day, or Ekadasi of Bright
Lunar Half through the 5th day, or Panchami of Dark Lunar Half, or Krishna
Paksha) she is exceedingly strong. And during the third ten-day period (from
the 6th day, or Shashti of Dark Lunar Half through the New Moon day, or
Amavasya) she has very little strength. If at birth the Moon has brilliant
rays, is bright circled and full, it makes the native an unencounterable king.
18. Good Results in Mid-Life. If at birth the Lord of Moon Sign, or the Lord of
the Ascendant, or Jupiter be in Kendra, the native is happy in the middle of
his life. 19-20. The effects revealed by various Rasis will correspond to the
strengths of their Lords. Should two planets have identical strength, the one
with higher Naisarga Bala will prevail. According to Chudamani Acharya the
Ascendant's strength equals that of its Lord. 21-24. Swakshetra, Mulatrikona
etc. In Leo up to 20°, it is the Sun's and the rest is his own House. The
Moon's exaltation zone is the first 3° of Taurus, with the remaining portion
being her Mulatrikona. Up to 12° in Aries Mars is in Mulatrikona, the rest is
his own House. Mercury in Virgo has the first 15°, as exaltation, the next 5
(15°1'-20°), as Mulatrikona and the remaining portion is termed, as own House.
In Sagittarius first 10° is Jupiter's Mulatrikona, with the rest being own
House. The first 5° in Libra is Mulatrikona of Venus and the balance his own
House. Aquarius is Mulatrikona for Saturn in the initial 20° portion and the
last 10° in Aquarius is his own House. 25. Effects of Exalted Planets etc. If a
planet is exalted, it gives auspicious results to full extent. It is futile, if
in debilitation. The results are limited in an enemy's camp. The auspicious
effects given by a planet are ¼ in a friendly House, ½ in own House and ¾ in
Mulatrikona Rasi. 26. Inauspiciousness of Planets. A planet is fully
inauspicious, if it is in its debilitation; it is somewhat better in inimical
House. Its inauspicious effects are nil, if it is exalted, ¾ in friendly House,
½ in own House and ¼ in Mulatrikona Rasi. 27. The planetary combination, that
produces Utpata, the planet, that is combust by the Sun, with less brilliance,
which is in debilitation, in enemy's camp, or, that is defeated in planetary
war: such a planet not only loses its potence to be auspicious, but also
becomes capable of bestowing malefic effects in full. 28-30. Effects According
to Exaltation etc. A planet in exaltation gives all kinds of wealth. It confers
ministership, or leadership over Army, if in Mulatrikona Rasi. If it is in own
House, it gives happiness, money, grains, wealth etc. In a friendly House, it
gives fame, splendour, abundant good fortune, long-lasting wealth and also
wealth through king. A planet, that is in its own Hora, makes one courageous.
31-33. A planet in its own decanate confers virtues, while the one in own
Navansa makes one famous. Courage, wealth and fame are bestowed by a planet
occupying its own Sapthamsa. One becomes devout and helpful, if a planet is in
its own Dvadasamsa. A planet in own Trimsamsa gives happiness and good
qualities. When a planet is aspected by a benefic planet, the native becomes
wealthy, famous, fortunate, chief of all, beautiful and happy. 34-35. If a
planet is with Ojha, or Yugma Bala (strength by being in male, or female
Rasis), the native is worshipped by the public, expert in arts, pleased, immune
to sickness and prone to fear of other Worlds. A planet with positional
strength gives perennial happiness, friendship, courage, fixity of mind and
independent profession, or work. 36-38. A planet with directional strength
takes the native to the direction ruled by it and gives clothes, jewels,
conveyances etc. And the native is happy in such a direction. A planet with
Ayana Bala similarly takes the native to its direction and confers various
kinds of wealth apart from fame. In both the cases, the planets should not be
combust, or debilitated. If a planet has Cheshta Bala, it sometimes gives
kingdom, sometimes respect, sometimes money and yet sometimes increases the
fame of the native. 39. Effects of Retrograde Planets. A benefic, if
retrograde, is strong and is capable of conferring kingdom. If a malefic is
retrograde, it causes grief and purposeless wandering. 40. Auspicious Planets.
A planet with clear rays, or, that is conjunct with the Moon, or, that has won
in a planetary war, is capable of bestowing complete happiness and kingdom,
that cannot be seized. 41. Diva Bala and Ratri Bala. A planet, that has Diva
Bala, or Ratri Bala, is capable of conferring lands, elephants etc. Such a
native defeats his enemies with courage and achieves kingdom and wealth. 42.
Effects of Lord of Year etc. The Lords of the year, month, week and Hora
improve two-fold in their Dasas happiness, wealth and fame. That is the Lord of
the month gives two-fold results, as against year Lord, the week Lord two-fold
of month Lord and the Hora Lord two-fold of week Lord. 43. Effects of Paksha
Bala. A planet with Paksha Bala destroys enemies and confers diamonds, robes,
conveyances, wife, gold, land and fame. 44. Effects of a Planet with all
Sources of Strengths. Should a planet have all kinds of strengths stated so far
and be bright with unobscured rays, it confers kingdom exceeding the desires of
the native. 45. Benefic Planets with all-round Strength. If at birth benefic
planets possess all-round strength, the native will have good habits, be
truthful, upright, beautiful, splendourous and be an expert in all deeds,
respectful towards the wise and Gods and will be blessed with scents, garlands,
robes, ornaments etc. 46. Malefics with all-round Strength. Should malefics be
with such all-round strength at birth, the native will be a miser, will do bad
acts, be selfish, jealous of virtuous people, intent on promoting quarrels,
wicked, torturous, dirty, ungrateful, slanderous and ugly. 47-50. Planetary
Stages and Effects thereof. It is boyhood, if a planet is in its own House, or
friendly House. In Mulatrikona Rasi, it is in youth and in adolescence in
exaltation. It is said to be in old stage, if it occupies an inimical House. A
planet in debilitation is in extrimis. The corresponding effects are felt in
the respective planetary Dashas, i.e. periods. The results for such stages are,
respectively, happiness, virtue, kingdom, sickness with debts and death, or
expenses. 51-52. Effects of Planets in Odd and Even Rasis. A planet in odd Rasi
with strength makes the native courageous and a warrior. If it is weak in odd
Rasi, the native is cruel and dull-witted. A planet in even Rasi gives soft
nature, fear for quarrels, love for water, flowers and clothes, good fortune,
health and protection of own men. Thus ends the 5th Ch. Miscellaneous Matters
in Kalyana Varma's Saravali 1. Karaka Planets. Planets posited in own House,
Mulatrikona, or exaltation and simultaneously in Angles become mutual Karakas,
or significators. Such kind of Yoga Karakas (co-workers) are counted only in
regard to Lagna's Angles. This view is held by Acharya Hari. 2. For example
Saturn in Libra, while Cancer Ascendant containing Jupiter and the Moon and
Mars with the Sun in Aries become mutual Karakas. 3. Planets posited in
exaltation, friendly Rasi, own Rasi, or Amsa also become Karakas. The Sun in
the 10th, as above, becomes greatly significant. This is Chanakya's opinion. 4.
Planets though not in Vargas, like own House, become Karakas, if they are in
Lagna, 4th, 10th, or even the 11th. But this view is not acceptable to great
sages. 5-6. Effects of Karakas. Even though a person may be born in base
strata, he will become chief, if he has Karaka Grahas. One born in royal family
without doubt becomes a king in such a case. While analyzing the Yogas, such
Karakatwas are along important and effects should be declared only on that
basis. Thus ends the 6th 1. Lord of Week-Day etc. The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule the week-days etc. Whichever planet becomes the
Lord of the first week-day in the month of Aswina in the year of Aswina, will
become the Lord of month and year. 2-3. The fourth planet counted from the Lord
of the first year rules the second year. Similar counting of fourth Lords for
the subsequent years should be made to know the Lords thereof. There are 24
Horas (planetary hours) in each day (from one Sun-rise to the next). The first
Hora is ruled by the Lord of the week day, while the subsequent ones are ruled
by the Lords of the sixth week-days thereof. Thirty (Savana) days make one
(Savana) month. To know the Lord of the week-day in particular month, the
months past should be multiplied by 30, increased by one and divided by 7. The
remainder represents the Lord of the week-day counted from the earlier week-day
Lord. 4. A Savana month has 30 days and each month, viz. Chaitra, Vaisakha
etc., commences with the first day of Bright half and ends with the 30th Thiti
(Amavasya). 5-6. Bhava Effects. The good effects relating to a Bhava can be
better reaped, if an enterprise relating to that Bhava is started in an
Ascendant ruled by the Lord of that Bhava, or, when the Lord thereof is in an
Upachaya House, or on the week-day, Hora, year, or month ruled by that Bhava
Lord. The good effects will be 25% by year Lord, 50% by month Lord, 75% by Lord
of week and 100% by Hora Lord. 7-13. Planet's Rulerships. The Sun rules snakes,
wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, kings, Aryas (foreigners
in general), river banks, forest, wood and Mantras. The Moon indicates poets,
flowers, eatables, beads, silver, conch, salt, water, arrow, robes, ornaments,
females, Ghi, sesamum, oil and sleep. Mars rules blood, copper, Army, red
cloth. Mercury minerals, earth, king, destruction, swooning, bile and thieves.
Mercury rules Veda, writing, sculpture, medicines, expertise, ministership,
speech, jokes, birds, couples, fame, Vanaspathi (a large forest tree, which
bears fruit apparently without any blossoms) and gold. Jupiter rules
auspiciousness, virtue, physical stoutness, prowess, preceptorship, deputation,
city, state (province), gold, bed, conveyance, position, grains, residence and
sons. Venus rules diamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, friends, wreaths,
females, cow dung, diagnosis (apart from meaning diagnosis also indicates end,
purity, rope to tying up a calf etc.), education, sexual enjoyment and gold.
Saturn is Karaka for lead, zinc, black metals, inferior grains, dead relatives,
fools, servants, mean women, salable goods, poor people and self-restraint
(apart from meaning self-restraint also means investing with sacred thread,
which is in vogue to give “second birth” to Brahmins). 14-15. Planetary Places.
The Sun rules Kalinga (a Coromandel district), the Moon Yavana (Greek,
Mohamedan, or European countries), Venus plain river banks, Jupiter Sindhu
(Indus), Mercury Magadha (southern part of Bihar), Saturn Saurashtra (Gujarat),
Mars Ujjain and the nodes Dravida country (five tribes: Dravida, Karnataka,
Gurjara, Maharashtra and Tailanga). Thus ends the 7th 1-3. A Female Menstruation. Without
the knowledge of conception time one cannot understand the effects of the
various divisions, like Rasi. That is why I explain below about conception,
which is the cause of births of all animals. As a result of Moon's transit in
Anupachaya Rasis and in aspect of Mars, a female obtains her menses. The Moon
is water and Mars is fire. Water produces blood and fire produces bile. When
blood is enraged by bile, the women gets her menstruation. 4-7. The
menstruation so caused makes the female capable of conception. If the Moon is
in Upachaya, it makes the menses defunct for conception. However, if the Moon
in Upachaya is aspected by Jupiter, or her friends, or especially Venus, the
woman affectionately cohabits with the male. If the Moon is aspected by Mars,
the female unites with a person other than husband. The Sun, if aspecting the
Moon, indicates a king, while Saturn aspecting denotes a servant. Similar
inferences should be made, if the Moon is aspected by malefics only, without
aspect of benefics. If the Moon is aspected by malefics, like Mars, then the
female gives up her home and becomes a prostitute. 8-10. The 7th House from
Lagna at the time of copulation indicates the disposition of the couple. If
there is a malefic's aspect to the Lagna at the time of copulation, the couple
unites angrily and with quarrel. Should it be benefic's aspect, then the sexual
enjoyment will be (pleasing), as enumerated by Vatasyayana Maharsi. If there be
both malefic and benefic aspects on the 7th, the sexual act is mixed in nature.
According to one's past deeds, to ripe its fruits the semen enters the womb and
conception ensues. 11-12. Occurrence of Pregnancy. If the transit Sun and Venus
be in Upachaya Rasis with strength with reference to the male partner's
nativity and occupy even Navamsas, there is scope of pregnancy to be caused by
the particular intercourse. Similar effects follow, if strong Moon and strong
Mars be in Upachaya Rasis in transit with reference to the female's horoscope
and be in even Navamsas. Alternatively Venus, Sun, Mars and Moon should be in
Upachaya Houses in own Amsas, or Jupiter be in Lagna, 5th, or 9th with strength
to cause pregnancy. 13. Disposition of Fetus. The child in the womb will be
according to the mental disposition of the couple and their desires and
according to Tridoshas (bile, phlegm and wind) prevailing. 14-15. Sex of the
Child. Should Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and the Sun be strong and be in male Rasis
and male Navamsas, birth of a male child be predicted. If they are in even
Rasis and even Amsas, predict female child. If strong Jupiter and Sun be in
male Rasis, male child will be born. Female child should be expected, if Venus,
Moon and Mars are in even Rasis. 16. Twin Birth. If the Sun and Jupiter be in
Gemini, or Sagittarius in aspect to Mercury, birth of two male children be
predicted. Two female children will be born, if Venus, Mars and the Moon be in
Pisces, or Virgo in aspect (of) Mercury. 17. Male Birth. If Saturn is in odd
House other than Lagna, a male child will be born. Such Yogas and strengths at
the time of Adhana should be properly assessed to predict birth of male, or
female child. 18-20. Birth of Hermaphrodite. Birth of a hermaphrodite should be
declared, if the Sun and the Moon be in odd Rasis and be in mutual aspect, or,
if Mercury and Saturn be in mutual aspect from odd Rasis, or, if Mars aspects
the Sun, who is in an even Rasi, or, if the Moon is in Lagna in odd Rasi. These
are the views of sages. If Mars aspects Mercury in odd Rasi and simultaneously
the Moon in even Rasi, same effect follows. Alternatively if Lagna, Moon and
Mercury be in odd Rasi and odd Navansa and aspected by Venus and Saturn, eunuch
birth is indicated. 21-22. One Male Child and One Female Child to be Born.
Should Lagna and Moon be in even Rasis and be aspected by a strong planet, then
there are twins in the womb (one male child and one female child). Similar
results follow, if the Moon and Venus are in even Rasis, or Common Signs and be
strong. 23-26. Birth of Triplets. The following Yogas prevailing at the time of
Adhana lead to births of triplets. Mercury remaining in Gemini Navansa
aspecting a planet, who also falls in Common Navansa (a), Mercury remaining in
Gemini Navansa aspecting a Sign, which ascends (b), Mercury in Virgo Navansa
aspecting a planet falling in Common Navansa (c), Mercury in Virgo Navansa
aspecting a Common Sign, which ascends (d), Mercury in Gemini Amsa aspecting a
planet in Gemini Amsa, or Sagittarius Amsa (e), Mercury in Gemini Navansa
aspecting the Lagna, which falls in Gemini Navansa, or Sagittarius Navansa (f),
Mercury in 7th aspecting a planet in Kanya, or Meena Navansa, or aspecting such
Lagna Navansa (g). Combinations (a) and (b) lead to birth of triplets - one female
and two males. Combinations (c) and (d) cause birth of triplets consisting of
two females and one male. Combinations at (e) and (f) cause three male
children, while the ones at (g) indicate three female children. 27. Mother,
Father, etc. If births take place in day-time, Venus indicates mother, while
the Sun indicates father. In the case of nights the Moon and Saturn,
respectively, play these roles. Similarly the Moon denotes mother's sister and
Saturn paternal uncle for day-time births, while Venus and the Sun take over
these portfolios, respectively, in the case of night births. 28. Effects of
such Planets. If the planets denoting father and paternal uncle are in odd
Bhavas, their well-being is assured. If the planets denoting mother and
maternal aunt are in even Bhavas, their well-being is to be predicted. 29-31.
Process of Growth of Embryo and Lords thereof. The embryo in the womb improves,
as under. First month coagulated blood, second mass of flesh, third limbs,
fourth bones, fifth skin, sixth hair, seventh movement, eighth feeling of
hunger and thirst, ninth excitement and tenth riped, like a fruit and ready for
coming out of the womb. These ten months are ruled, respectively, by Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Lord of Nisheka Lagna, the
Moon and the Sun. The dispositions of these Lords indicate good, or bad of the
respective processes. 32-33. Miscarriage. Should a planet be affected by
celestial portents, or defeat by malefic at the time of intercourse,
miscarriage may take place in the month ruled by the planet concerned. The
Ascendant ruling at the time of intercourse can also become cause of
miscarriage. If Saturn and Mars be in the said Ascendant, or the Moon be in a
House of Mars, or Saturn, the results mentioned will come to pass. 34.
Comfortable Carrying. Should the Adhana Ascendant be occupied by Moon, or
should there be benefics in the 5th, 9th, 7th, 2nd, 10th, 4th and malefics
relegated to 3rd and 11th aspected by the Sun, the carrying female is safe.
35-41. Adversities to the Pregnant Woman. If at the time of Adhana the Sun and
the Moon are hemmed between two malefics, while the Ascendant has no benefic
aspect, the female concerned dies. The same effect prevails, if the said
Ascendant and the 7th are occupied by malefics and be without benefic aspect,
or, if the said Ascendant is occupied by Saturn and weak Moon aspected by Mars.
Again similar effects shall come to pass, if weak Moon and the Sun are in 12th,
Mars in 4th, while Venus is between two malefics. Both the child in the womb
and its mother leave this world, if malefics occupy the 4th from the said
Ascendant, or from the Moon, while Mars is in the 7th, or Lagna. The same
result follows, if Mars is in 4th, Sun in 12th and the Moon be decreasing and
be with malefic aspect. If the Sun is in Lagna, while the Moon is weak, or, if
Mars is in Lagna, while malefics are in 12th and 2nd without benefics' aspect,
death occurs of the mother along with child. The Sun in the 7th at Adhana,
while Mars is in Lagna, takes away the child along with its mother through
instruments. 42-43. Progress of Pregnancy. Should there be aspects from
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, or the Sun to the Lagna, the process of pregnancy goes
on well. The embryo develops according to the state of the Lords of various
months (in transit). In the third month the pregnant woman develops tastes to
eat various things according to the disposition of the various monthly Lords
and Lagna Lord and the Yogas caused to them. 44-45. Time of Delivery. If at the
time of Nisheka (i.e. Adhana) the Sun is in a Movable Sign, delivery takes
place in the 10th month, if he is in a Fixed Sign, delivery in 11th month is
indicated and in a Dual Sign it is in 12th month. If a Movable Rasi ascends at
Adhana, delivery takes place in 10th month, a Fixed 11th and Dual 12th. 46-47.
The matter of delivery can be guessed through the Vargas of Nisheka Lagna. The
natal Moon can be in the 10th from Adhana Moon. This view is held by many
Acharyas. According to Badarayana the natal Ascendant will be in the 7th from
Adhana Lagna and natal Moon will be in the 7th from Adhana Moon. Since there
are several views on this, I explain below a view, which is acceptable to all.
48. View Acceptable to all about Natal Moon. Note the Dwadasamsa of the Moon at
the time of Adhana. When Moon is so many Signs away from her Adhana position
(in a month, when delivery is normally possible), delivery will take place. 49.
Should a Navansa of Saturn rule the Nisheka Lagna and Saturn be in the 7th, the
delivery takes place after three years. If Cancer be the Navansa Lagna with the
Moon in the 7th (from Rasi Lagna), delivery occurs after twelve years. 50.
Fraction of Day, or Night for Delivery. According to Nisheka Lagna being a day
Sign, or night Sign, delivery will be after so much of fraction of night, or
day having passed. 51-52. Thus should be understood the possible time of birth
in day, or night and the Lagna at birth. In similar manner the difference
between sunrise and birth, i.e. natal Ascendant and (week)day, fortnight,
Muhurta month etc. should be guessed. Such details relating to birth should
first be ascertained and then predictions should be issued with reference to
nativity by astrologers. 53-55. Yogas for Eye Defects. If at the time of Adhana
(or at birth) the Sun and Moon are in Leo identical with Lagna, the child born
will be blind. There should be aspect of Mars and Saturn on Leo. A bubble on
the eye should be predicted, if Mars and Mercury aspect the said Sun and Moon
in Leo Lagna. I shall further explain Yogas affecting the eyes. Should the 12th
be occupied by waning Moon, left eye is destroyed and, if by the Sun, it is the
right eye. If, however, benefics aspect (the said 12th and the Sun/Moon), then
by (suitable) efforts the eye can be repaired. 56. If malefics are in Rasi
Sandhi and the Moon is in Taurus aspected by Mars, Saturn and the Sun, the
native born will be dumb. If, however, there is benefic's aspect, the person
speaks later on. 57. If malefic planets are in Rasi Sandhis, while there is no benefic
aspect on the Moon, the native born is dullwitted. Should Saturn and Mars be in
a Navansa of Mercury, the birth is with teeth. 58. Should Mercury be in 5th, or
9th from the Ascendant, while all other planets are devoid of strength, the
child has 2 faces, 4 hands and 4 legs. 59. If the last portion of Capricorn
rises with aspect from Saturn and the Luminaries, the native is short-statured.
The same effect prevails, if the Moon is in Cancer identical with Ascendant and
aspected by Mars and Saturn. 60. If Pisces rises at birth with aspect from
Mars, Saturn and the Moon, the child born is lame. If there is a benefic's
aspect to the said combination, then relief can be expected after making
efforts. 61. Should Mars be in the Ascendant and fall in the ascendental
decanate, or a trinal decanate, receiving the aspect of malefics, while
benefics are devoid of strength, the child in the womb develops no head, no
legs and no hands, respectively. 62. Whatever is stated in this 1. In the absence of knowledge of longevity, attempts to
know other information are futile. So I explain below Arishtas (evils) in order
to determine longevity. 2. Male planets are strong in odd Rasis, bright lunar
half and day-time. Female planets are strong in even Rasis, dark lunar half and
night-time. 3. There are three kinds of evils, explained by astrological expounders.
These are preordained, accidental and Yogaja (arising of
planetary combinations). The third kind is dealt with below, while
others are explained later on. 4. Should Jupiter be in 8th and in a House of
Mars and aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn, the child dies in 3 years. 5.
If Saturn is retrograde in a House of Mars, while Moon is in 6th, 8th, or an
Angle and aspect Mars, the child born lives for two years. 6-7. If Saturn joins
Sun and Moon at birth, the life-span is only nine years, according to
Brahmasaunda. Should Mars, Sun and Saturn be in Taurus identical with 8th, the
native lives for one month even though Lord Yama may try to save him. 8-9.
Even, if there be a single malefic in 8th House, owned by Venus and aspected by
other malefics, the native lives for one year only in spite of the fact, that
he may drink nectar. If Venus is in 12th, 6th, or 8th, owned by Sun, or Moon
and is aspected by all benefics, the life-span is six years. 10-11. If Mercury
occupies Cancer identical with 6th, or 8th from Ascendant and is aspected by
the Moon, life is only up to 4. The efficacious Raja Yogas expounded by Yavanas
may produce persons of high descent. Even such children are subject to
premature end in this case. 12-13. If the birth star
is identical with the one, in which Ketu rises, the native lives only for two
months. Should the Sun be in 10th House identical with that of Mars, or Saturn
and aspected by strong malefic, the native faces immediate death. 14-15. Should
the Ascendant fall in Nigala, Sarpa, Pakshi, or Pasa decanate and be occupied
by malefic planets, without the aspect of the decanate Lord concerned, the
native lives up to 7 years only. If Rahu is in an Angle and aspected by
malefics, the longevity is only 10, while, according to some, it is 16. 16-17. If malefics are Angles and Trines, while benefics are
relegated to 6th, 8th and 12th, one born at the time of sunrise dies at once.
If the three planets, viz. the Lords of Navansa Lagna, Moon Sign and natal
Ascendant, are combust, the person lives just for a few years. 18. If the 6th
is occupied by the Ascendant Lord, death occurs in the year corresponding to
Rasi concerned. If the occupant is the Lord of rising decanate, death occurs in
the month corresponding to Rasi concerned and, if it is Lord of Navansa Lagna,
the Rasi concerned causes death in so many days. 19. If Saturn is in the
Ascendant in aspect to malefics, longevity is only 16 days. If Saturn in the
Ascendant is in the company of malefics, death occurs in a month and, if he is
alone in the Ascendant without malefic connections, the child lives for one
year. 20-22. If weak Moon is in the Ascendant
excepting Cancer, Taurus and Aries and is aspected by malefics, the child
passes away (soon). The Moon in 6th, or 8th, if aspected by
malefics, causes death in one year, while, when aspected by benefics, she kills
in the 8th year. Should the aspect be from both benefics and malefics,
the life-span is only 4. This should be decided
according to the strength of such bodies. 23-24. Should
benefics be in 6th, or 8th and be aspected, or conjoined with retrograde
malefic, without the aspect of benefic, the child lives only for one month. If
malefics are in 12th, 2nd, 6th and 8th, without connection of benefics, the
child dies in 6, or 8 months. 25-26. If the Lords of Lagna and the Moon Sign
are together in 6th, 8th, or 12th and be combust, the child dies in the year
corresponding to the Rasi. Should the Lord of the Ascendant be in 7th, defeated
by a malefic and be without a benefic's aspect, death occurs in a month.
Similar clues should be drawn from Moon and her dispositor. 27-28. If Moon is
conjoined with Mars and Sun and be in 2nd, or 5th unaspected by benefics, the
child doubtlessly dies in the 9th year. Sages declare, that, if the Ascendant
Lord is in 8th in aspect to all the malefics, who are with strength, the child dies in the fourth month. 29-30. If
the Lord of Moon Sign, the Sun and his son are in 8th, the child dies in the
year corresponding to the Rasi concerned. Should the Moon be with malefics, be
in 12th, 8th, 6th, or Ascendant and be not aspected by benefics, while benefics
are non-angular, the child dies at once. 31-32. If
malefics are in the oriental half of the Zodiac (from 10th to 4th Bhava Madhya)
with benefics relegated to the occidental half, birth in Scorpio Ascendant
causes what is Vajra Mushti Yoga. One born in such a Yoga
does hardly live. According to Yavanas, if weak Moon is in Lagna, while
malefics are angular, or in 8th, (instant) death is caused. 33-34. One born in twilight does not live long, if the Ascendant
falls in lunar Hora, while malefics are posited in the end of the Rasis, which
are angular, along with the Moon. Should the Moon be amidst two malefics and be
in 7th, 4th, or 8th, even Gods cannot save one from (instant) death. 35-36. If
the Moon is hemmed between two malefics, be in the Ascendant, 7th, or 8th and
be in aspect to weak benefics, (infant) death follows. Should malefics be in
7th and 8th and be aspected by malefics, the child dies along with its mother. If
there be aspect from benefics in such a case, the mother becomes sick (there
will not be immediate death). 37-38. If the Moon be eclipsed and be in the
Ascendant along with malefics, while Mars is in 8th, the child quits the world
along with its mother. The mother dies of weapons along with the child, if it
be a solar eclipse with Sun and malefics in the Ascendant, while Mars is in
8th. Should weak Moon be in the Ascendant and malefics be angular, or in 8th,
without benefic's aspect, death is imminent. This view is of Satyacarya. 39-40.
The undermentioned combinations cause death soon. Sun
in 7th, while Saturn, or Mars is in Ascendant. Sun in
Ascendant, while Saturn, or Mars is in 7th. Saturn, or Mars joining Moon and she not aspected by benefics.
Malefics in Ascendant, 8th, 7th, 4th and 10th, the Moon be decreasing in 12th.
41-42. Moon, Sun, Saturn and Mars are capable of inflicting infant death, if
they are together in Ascendant, 12th, 9th, or 8th, unaspected by Jupiter. If
Ascendant is tenanted by Sun, or Moon, while malefics are in Trines,
or 8th and be not aspected by, or conjoined with benefics, according to
Yavanas, infant death is caused. 43-44. Venus joining the Sun and Saturn causes
instant death. This combination doubtlessly gives death in the 9th year, if
aspected by Jupiter. Death in childhood occurs, if Moon is conjoined with Mars,
Sun and Saturn, provided unaspected by benefic planets. 45-46. If Sun is aspected by Mars and Saturn in the case of a day
birth, it soon leads to death of the father. The Sun joining malefics (for day
birth) also indicates the same effect. The child's father and paternal
grandfather will face early death, if Sun is in Ascendant along with Mars and
Saturn, but unrelated to Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. 47-48. If Sun is hemmed
between two malefics, or is conjoined with malefics, one born during day-time
loses his father early without any doubt. The child's father at once quits the
world, if planet Sun has Mars and Saturn in 8th from him unaspected by
benefics. 49-50. If at birth Sun is in a Movable Rasi
along with malefics, the father of the child dies of poison, weapons etc.
Malefics (or even a malefic) in 8th, 9th, or 7th from Moon can cause death of
the child along with its mother. 51-52. The father of
the child was away at the time of birth, if Sun is in a Movable Sign, in case
of day birth and aspected by Mars. Saturn in a Movable Rasi and in aspect to
the Sun in the case of night birth denotes same results. 53-54. In the case of
night birth, if Saturn is in a Movable Sign along with Mars, the father
undoubtedly dies in a distant place. If Sun joins Mars and Saturn in any Rasi,
the father dies before the birth of the native. 55-56. If
malefics are disposed in Ascendant, 8th, 7th, 6th and 12th, the child dies
along with its mother. There is no doubt in it. Should only 6th and 8th be
occupied by malefics, the mother does not die, but the child dies. The reverse
is true, if malefics are in Ascendant, 8th and 7th. 57-67. Mars,
or Saturn in 12th can deprive the native of his eyes. Saturn right and Mars
left eye. The native becomes blind, if Sun and Moon are in 12th, while 6th and
8th are occupied by malefics. Even, if one among the Sun and the Moon is in
12th, damage to eye is indicated (Sun affects the right eye, while Moon affects
the left one). If Rahu is in Ascendant, while Sun is in 7th, the native is
blind by birth. Should 2nd and 12th be occupied by Moon and Sun, while malefics
are in 8th and 6th, the person born is blind. If Moon is in 6th, Sun in 8th,
Saturn in 9th and Mars in 2nd, simultaneously, the native is blind. Should Moon
be in the company of Mars and Saturn and be posited in 8th, or 6th, the native
looses his eyesight due to bilious and phlegmatic imbalances. Should the said
Moon be conjunct other malefics, apart from Mars and Saturn, in this
combination, if the House involving Moon is the 8th, the damage is to the right
eye and, if it be the 6th, the left eye is damaged. Should, however, this
combination be aspected by benefics, the damage is not at birth, but will be
later on. If Moon is in 8th, or 12th along with Saturn and be aspected by
malefics, eyesight is lost due to windy and phlegmatic complaints (here also
8th indicates right, while 12th the left eye). And, if benefics aspect the said
Moon in 8th/12th, the loss is not at birth, but in the course of time. If Moon
is thus associated with Saturn and Sun (in several ways), damage to eyes is to
be predicted. 68-70. YOGAS ADVERSE FOR EARS. Moon in
11th, 3rd, or Ascendant along with malefics causes defects of the ears. If she
is aspected by malefics, the effect is along with birth (i.e. immediate).
Should 9th and 5th be aspected, or occupied by malefics, ear defects at the
time of birth exist. Malefics in 9th affect the right ear, while in 5th they
damage the left ear. Benefics aspecting, or occupying these Houses cause on the
other hand good in respect of ears. 71-73. Whatever
Rasi is indicative of a disease shall be treated, as the limb to be afflicted
by such disease. The Moon Sign can also be similarly considered. Benefics cause
birth marks on the right, or left side of the body, according to their
occupation. Should malefics aspect these benefics, loss of concerned limb
should be expected. Malefics and benefics according to their association with
Moon and the visible and invisible halves (counted from Lagna) cause bad and
good results in this respect. 74-76. DEATH IN FEW DAYS.
The Sun and the Moon in the 3rd House identical with Pisces cause illness from
birth and the child lives only for three days. If the Moon is in the 10th from
the Ascendant, while the Sun singly, or with all others is in the 3rd asterism
from that occupied by the Moon, the child lives only for one night. The life
span is just one week, if the Sun and Mars are in the 7th from the Moon. 77-82. EFFECTS OF TIME OF STARTING OF DISEASES. The
following combinations prevailing at the time of a disease cause death in so
many days, as indicated: 1) Malefics in 4th and 8th from Lagna-10 days. 2)
Malefics in 2nd and 12th from Lagna10 days. 3) The Sun in 5th, while Moon is in
9th from the Ascendant12 days. 4) The Moon in Angle, while the Sun is in 4th, or 8th 3 nights. 5) The Moon in the 4th, while the Sun
is in the 6th 18 days. 6) The Sun in the 5th, or 9th from the Moon20 days. 7)
The Sun in the Ascendant, or the 8th and in aspect to
Saturn and Mars will finally inflict death on the patient. 83-88. Mars in
Lagna, or other Angles, while Jupiter is not so causes death. The Sun in Lagna, Jupiter non angular and malefics in the 8th cause
immediate death. Similar results should be predicted, if the Moon is in
the Ascendant, while Jupiter is in a place other than Angles and malefics are
in the 8th. Malefics in the 7th from the rising decanate, while the Moon is in
the Ascendant will also cause death at birth. (In this case, the Moon shall be
in the rising decanate, while malefics shall occupy the l9th decanate). A majority of planets in the 8thprimarily maleficsindicate
longevity ranging from seven days to one month. A dead child is born, if
Saturn is in the Ascendant, while Mars is in the 8th, with Jupiter being not in
THEREOF. Saturn in the rising decanate, while a malefic is in the 5th
and another in the 9ththe latter two should be exactly on trinal decanates, as
Saturn isindicates disease. Mars in the place of Saturn in the said combination
denotes (infant) death, while the Sun so placed indicates disease, deformity,
or death. 91. DEATH. If at birth Mars is in the Ascendant, while Venus is in an
Angle, Mars causes death, when he resumes the same point in the next round in
his transit. 92. If Jupiter is in a Trine, Ascendant Lord in the Ascendant and
Mars in an Angle to one of them, it can cause immediate death. 93-97. EXCEEDINGLY LONG LIFE. The native lives for 108
years, if the 8th House is not occupied, while Ascendant is free from malefic
residence and Jupiter is in an Angle. A span of over 108 years is granted, if
Jupiter and Venus are in an Angle, while there are no malefics in Trines and
the 8th. Predict 120 years of life, if Venus is in the Ascendant, Jupiter is in
an Angle other than the Ascendant and the 8th House is not occupied by
malefics. Similar span of life is given, if Jupiter is in Cancer Ascendant
along with Venus, or the Moon, while the 8th House is not occupied. If Angles,
Trines and the 8th House are not occupied by malefics, one's longevity is
comparable to that of Gods. 98. ELAPSED LONGEVITY. Weak Moon along with
malefics, if posited in the 8th, 7th, 12th, 1st, 5th, or 9th and unaspected by
benefics will only grant elapsed longevity, i.e. immediate death. 99. TIMING
INFANT DEATH. When the child with powerful infant mortal combinations is in its
first year, death will come to pass, if the Moon with strength passes over the
natal position of another qualified planet, or on its own natal position (i.e.
Janma Rasi), or natal Ascendant. In all these cases, the Moon should be
aspected by malefics. 100-103. DEATH IN CHILDHOOD. Any
one group of the following planets joining in one House will cause death in
five years: d) The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, 2) Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
and the Moon, 3) The Sun, Saturn, Mars and the Moon. Even, if a child is on the
God's laps, it will die in 11th year, if the Sun conjunct Mercury is aspected
by malefics. Death within 7 years of age will occur, if the Sun is in the
Ascendant along with Mars and Saturn, while declining Moon is in the 7th House
in a House owned by Venus, provided this combination is not aspected by
Jupiter. Should the Sun and the declining Moon be in Angles and be conjunct
with, or in aspect to Mars and Saturn, the child has a longevity of only 4
years. In these cases, i.e., where child mortality is indicated, there is no
use of making any calculations. 104. DEATH IN THIRD YEAR. If waning Moon, or Lagna Lord be in the Marana Pada and aspected by
all the malefics, but not benefics, the length of life is only 3 years. Notes:
Marana Pada has been interpreted, as 8th House by some. But it actually means
the Rasi counted so many Signs away from the Rasi, in which the 8th Lord is, as
he is away from the 8th. Note how many Signs away the 8th Lord is from the 8th.
So many Rasis away from the 8th Lord's Rasi is Marana Pada. 105-107. If all benefic planets are in the visible half of the
Zodiac, while malefics are relegated the invisible half Rahu be specifically in
the Ascendantat the time of birth, the longevity is only 3 years. Should Rahu
be in the 7th House in exclusive aspect to the Luminaries and be unaspected by
others, death before the age of 12 is denoted. 108-110. If Rahu is in Aquarius,
Leo, or Scorpio identical with the Ascendant and is aspected by malefics, the
life span is only 7. If Dhuma Ketu rises followed by fall of meteor and strong
gale and, if birth occurs in Raudra Muhurta, or Sarpa Muhurta, the subject
invites early death. 111-114. FATEFUL DEGREES OF THE MOON.
The Moon is capable of inflicting death, if she is in any of the following
degrees at birth: Aquarius 21, Leo 5, Taurus 9, Scorpio 23, Aries 8, Cancer 12,
Libra 4, Capricorn 20, Virgo 1, Sagittarius 18, Pisces 10 and Gemini 22. If the
Moon is in such degrees at birth, death is indicated in the corresponding year
and the native cannot be protected by even God Yama. 115-118. Assess the
strengths of Ascendant, Angles etc., at birth. Jupiter is life spirit of all
natives. The time of death should be known through Jupiter. If he is in the
3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th, or Ascendant, he proves fatal at the
age of 5 10, 46, 20. 30, 40 and 50, respectively. Thus
ends the 10th 1-2. I now explain the combinations, that
are capable of nullifying the said evils, for these are important in the
Science of Horoscopy and initially explained below are the Yogas to counteract
the evils emanating from, or afflicting the Moon, as done by expounders, like
Lord Brahma. 3-4. If the Moon is Full and is aspected
by all heavenly bodies, all evils are countered, just as lawbreakers are
destroyed by the king. Venus aspecting the Full Moon, while the latter is in
friendly divisions is capable of obstructing evils, just as abdominal remedies
are able to cure windy diseases. 5-6. Should the Moon
be in her deep exaltation and be aspected by Venus, evils are countered, just as
phlegm and bile are controlled by induced vomiting. If the Moon be in the
divisions of benefic planets and be aspected by benefics, she will not prove
evil though she may be waning, just as nutmeg bark treats dysentery. 7-8.
Benefics in the 7th, 8th and 6th from the Moon remove all adversities, just as
madness is removed by Kalyana Grita. Same is the case, if the Moon is conjunct
benefics and be in the decanates owned by benefics, just as saline water
controls ear diseases. 9-10. Should the full Moon be in
a benefic's Dwadasamsa, all evils are removed, just as butter-milk checks
piles. If the Moon occupies a benefic's Rasi and receives the Lagna Lord's
aspect, adversities for short-life are counteracted, as even a noble housewife
can destroy the fame of the descent, if she seeks union with other men. 11-12.
Even though the Moon may be in a House owned by a malefic, or in such Vargas,
she does not prove evil, if aspected by her dispositor. This is comparable-to a
miser protecting his money. If the dispositor of the Moon is strong and be in
aspect to benefics, or friendly planets, the Moon is not capable of harming, in
comparison to a timid person, who cannot face others even though he may be in
war field. 13-14. If the Lord of the Moon Sign is in Lagna and is aspected by
all planets, all evils are removed, just as the ointment of holy fig and bamboo
bark removes whiteness. The Moon in her exaltation, own, friendly, or benefic
Vargas, aspected by benefics, but not malefics counteracts all-evils, as the
Sun does remove fog. 15. Just as quartan fever is removed by inhaling Agashya
flower, all evils are checked by Mercury and Venus in the 12th of Moon,
malefics in the 11th and Jupiter in the 10th. 16-17. Should
the Moon be in the 6th, 3rd, 10th, 11th, or 4th from the natal Ascendant and be
aspected by benefics, evils are removed, as though a king destroys his
opponents. The Lord of the Moon Sign is singly capable of removing all evils,
if he is with full strength and aspected by benefics, similar to an inebriated
tiger throwing away a thousand deer. Thus ends the 11th 1. A very brilliant Jupiter (i.e. not being devoid of rays)
is capable of counteracting all evils, if he is in the Ascendant, just as a
single sincere Prostration before Lord Vishnu, the wearer of Sudarshana Chakra,
relieves one of the greatest sins. 2. Benefics with strength and malefics
without it remove all evils, if Ascendant falls in a benefic's House and is
aspected by benefics, just as those, who worship planets will have no sins left
to their liability. 3-5. If malefics occupy the Rasis
and Amsas of benefics (i.e. such benefic divisions) and be in aspect to
benefics, evils are removed, just as a dejected lady remains away from her
husband. Should Rahu be in the 3rd, 6th, or 11th from the Ascendant and be
aspected by benefics all evils are destroyed, as though wind carries away a
heap of cotton with it. If all planets be in direct motion and in Seershodaya
Signs, all blemishes are removed, just as ghee is burnt out in fire. 6-7. A benefic planet victorious in planetary war at birth and
essentially aspected by another benefic, destroys all evils, just as a gale can
uproot trees. If a planet has a halo (in the sky) and is aspected by a malefic,
evils are countered, just as the solar eclipse day bath in Kurukshetra does.
8-9. If there is a pleasant breeze at the time of
birth and the sky is with pleasing clouds and the heavenly bodies be with
splendour, the evils disappear in a fillip, just as rains settle dust. If birth
takes place, when Agasthya and others of Saptharshis (Alfa Carini, or Great
Bear) rise, all evils are destroyed, just as darkness disappears, when the Sun
rises. 10-11. Rahu in the Ascendant identical with Aries, Taurus, or Cancer
protects the native from the clutches of all evils, just as a pleased king
forgives the crimes of a person. If all the planets (not of course the nodes)
arc in their own decanates, all evils are removed, just as the Sun removes
darkness. 12. If at birth many planets are capable of giving benefic results,
even then there is no blemish, just as the king gets success in journey
undertaken, when the Moon is in a Trine to the Sun. 13. Should Jupiter and
Venus be in Angles, evils arising out of the various Rasis (i.e. Bhavas) and of
the Moon are countered. And the native lives for hundred years. 14. If Jupiter
and the Moon be in Cancer, identical with 4th, 10th,
or the Ascendant, Mercury and Saturn be in Libra, while others are in the 11th,
3rd and 6th, one has illimitable longevity. 15. I have thus explained the
Yogas, that are capable of countering the evils, as laid down by our great
ancestors May the astrologers please the king with the knowledge of these. Thus
ends the 12th 1. SUNAPHA, ANAPHA AND DURUDHURA YOGAS. Excepting the Sun,
any other planet in the 2nd from the Moon causes Sunapha Yoga, in the 12th
Anapha Yoga and in both the 2nd and the 12th Durudhura Yoga. 2. KEMADRUMA YOGA.
Kemadruma Yoga is formed, if at least one of the said three Yogas (viz.
Sunapha, Anapha and Durudhura Yogas) is not present, or, if the Moon's Angles
are devoid of planets, or, if she is unaspected by all the planets. Such Yoga
causes extreme difficulties. 3. DIFFERENT PERMUTATIONS. By all possible
permutations and transmutations, one can see 30 kinds of Sunapha Yoga, 30 kinds
of Anapha Yoga and 180 kinds of Durudhura Yoga. 4. EFFECTS OF SUNAPHA YOGA. One
born with Sunapha Yoga will be wealthy, will have self-made prowess (or will
reach an exalted position of his own efforts), be very virtuous, be learned in
Shastras and their meanings, be very famous, virtuous (like Lord Rama), be
peacefully disposed, happy, be a king, or a minister and be highly intelligent.
5. EFFECTS OF ANAPHA YOGA. One born in Anapha Yoga will be eloquent in speech,
magnanimous, virtuous, will enjoy food, drink, flowers, robes and females, will
be famous, calm in disposition, happy, pleased and will possess a beautiful
body. 6. EFFECTS OF DURUDHURA YOGA. One born in Durudhura Yoga will be famous
on the earth for his speech, wisdom, valour and virtues. He will enjoy freedom,
comforts, wealth and conveyances. He will be liberal, but will come to grief by
maintaining his family members. He will have good behavior. 7. EFFECTS OF
KEMADRUMA YOGA. The native with Kemadruma Yoga will be deprived of life,
drinks, food, residence, robes and friends, though he may belong to regal
scion. He will suffer from poverty, grief, sickness and be dirty. He will live
by hard labor, be wicked and be inimically disposed to one and all. 8-9. OTHER KIND OF SUNAPHA ETC. The kind
of Sunapha Yoga etc. arising from the Moon's Angles are (also)
important. These Yogas give effects according to the state of the Moon (i.e.
depending on her rays, being Full, New etc.). The strength of the planets, viz.
Mars etc., causing these Yogas, native's country and the race he belongs to
must be properly understood before evaluating Sunapha etc. 10-11. RESULTS OF SUCH YOGAS CAUSED BY MARS ETC. If Sunapha Yoga is
caused by Mars (by being in the 2nd of the Moon), the native will be valorous,
wealthy, cruel in speech, be an Army chief, will be fierce, torturous, proud
and inimical. If Mercury be the cause of Sunapha Yoga, the native will be
expert in Vedas, Shastras and music. He will be virtuous and a poet. He will be
high-minded, intent on thinking of good for all and will possess a brilliant
physique. 12-14. Should Jupiter cause Sunapha Yoga, a
person so born will have high learning, will be famous and himself be a king,
or dear to a king. He will have a good family and have plenty of wealth. Venus
will give wife, lands, wealth, prowess, quadrupeds and valour. The native will
further be honoured by king and will also be courageous. Should Saturn be in
the 2nd of the Moon causing Sunapha Yoga, the native will be skillful, be
worshipped by the people in his village and city and will have wealth galore.
He will be devoted to his work and be brave. 15-19. ANAPHA
YOGA'S EFFECTS GIVEN BY MARS ETC. If Anapha Yoga is caused by Mars-being
in the 12th from the Moonthe native will head a band of thieves, will be
arrogant in disposition, be honoured, fond of war,
given to anger, good, praiseworthy, good-bodied and proud. If by Mercury, the
native will be an expert in singing, dancing and writing,
will be a poet and an able orator. He will be conferred honours by tile ruler. will have a brilliant body and will perform famous deeds.
Should the Yoga be caused by Jupiter, the native will be majestic, strong,
intelligent, fond of assembly, famous through a king and will be a poet. Venus
causing this Yoga gives an exceedingly great liking for women. The native will
be dear to the king and will enjoy pleasures. He will be splendourous, famous
and will have abundant gold. If Saturn causes this Yoga, the subject will be
broad-shouldered, be a leader, be indired to keep up
his commitments, be rich with quadrupeds, devoted to an infamous lady and be
is caused by the pair of Mars and Mercury, the native will be a liar, be very
wealthy, expert, very wicked, greatly miserly, addicted
to an old lady and be chief in his race. 21. If durudhura Yoga is caused by
Mars and Jupiter, one will be famous by his deeds, be mighty (or wealthy),
inimically disposed to many and disposed to anger,
will protect his men and will gather money. 22. If the Moon has Venus and Mars
on either side, the native will have a virtuous wife, will be fortunate,
argumentative, pure, skillful, will like doing
exercises and be bold in war. 23. If Saturn and Mars plank the Moon, the native
will be the husband of a bad lady. He will save a lot of money. He will have
vices. He will be given to anger and be a tale bearer. He will win over his
enemies. 24. Should Jupiter and Mercury be on either side of the Moon, the
native will be virtuous, learned in Shastras, garrulous, be a good poet, be
wealthy, capable of making sacrifices and be famous. 25. If Durudhura Yoga is
caused by Mercury and Venus, the person will be a sweet speaker, be fortunate,
splendourous, beautiful, be fond of dance, singing
etc., be served, valiant and be a minister. 26. If Mercury and Saturn plank the
Moon, the native will move from one country to the other to earn money. He will
not be much educated, will be worshipped by others, but be inimical to his own
men. 27. Should Jupiter and Venus cause this Yoga, by being on either side of
the Moon, the native will be courageous, intelligent, will have political
wisdom, will possess gold and gems, will be famous and be in the employ of a
king. 28.1f Jupiter and Saturn be such planets, as to
cause Durudhura Yoga the native will be happy, will have knowledge of politics,
will be sweet in speech, learned, peaceful, wealthy and good looking. 29. One,
who has Durudhura Yoga caused by Venus and Saturn will conduct himself, like an
old man (i.e. so mature), be chief in his race, skillful, dear to women and
will have plenty of money. He will be honoured by the king and gather abundant
wealth. 30. LUNAR YOGAS FROM THE SUN. If the Moon is in an Angle from the Sun,
little effects will be felt in regard to money, wisdom, skill, learning and
modesty. These are medium, if the Moon be in Panaphara (i.e. 2nd 5th, 8th and
11th) and exceedingly good in Apoklima (i.e. 3rd, 6th. 9th and 12th). 31. MOON
IN VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE HALVES. In the case of a night birth, if the Moon is
with Parivesha (halo) and be declining in the invisible half of the Zodiac
(i.e. being posited between Lagna Bhava Madhya and the center of the
descendant7th House), or declining Moon in day time be in the visible half
(i.e. between the centres of the descendant and the Ascendant), even results
will be felt in respect of fear, grief etc., (that is these positions confer
bad results). The Full Moon gives kingdom, if she be contrarily posited. 32.
DHANA YOGAS. If all benefics are posited in Upachayas i.e. 3, 6, 10 and 11, the
native will acquire much wealth. Two benefics confer moderate wealth, while one
confers little wealth in the said Upachaya. These can be deduced from the Moon
also. 33. There are other Raja Yogas, like Adhi Yoga arising from the Moon. I
have not dealt with them here which I have done infra. Thus ends the 13th 1. VASI, VESI, UBHAYACHARI YOGAS FROM THE SUN. Excluding the
Moon (and nodes) a planet in the 12th from the Sun causes Vasi Yoga, in the 2nd
Vesi Yoga and in both the 12th and the 2nd Ubhayachari Yoga. 2. RESULTS OF VESI
YOGA. One born in Vesi Yoga will be weak-sighted, firm in his word, be hard
working and will have a bent body. So say Yavanas. 3-5.
Vesi Yoga, the native will accumulate money, be learned and be good-hearted. If
Venus produces this Yoga, the person will be timid, will face obstacles in his
missions, will have pleasant (or swift) movements and will be defeated. Mercury
causing this Yoga indicates, that the native will be a
servant, will suffer penury, be soft-spoken and be modest. He will be bashful.
Mars denotes, that the native will resort to base
means, but be helpful to others. If it is Saturn, that causes Vesi Yoga, one
will join others' wives, be wicked, will resemble an old person in
appearance,-be fraudulent in disposition and be contemptuous. He will, however,
have wealth. 6. EFFECTS OF VASI YOGA. One born in Vasi Yoga will possess
excellent speech (voice), good memory, be employed, will have looks towards,
sideways, will possess a strong physique about the waist, will be equal to a
king and be a genuine person. 7-9. EFFECTS OF VASI YOGA BY
DIFFERENT PLANETS. If Jupiter should cause Vasi Yoga, the native will
possess courage, strength and wisdom. He will keep up his word. In the case of
Venus, the person will be valorous, famous, virtuous and reputed. Mercury
emanating this Yoga will make one speak sweetly, be beautiful and obey others'
orders. The Vasi Yoga caused by Mars indicates, that
the subject will be victorious in war, famous and will live with his own
fortunes. If by Saturn, the native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal
others' money, will hate elders and will be the husband of a pious lady. 10.
The strength of the planet Sun and that of the planets causing these Yogas and
their association with various Rasis and Amsas should be understood and all
results be declared accordingly. 11. EFFECTS OF UBHAYACHARI YOGA. One born
under Ubhayachari Yoga will have forebearance, will be very fortunate, even
bodied, firm, profoundly strong, not very tall, full of everything, learned,
happy, will have many servants, will protect his relatives, be equal to a king,
ever enthusiastic and will enjoy all pleasures. Thus ends the 14th 1. INTRODUCTION TO TWO-PLANETARY YOGAS. Vriddha Yavanas have
stated the effects of combinations of two planets (in one House). I state those
below without ego. 2. SUN-MOON YOGA. One, who has the Sun and Moon together
will be at the disposal of his wife (or females), immodest, be a metallurgist
(can be interpreted also, as “able to deceive”), will be quite wealthy and be
an expert in sale of intoxicants. 3. SUN-MARS YOGA. Should the Sun and Mars be
in one House the native will be splendourous, valorous, dull witted, strong, be
a liar, be sinful, disposed to kill (or torture) and be fierce. 4. SUN-MERCURY
YOGA. If the Sun and Mercury are in one House, the native will be in service,
will have unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be
noble, dear to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and
learning. 5. SUN-JUPITER YOGA. If the Sun and Jupiter be together, one will be
virtuous, be a minister of king, will gain through friends, be with good mind'
and be a preceptor. 6. SUN-VENUS YOGA. If the Sun and Venus be together, one
will be skillful in use of weapons, be mighty, weak-sighted in old age, will be
able to amuse the public and will have abundant money earned through women. 7.
SUN-SATURN YOGA. If the Sun and Saturn are together, the native will be a
metallurgist, be virtuous, mindful of his own duties, will lose his wife and
son, will have the qualities suitable to his race, will be pure, but not so
upright. 8. MOON-MARS YOGA. One, who has the Moon and Mars together, will be
valorous, brave in war, be a boxer, will suffer bloody
imbalances, or diseases, will manufacture articles of mud, skin and minerals
and will be an artisan and a metallurgist. 9. MOON-MERCURY YOGA. One, who has
the Moon Mercury combination will be expert in poems and fables, be wealthy,
amiable to his wife, beautiful, smiling-faced and will be endowed with distinct
virtues. 10. JUPITER-MOON YOGA. One with Jupiter and the Moon together will be
firm in friendship, modest, respectful towards his relatives, wealthy, virtuous
and regardful of Gods and the wise. 11. MOON-VENUS YOGA. Should the Moon and
Venus be together, the native will be endowed with flowers, incense and
clothes, will know to perform duties (kriya also means rites), be dear to his
race, very lazy and expert in buying and selling. 12. MOON-SATURN YOGA. Should
the Moon and Saturn be together, the native will possess a decayed wife, be dear
to public, will breed elephants and horses, be devoid of virtues, be under the control of others, unwealthy and defeated. 13.
MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If Mars and Mercury are together at birth, the native will
have unlucky wife, little wealth, will work with gold and iron, be an
architect, will keep a wicked widow and be expert in making medicines. 14.
MARS-JUPITER YOGA. If Mars and Jupiter be together at birth, the native will be
an artisan, Vedic expert, intelligent, expert in speech, wise and fond of using
weapons. 15. MARS-VENUS YOGA. One, who had Mars and Venus together at birth will be worshipped, be chief among his men, be a
mathematician (or an astrologer) and be fond of gambling, untruth etc. 16.
MARS-SATURN YOGA. If Mars and Saturn be together, one will be a metallurgist. be expert in jugglery, be deceitful, skillful in thieving,
troubled by weapons and poison and be fond of quarrels. 17. MERCURY-JUPITER
YOGA. One, who has Mercury and Jupiter together will
be a noted dancer, scholar, singer and instrumentalist. He will be wise and
happy. 18. MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. Should Mercury and Venus be together at birth,
the native will be abundantly rich, a politician, an artisan, will study Vedas,
be good in speech, will know to sing, make fun and like scents and flowers. 19.
MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. One, who has Mercury and Saturn together at birth, will
contract debts, be proud, deceiving, an able poet, intent on moving, expert and
will possess auspicious speech. 20. JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. One, who has Jupiter
and Venus together at birth will live by education and arguments, will follow a
highly virtuous path, will have accurate conception, or notion (of things) and
will have a supreme wife. 21. JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. A native, who has Jupiter
and Saturn together at birth will be heroic, will have plenty of wealth, will
be chief of the city (mayor etc.), famous and will be the head of an assembly,
a village, or an association. 22. VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If Venus and Saturn are
together at birth, one will be expert in breaking wood, be a barber, painter,
or sculptor, boxer, be intent on wandering and be owner of quadrupeds. 23.
Whatever results have been stated, as above are likely to become increased, or
decreased according to mutual good, or bad Vargas occupied by the planets in question.
Thus ends the 15th 1. SUN-MOON-MARS YOGA. Should the Sun, the Moon and Mars be
together at birth, the native will be bereft of shame, be sinful, will have
knowledge of machinery, will destroy enemies, be brave and will be expert in
any kind of work. 2. SUN-MOON-MERCURY YOGA. If the
Sun, Moon and Mercury are together, the native will be splendourous, very
intelligent, will be fond of arts, assembly and drinks, be in royal service and
bold. 3. SUN-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. Should the Sun, Moon and Jupiter be in one
House; the native will be given to anger, be cunning, expert in service, intent
on going to foreign places, be intelligent and fickle minded. 4. SUN-MOON-VENUS
YOGA. Should the Sun, Moon and Venus be in one House at birth, the native will
steal others' money, will be a debaucher and be expert in Shastras.
5. SUN-MOON-SATURN YOGA. If the Sun, Moon and Saturn be together in one House,
the native will be lustful, be expert in arguments, be a dunce, be at the
disposal of others and be poor. 6. SUN-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If the Sun, Mars and
Mercury are in one House at birth, the native will be famous, hard-hearted, shameless and be devoid of wealth, sons and wife. 7.
SUN-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. Should Mars, Jupiter and the Sun be together at birth,
the native will be an expert speaker, very wealthy, either a kings
minister, or even a king himself, be truthful and fierce. 8. VENUS-MARS-SUN
YOGA. One, who has Venus, Mars and the Sun in one House, will be subjected to
eye diseases, belongs to a good race, will be fortunate, harsh and wealthy. 9.
MARS-SUN-SATURN YOGA. Should Mars, Saturn and the Sun be together, the native
will have deformed limbs, be without wealth, always sick, without his people
and be a big fool. 10. JUPITER-MERCURY-SUN YOGA. If
Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun be together at birth, the
native will be subjected to eye-diseases, be very wealthy, be interested in
Shastras, fables, poetry, meetings and stonework and will become a good writer.
11. MERCURY-SUN-VENUS YOGA. If Mercury, Sun and Venus be together, the native
will be insatiable, talkative, intent on wandering and subjected to grief on
account of women. 12. SATURN-SUN-MERCURY YOGA. One, who has Saturn, the Sun and
Mercury in one House will be a neuter, will hate others and will be given up by
his relatives. 13. VENUS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. Should Venus, Jupiter and the Sun be
together at birth, the native will be weak-sighted, bold, intelligent, indigent, be a minister and be devoted to others' jobs. 14.
JUPITER-SATURN-SUN YOGA. If Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun be
together at birth. the native will not have a
prominent physique, will be worshipped, will hate his own men, will have good
wife, children and friends, be dear to the king and be fearless. 15.
VENUS-SATURN-SUN YOGA. One, who has Venus, Saturn and the Sun together at birth
will be emotionally upset due to fear from enemies, will be devoid of honour
and knowledge of arts and poetry, will have a mean history and will suffer from
Leprosy. 16. MOON-MERCURY-MARS YOGA. Should the Moon Mercury and Mars be
together at birth, the native will be sinful, mean in habits and conduct and
devoid of friends and relatives throughout life. 17.
MARS-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. A native, who has Mars, the Moon and Jupiter together
at birth will have an even body, be addicted to women, be a thief, be
splendourous, dear to women and given to anger. 18. MARS-VENUS-MOON YOGA. One,
who has Mars, Venus and the Moon together at birth is the son of a bad woman
and also will wed such a lady. He will be of wandering disposition and will
have fear from cold. 19. MARS-MOON-SATURN. If Mars, Moon and Saturn join at
birth, the person concerned will lose his mother in boyhood, be mean, wicked
and inimical to people. 20. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER YOGA. Should Mercury, Moon and
Jupiter be together, the native will be wealthy, skillful, eloquent in speech,
bright, famous and will have many sons and brothers. 21. MERCURY-VENUS-MOON
YOGA. One, who has Mercury, Venus and Moon together at birth, will be mean in
conduct in spite of his being learned and cultured. be
Jealous and miserly. 22. SATURN-MOON-MERCURY YOGA. If Saturn, Moon and Mercury
be together, the person concerned will be dependent, deformed, learned, be an
able speaker and respected by the king. 23. VENUS-JUPITER-MOON YOGA. Should
Venus, Jupiter and the Moon be in one House at birth, the native will be a
chaste woman's son, be a scholar, will have knowledge of arts and many
Shastras, be virtuous and beautiful. 24.
MOON-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. One, who has Moon, Jupiter and Saturn combination at
birth will know the inner meaning of Shastras, will seek union with aged women,
be devoid of shame and be the head of a village and people. 25. MOON-VENUS-SATURN
YOGA. If the Moon, Venus and Saturn are in combination at birth, one will be a
writer, reader of books, Purohita (family guru), will have to his credit merits
of past birth and be an astrologer. 26. MERCURY-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. One, who has
Mercury, Jupiter and Mars together will be a good poet, Lord of a group, will
marry a virtuous lady, be intent on helping others and
an expert singer. 27. MARS-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. Should Mars, Mercury and Venus
be together at birth, the native will give up his caste, be deformed,
fickle-minded, wicked and garrulous. 28.
MERCURY-SATURN-MARS YOGA. Should Mercury, Saturn and Mars be together at birth,
one will be a servant, will have dark eyes, be intent
on living in foreign places, will have facial diseases and will be witty. 29.
VENUS-JUPITER-MARS YOGA. One, who has Venus, Jupiter and Mars together at birth will be dear to king, will have good sons and enjoy
pleasures through women. He will please all persons. 30. JUPITER-MARS-SATURN
YOGA. If Jupiter, Mars and Saturn be together at birth, the native will be
honoured by the king, will have wounds on the body, be mean and blamed by
friends. He will also be unkind. 31. SATURN-MARS-VENUS YOGA. If Saturn, Mars
and Venus are in one House at birth, the native is born to an immoral lady,
will marry such a lady, will be devoid of happiness and will be intent on
wandering in distant places. 32. MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS. Should Mercury, Jupiter
and Venus be together, the native will have good physique, be successful over
his enemies, be a king, fortunate, widely famous and
truthfully disposed. 33. MERCURY-SATURN-JUPITER. When Mercury, Saturn and
Jupiter are together at birth, it denotes, that the native will enjoy honour,
wealth and sovereignty, be learned, will have abundant pleasures, be attached
to his wife, be courageous and fortunate. 34.
MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN. One, who has Mercury, Venus and Saturn together at birth
will be scurrilous in speech, fraudulent, be a liar, addicted to other women,
vehement, (“vishama” has several other meanings, viz., irregular, uneven,
mysterious, inaccessible, rough, painful, troublesome etc.), will have
knowledge of arts and be attached to his own country. 35. JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN.
Should Jupiter, Venus and Saturn be in one House at birth one will become a
king even though he might be of mean natal order, will be very famous and be a
repository of virtues. 36. PARENTS. If the Moon is in
the company of malefics, it is detrimental to the mother of the native. Predict
similar results regarding the father of the native, if the Sun joins malefics
at birth. Benefics in the place of malefics in the said Yogas will prove
auspicious to the respective parent. If the planets joining be of mixed nature
(i.e. one benefic and another malefic), the effects are medium. 37-38. BENEFICS IN CONJUNCTION AND MALEFICS IN CONJUNCTION.
If benefics are in conjunction at birth, the native will enjoy wealth,
sovereignty and fame. Such a combination produces an emperor capable of ruling
the earth. Should three malefics join at birth, the
native will be unlucky, indigent, grief-stricken, ugly and immodest. Thus ends
the 16th 1. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. Should these four planets be
together at birth. the native
will be a writer, a thief and be scurrilous in speech. He will be sickly,
cunning and be capable of deceiving others. 2. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. one, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will
be wealthy, dear to women, splendourous, will maintain decorum, be free from
grief and expert in work. 3. MOON-MARS-VENUS-SUN YOGA. If these four planets
join at birth, one will speak and conduct himself, as a great person, be happy,
expert, intent on gathering money and will have learning, sons and wife. 4.
SUN-MOON-MARS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at birth,
will have uneven physique, be short in stature, be unwealthy and will collect
food by begging and be a proven dunce. 5. MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. If
these four planets are in one House, the native will be a goldsmith (or a gold
dealer etc.), be long eyed, be a sculptor, be very wealthy, bold and beautiful
bodied. 6. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. The native, who has these four planets together
at birth, will be deformed, lucky, short-statured and dear to king. 7.
SUN-MOON-MERCURY-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, the
native will lose his parents in childhood, be devoid of money and happiness, be
wandering, will earn food by begging and will be a liar. 8. VENUS-JUPITER-MOON
YOGA. Should these planets be in one House at birth, the subject concerned will
be head of water, animals and forests (i.e. his livelihood may be through such
sources), will be happy, honoured by the king and be an expert. 9.
SUN-JUPITER-MOON-SATURN YOGA. If the said planets join at birth, the native
will be dark-eyed, fierce, will have many sons, be
wealthy and fortunate through women. 10. SUN-MOON-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should one
have a combination of these planets in one House at birth, the native will have
habits, like a female, be very weak, desirous of coming up and timid at all
times. 11. SUN-JUPITER-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. These four planets together at birth
indicate, that the subject will be brave, be a
composer of Shastras, or a ruler of province, will lose his wife and money, be
undesirable and will wander. 12. SUN-VENUS-MARS-MERCURY YOGA. If these four
planets be together at birth, the native will be addicted to other women, be a thief, will have uneven limbs, will be a bad person and
will be bereft of energy. 13. MERCURY-SUN-MARS-SATURN YOGA. If these four
planets are together at birth, the subject will be a warrior, scholar, be
fierce, will be meanly disposed, be chief among poets and be a minister, or a
king. 14. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. with the
conjunction of these four planets, one will be fortunate, worth worship by the
people, be wealthy, dear to king and famous. 15. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA.
Should these join at birth, one will be rash, prime among his group, will have
cherished desires, will be endowed with relatives and friends and dear to king.
16. SUN-MARS-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at
birth, will be deformed, mean in conduct, oblique-sighted, will hate his
relatives and will always be insulted. 17. SUN-MERCURY-VENUS YOGA. With these
planets in one House, one will be wealthy, happy, chief,
will have cherished desires, will have relatives and be noble. 18.
SATURN-SUN-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has these four planets together at
birth, will have a neuter's habits, be prestigious, fond of quarrels, will have
brothers, or sisters and be not enthusiastic. 19.
SUN-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these four planets be in conjunction at
birth, one will be scurrilous in speech, fortunate, learned, soft spoken,
happy, energetic, pure, wealthy, bold and helpful to friends. 20.
SUN-SATURN-VENUS-JUPITER YOGA. These four planets in conjunction at birth will
make the person a miser, a poet, chief, leader of sculptors and mean. 21.
MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has the conjunction of these four
planets at birth, will be an expert in Shastras, be a king,
or a great minister and be extremely intelligent. 22. MOON-MARS-MERCURY-VENUS
YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth, one will be fond of
quarrels, will sleep much, be mean, will marry an unchaste lady, be fortunate,
will hate his relatives and be not happy. 23. MOON-MERCURY-MARS-SATURN YOGA.
One, who has these four planets together will be bold, be without parents, is
from an ignoble race, will have many wives, friends and sons and will have good
conduct. 24. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are together
at birth, one will be deformed, will have a good wife, be highly tolerant, be
self-respected, learned will have many friends and be happy. 25.
MARS-MOON-SATURN-JUPITER YOGA. One, who has these four planets conjunct at birth will be deaf, wealthy, bold, rash in speech, firm in
nature, wise and liberal. 26. MARS-MOON-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these four
planets are together, one will marry an unchaste lady, will be proud, will have
eyes resembling that of a snake and will be always emotional. This is certain.
27. MERCURY-JUPITER-MOON-VENUS YOGA. One, who has these four planets together will be learned, be devoid of parents, good
looking, wealthy, very lucky and be without enemies. 28.
MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these be conjunct one will be
virtuous, famous, noble and splendourous, fond of relatives, wise, be a kings minister and be a chief poet. 29.
MOON-MERCURY-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these planets are together at birth, the
native will be intent on seeking sexual pleasures with others' wives, will have
an unchaste wife, be devoid of relatives, learned and will hate people. 30.
MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. The native with these four planets conjunct
will be devoid of mother, be lucky, will suffer from skin diseases, will be subjected to grief, be intent on roaming, will know
many languages and will be truthful. 31. MERCURY-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If
these four planets are in one House, the subject will be fond of picking up
quarrels with his wife, will be wealthy, worshipped by the people, will possess
good qualities and be free from sickness. 32. MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA.
One, who has these four planets in one House at birth, will be brave, learned,
be a good speaker, be without wealth, truthful and will have good habits. He
will be able to argue and endure. He will be intelligent. 33.
MERCURY-MARS-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. If these four planets are together at birth,
the native will be an expert boxer, will depend on others, will have coarse
body, will possess pride of war, be famous and will breed dogs. 34.
MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these four planets are
together at birth, the native will be splendourous, wealthy, addicted to other
women, fond of bravery, fickle-minded and ill-disposed. 35.
MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should these be together at birth, the
native will be intelligent, interested in Shastras, be a debaucher and an
obedient servant. Thus ends the 17th 1. SUN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-MERCURY YOGA. If these five planets
are together at birth, the native will be subjected to grief, will be cunning,
be bereaved of wife and will experience physical distresses. 2.
SUN-MOON-MARS-VENUS-MERCURY YOGA. If these five planets join at birth, the
native will be intent on doing others' jobs, will lose his strength,
or courage through his relatives and friends and will befriend a neuter. 3.
SATURN-SUN-MERCURY-MOON-MARS YOGA. Should these be conjunct at birth, the
native will be short lived, imprisoned and be devoid of every kind of
happiness, wife, sons and money. 4. MARS-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SUN YOGA. Should
these five planets join at birth, the native will be blind by birth, subjected
to much grief, be devoid of parents, always dejected in mood and fond of
singing. 5. SATURN-MOON-MARS-JUPITER-SUN YOGA. If there be a combination of
these planets in one House, the native will be all expert warrior, will steal
others' money, give trouble to others, be a tale-bearer and fickle-minded. 6.
SUN-MOON-VENUS-SATURN-MARS YOGA. Should the said five planets join in one House, the native will be devoid of respect, money and
prosperity, will have dirty conduct and be addicted to women. 7.
MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-SUN-SATURN YOGA. One with the conjunction of these planets
will be a machinist, will enjoy great prosperity, be a king's minister, be a
judge and be famous. 8. MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-SUN-SATURN YOGA. With these five
planets in one House, the native will be timid, be deprived of people dear to
him, expert in cheating, given to anger and will depend on others for food. 9.
SUN-MOON-MERCURY-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. One, who has the said five planets together
at birth will be tall in stature, will have a hairy body and be not endowed
with happiness, money and sons. 10. SUN-MOON-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One
with these five planets together at birth, will indulge in jugglery, be
fickle-minded, be liked by women, be learned, will have many enemies and be
fearless. 11. MERCURY-MARS-SUN-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these planets join at
birth, the native will be sensuous, will have a fleet of horses, will do good
acts, be an Army chief, be dear to king, very fortunate and free from grief.
12. SUN-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should a native have these planets
conjunct, he will be emotional, sick, will earn food by begging going from
House to House and will live in dilapidated Houses. 13.
MARS-MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One with these five planets together at
birth will be troubled by wounds, imprisonment and diseases, be learned,
honoured by the people, be poor and deformed. 14. MARS-SATURN-SUN-VENUS-MERCURY
YOGA. One with the said five planets together will be troubled by diseases and
enemies, be deprived of position, subjected to much grief and will roam out of
agony. 15. MOON-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets are
together, one will be a messenger, a dunce, a neuter, will possess dirty
habits, be very unfortunate, deformed and bereft of
money. 16. SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. Should there be a conjunction of
these five planets, at birth, one will be expert in dealing with equipment and
machinery related to water, minerals, mercury and such other chemicals and will
achieve some fame in these lines. 17. SUN-VENUS-SATURN-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA.
One with these planets in conjunction will be learned in many Shastras, will
help friends, be dear to elders, virtuous and merciful. 18.
MERCURY-MOON-JUPITER-MARS-VENUS YOGA. Should these planets be in conjunction at
birth, one will be humble, free from sickness, endowed with learning, wealth,
truth and happiness, be helpful to relatives and will have many friends. 19.
MARS-SATURN-MERCURY-JUPITER-MOON YOGA. One with the conjunction of these five
planets will be night blind, penniless, dependent on others for food, miserable
and will bring discredit to his relatives. 20. MERCURY-MOON-MARS-VENUS-SATURN
YOGA. with these planets in conjunction, one will have
a number of enemies and friends as well, be helpful to others, wicked and
highly regarded. 21. MOON-MERCURY-VENUS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these planets
are together at birth in a nativity, the subject will be a kings
minister, be equal to a king, chief of the people and be worshipped by all
people. 22. MARS-JUPITER-MERCURY-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. If these five planets be
conjunct, the native will be good-hearted, rash (considered to be one of the 33
subordinate feelings), dear to king, free from grief, addicted to excessive
sleep and be indigent. Thus ends the 18th 1. MERCURY-MOON-SUN-MARS-JUPITER-VENUS YOGA. If these six
planets join together, the native will be learned, virtuous, will have an
emaciated body, be acquainted with many languages and will have distinguished
knowledge. 2. SUN-MOON-MARS-MERCURY-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. Should these planets
be together, the native will be liberal, helpful to others, fickle minded, of
Sattvik disposition and will gratify his sexual desires in lonely places. 3.
MERCURY-MOON-SUN-MARS-SATURN-VENUS YOGA. Should these six planets join in one
House, the native will be a thief, be addicted to others' women, subjected to
leprosy, discarded by his own men, be a dunce, deprived of position and be
issueless. 4. VENUS-MOON-SUN-MARS-JUPITER-SATURN YOGA. If these six planets are
together, the native will be mean, will do others' jobs, suffer from
tuberculosis, breathing and sneezing troubles (i.e. sneezing etc.) and will be
blamed by his relatives. 5. SUN-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER-VENUS-SATURN YOGA. One
with this six-planetary conjunction will be a king's minister, fortunate,
patient and will suffer from grief. He will have no wife and wealth. 6.
together the subject will always wander in shrines, be deprived of issues and
wealth and will live in forests and hills. 7.
MARS-SATURN-VENUS-MOON-MERCURY-JUPITER YOGA. One with these six planets will be
pure at all times, valorous, will seek sexual union with many women, be dear to
king, be a minister and be endowed with wealth, issues and happiness. 8.
PLANETARY CONJUNCTIONS. If 5, or 6 planets join at birth, normally such natives
will be penniless, subjected to grief and be dull-witted. Even aspects among
such planets will yield similar results according to Kandalas. Thus ends the
19th 1. Various sages have explained widely the combinations of
four, or more planets producing an ascetic. I now explain below such of the
Yogas. 2. One born with the conjunction of the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter
and Mars; or the Luminaries, Mercury and Mars; or the Sun, Mars, Saturn,
Mercury and Venus becomes an ascetic. 3. The native having the combination of
Mars, the Luminaries (i.e. the Sun and the Moon), Mercury and Jupiter; or the
Luminaries, Saturn and Mercury; or the Luminaries, Mars and Saturn takes to
renunciation and become a mendicant. 4. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and
Mercury-being together, or Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter joining denotes a
mendicant. 5. Should Venus, the Sun, Mars and Saturn; or Jupiter, Mars, the Sun
and Saturn; or Mars, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn with strength be in
conjunction at birth, native takes to asceticism. 6.
One will be initiated into a religious vow, if anyone of the following group of
planets be found together at birth: d) Mars. Saturn, Mercury
and Jupiter; 2) Mars, Saturn Mercury, the Sun and Venus; 3) the Luminaries,
Mars Saturn and Venus. 7. One becomes a mendicant to live in forests and
hilly areas, if the planets group themselves in conjunction at birth, as under:
1) Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun; 2) Mars, the Moon, Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn; 3) Venus, Mercury, Saturn, the Moon and Mars. 8. The native
will become a sage, giving up (even) his food and be honoured by the people, if
the heavenly bodies form conjunction, as under: 1) The Moon, Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter and the Sun; 2) The Luminaries, Mercury, Venus and Mars. 9. The native
will be initiated into a religious vow, if 1) the Luminaries, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter and Saturn, or 2) The Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun,
or 3) Mars, the Luminaries, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, join together at birth.
10. A famous sage is indicated by the combination of 1) the Luminaries,
Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, or 2) Venus, the Luminaries, Jupiter, Saturn and
Mercury. 11. Note the conjunction of the following planets: 1) Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun. 2) Venus, the Luminaries, Saturn, Jupiter
and Mercury. It indicates an ascetic. 12. If conjunction is found among the
planetary group, viz. 1) the Luminaries, Jupiter and Saturn; 2) Saturn, the
Luminaries and Venus; 3) Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, the native will become
an ascetic living on roots and fruits. 13. The native will become an ascetic
with bark garments, if Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus are found together at
birth. The same effect follows the conjunction of Mars, the Moon, Jupiter and
Mercury. 14. A patient ascetic (awaiting the blessing of the Supreme) is
indicated by either the combination of the Moon, Mercury, Mars and Saturn, or
of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 15. A sage living only by eating fruits
is denoted by the combination of the Luminaries, Venus and Mercury; or Mars,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn; or Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus. 16. An
ascetic, who will be highly honourable, living in forests, is denoted by each
of the under mentioned planetary conjunctions: 1) The Sun, Mars, the Moon and
Venus, 2) the Luminaries, Mars and Mercury, 3) Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the
Sun, 4) Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. 17. Find the planets together in
individual groups, as under 1) Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, 2) the
Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, 3) The Luminaries, Mars, Mercury and
Jupiter. The result is, that the ascetic will be
sorrowful (Unsuccessful mendicant). 18. Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury with strength, or Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon and Mars with
strength in conjunction produce one with clotted hair and bark-garments. 19.
The Luminaries, Mercury, Mars and Venus, or the Luminaries, Mars, Jupiter,
Venus, if be together, the native certainly will become an ascetic. 20. If the
Sun denotes asceticism (i.e. being the strongest in the Yoga), there will only
be faith in the religious order, while competence (to fulfill the order) will
lack. If the planet, contributing to such order is overpowered by another
planet (i.e. in eclipse, planetary war etc.) the native will give up the order
after being initiated into it. Should many planets denote such an order, there
may be many kinds of religious orders, but these will depend on the order of
the planet. 21. If the planet indicating asceticism is combust in the Sun, or
is aspected by another heavenly body, the native will only have an earnest
desire to be initiated into the religious order, but will not attain fruition
of his aim. So say Yavanas. 22. The native will attain religious order, if the
Moon, posited in a decanate of Saturn, is aspected by Mars and Saturn. The same
effect is produced, if the Moon occupies the Navansa of Aries/Scorpio in aspect
to Saturn. 23. If the Lord of the Moon Sign receives the sole aspect of Saturn
(i.e. unaspected by others than Saturn), one will enter religious order. Even
in this context, the earlier Yogas, if present will only prevail. 24. If the
Lord of the Moon Sign, bright with rays, lends his aspect to Saturn, while
Saturn is in an Angle, the native will lose his fortunes only to enter into a
religious order. 25. If one among the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter be devoid of
strength and occupy the Ascendant, or the 10th, or the 12th in aspect to strong
Saturn, the native will become distressed ascetic. 26. Should the Moon with
strength be in the 10th, falling in a benefic's Navansa, while others occupy
their exaltation marks and all being in aspect to strong Saturn, the native
will become the Lord of the earth to only become an ascetic. 27. If waxing
Moon, with superior strength, aspects the Ascendant Lord, the latter being
bereft of strength and being alone (in that Rasi), the native will be devoid of
wealth and own men, be miserable, sorrowful, will take to asceticism and will
obtain his food with great inconvenience. 28. One will become a religious
mendicant, if Saturn occupying a benefic's Navansa aspects others including the
Moon. The Moon in this case should only be in Aquarius Navansa. 29. If the Lord
of the Moon Sign aspects all the other planets, while these are all together in
one Rasi, the native will become an ascetic. 30. The Sun rules the ascetics of
the following orders: Those, who worship the Fire God in forests, or on river
banks, those, who worship (the omnipotent) Sun-God, Elephant-faced Ganesa and
His benevolent mother Parvati, those, who recite the hymns of Gayatri (which
are very sacred), those, who are vowed to bathe in the sacred Ganges everyday
and those, who maintain (absolute) celibacy. 31. The religious order belonging
to the Moon attracts the following various persons: Those disciples, who smear
their bodies with sacred ashes, those, who worship the Feet of Lord Shiva,
those, who are abandoned by the society, those, who are devoted to Bhagavati,
those, who give up company of others, those, who take to Soma Siddhanta and those,
who carry bowls in their hands (for begging alms). 32. The Buddhist monks, the
tonsured, those, who wear white apparels, those, who beg wearing good robes,
those, who wear blood-red clothes and those, that have conquered their five
senses-all these mendicants are ruled by Mars. 33. Mercury denotes an
alm-seeker, a conjurer, a snake poison curer and one, who eats the flesh of a
peacock. 34. The ascetics ruled by Jupiter are: those, who hold a single
scepter (or mace), those, who hold three scepters, those, who wear red coloured
apparels, those, who are in the third stage of their religious life, those, who
pull on their lives with fruits and water (alone), those, who still are
attached to family ties, those, who maintain celibacy and those, who take to visiting
shrines etc. 35. Venus rules the mendicants of Saivite and Vaish-navite sects.
36. Religious hypocrites, bare mendicants and the ascetics, who sit under
shadowy trees in forests are ruled by Saturn. 37.
Should Raja Yogas be simultaneously present along with the above ascetic Yogas,
all the evil results are nullified and the native will become very virtuous,
will be adorned by all the kings. himself becoming a
king and will take to religious order. Thus ends the 20th 1. NABHASA YOGAS. Yavanas have explained 1800 kinds of
Nabhasa Yogas, out of which I detail below 32. 2-4. KINDS OF
NABHASA YOGA. The following are the 32 Nabhasa Yogas Nau, Chatra, Koota,
Chaapa, Sringataka, Vajra, Damini, Pasa, Veena, Kamala, Musala, Vapi, Hala,
Sara, Samudra, Chakra, Maala. Sarpa, Ardha Chandra, Yava,
Kedara, Gada, Pakshi, Yupa, Yuga, Sakata, Soola, Danda, Rajju, Sakthi, Nala and
Gola. The Asraya Yogas, viz. Musala, Rajju and Nala are dealt with by
Acharya Manitha. 5-6. Gola, Yuga, Soola, Pasa, Veena (Vallaki), Kedara and
Damini arc the seven Sankhya Yogas. The two Dala Yogas viz. Sarpa (Bhujanga)
and Mala are explained by Parasara Maharishi. Savitracharya dealt with remaining
20 Yogas. 7. One born with an Asraya will obtain the good effects, viz.,
happiness, advantages and qualities, provided there is no other kind of
(Nabhasa) Yoga present in the horoscope. If other (Nabhasa) Yoga is present in
addition to an Asraya Yoga, then the effects of Asraya
Yoga do not come to pass, but the other (Nabhasa) Yoga prevails. 8-10. EFFECT OF AKRITI, SANKHYA AND DALA YOGAS. One born in
Akriti Yoga will be satisfied with his own fortunes, will earn through a king,
be dear to king and be famous. Should there be a Sankhya Yoga, the native will
be happy only with others' wealth, will live only through others help and be
always not peaceful. A native with Dala Yoga will sometimes enjoy his own
fortune, yet sometimes that of others, will pick up the fruits thrown on the
ground by others, be sometimes happy and sometimes sorrowful. 11. NAUKA, KOOTA,
CHATRA AND CHAPA YOGAS. If the seven planets occupy continuous Houses starting
from the Ascendant and the other three Angles, Yogas called Nauka, Koota, Chatra
and Chapa are, respectively, formed. 12. YUPA, SARA, SAKTHI AND DANDA YOGAS. If
the seven planets occupy for continuous Houses counted from the Ascendant and
its Angles, the resultant Yogas are known, as Yupa, Sara (or Ishu-arrow),
Sakthi and Danda, respectively. 13. ARDHA CHANDRA AND GADA YOGAS. If the seven
planets occupy continuously seven Houses commencing from a House, which is not
angular to the Ascendant, the Yoga produced is known, as Ardha Chandra (Ardha
Sasi) Yoga. Gada Yoga forms, when all the seven planets occupy two successive
Angles from the Ascendant. 14. VAJRA, YAVA, PADMA AND VAPI YOGAS. If benefics
occupy the Lagna and 7th, while malefics are in the 4th and 10th Vajra Yoga is
formed. Conversely, if malefics are in the Lagna and 7th, while 4th and 10th
are occupied by benefics, Yava Yoga is produced. If all the planets are
disposed in four kendras, Padma (Kamala) Yoga is
formed. Should the seven planets be relegated either to Apoklima Houses (3, 6,
9 and 12th), or to Panapharas (2, 5, 8 and 11 Houses), Vapi Yoga is formed. 15.
SAKATA, VIHAGA, HALA AND SRINGATAKA YOGAS. If all planets occupy only the
Ascendant and the 7th House, Sakata Yoga is formed. Similar participation of
all the planets in the 4th and 10th Houses constitutes Vihaga (Pakshi) Yoga.
Should all the planets be in mutual Trines, avoiding the Ascendant, Hala Yoga
is formed. All planets relegated only to the Ascendant and its Trines give rise
to Sringataka Yoga. 16. CHAKRA AND SAMUDRA YOGAS. Should all the planets occupy
alternative Rasis commencing from the Lagna, Chakra Yoga is formed. If these
occupy alternative Rasis from the 2nd onwards, Samudra Yoga is formed. 17.
Thus, I have explained the twenty different Akriti Yogas. Now, I explain the
Asraya Yogas, as per the schools of thought of senior Garga etc. 18. ASRAYA AND DALA YOGAS. Should all the planets be in Dual
Rasis, Nala Yoga is formed. Similarly, if these are in Fixed Rasis, Musala Yoga
takes place and in Movable Rasis Rajju Yoga is formed. All Angles occupied
exclusively by benefics cause Maala Yoga, while malefics in all Angles produce
Sarpa Yoga. These two are Dala Yogas. 19. SANKHYA YOGAS. If all the seven
planets occupy one Rasi, Gola Yoga is formed. Similarly in 2
Rasis-Yuga Yoga, In 3 Rasis-Sula Yoga, in 4 Rasis-Kedara Yoga, in 5 Rasis-Pasa
Yoga, in 6 Rasis-Damini and in 7 Rasis-Veena (Vallaki) Yoga. 20-21. EFFECTS OF NABHASA YOGAS. NAU YOGA.
The native's livelihood will be through water; he will have many gains, will be
very famous, be pleased, mean, strong and stingy. This
and other Yogas are effective at all times independant of Dasas. 22. KOOTA
YOGA. The native with Koota Yoga will be a liar, be crafty, be
a jailer, be poor, wicked, cruel and will always live in hills and fortresses.
23. CHHATRA YOGA. The native with Chhatra Yoga will help his own men, be kind,
liberal, dear to king, very intelligent and will enjoy happiness in boyhood and
at the end. 24. CHAPA YOGA. (KARMUKA YOGA). The native
with Chapa Yoga will be a liar, jailer, thief and will
live in forests. He will not have wealth in the middle of his life. 25. ARDHA
CHANDRA YOGA. One born with Ardha Chandra Yoga will be fortunate, be an Army
chief, be brilliant bodied, dear to king and strong.
He will possess gems, gold and ornaments. 26. VAJRA YOGA. One born with Vajra
Yoga will be happy at the beginning and end of his life, bold, beautiful, free
from sickness, unfortunate and be inimical to his own people. 27. YAVA YOGA One
born with Yava Yoga will observe fasts and other religious rules, be intent on doing auspicious acts, be happy in the middle
of life, be liberal and will have lasting wealth. 28. KAMALA YOGA. One born
with Kamala Yoga will be highly famous, very virtuous, assuredly long living,
very rich, very bright in appearance and will be the Lord of the earth. 29.
VAPI YOGA. One born with Vapi Yoga will be skillful in amassing wealth, will
enjoy lasting riches and happiness, be beautiful and will be endowed with
happiness from sons. 30. SAKATA YOGA. One born with Sakata Yoga will be
troubled by diseases, will have a bad wife, will be a dunce, will live by
pulling carts, will be poor and be without relatives and friends. 31. VIHAGA
YOGA. (PAKSHI YOGA). The native with this Yoga will be
intent on wandering, will have mean habits, will be a messenger, will live through sexual dealings, shameless and fond of
quarrels. 32. GADA YOGA. One born with this Yoga, will always care for honour
and money, will perform yagnas etc., will be expert in Sastras and music and
will be endowed with money, gold, jewels and wealth. 33. SRINGATAKA YOGA. One
born with this Yoga will be fond of quarrels, be a
warrior, be happy, dear to king, will have a fortunate wife, be rich and will
hate the fair sex. 34. HALA YOGA. The native of this Yoga will eat in plenty,
will be indigent, will have agricultural profession, will
be subjected to grief, be emotional, be forsaken by relatives and friends and
will be a servant. 35. CHAKRA YOGA. One born in this Yoga will be a king at
whose feet will be the heads of the other prostrating kings adoring
diamond-studded crowns. (That is, the subordinate kings, wearing
diamond-studded crowns will honour a Chakra Yoga native, who will be the chief
of such kings) 36. SAMUDRA YOGA. Should a person be
born under this Yoga, he will have abundant wealth and precious stones, will be
a king, be endowed with pleasures, be dear to people, will have steady mind and
be truthful in disposition (“Sattvavanta”). 37. YUPA YOGA. The native with this
Yoga will have self-protection, be charitable, be endowed with riches and
happiness and will observe religious fastings and vows. He will be a
distinguished person. 38. SARA YOGA. The native with sara
Yoga will manufacture arrows (arms etc. in modern context), will catch hold of
thieves (for example, be a police officer), will live in forests to hunt
animals, will be equal to a mad person, will torture and be fond of mean
handiworks. 39. SAKTI YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be devoid of wealth,
deformed, subjected to grief, mean, lazy short-lived, expert in war and be
beautiful. 40. DANDA YOGA. The native with this Yoga will lose his wife and
sons, will be poor, discarded by all people, be out of the men of his circle,
be grieved, mean and will be servant. 41. MAALA YOGA. One born with maala Yoga
will always be happy, be endowed with conveyances, robes, wealth and pleasures,
splendourous and will have plurality of wives. 42. SARPA YOGA. The native born
under this Yoga will be crooked in disposition, pitiless, always be a subject
of grief, poor and will live in other's House and eat their food. 43. RAJJU
YOGA. The subject with this Yoga will be fond of wandering, attractive in
appearance, will earn money in foreign countries, be
cruel and mischievously disposed. 44. MUSALA YOGA. One born under this Yoga
will be endowed with honour, wealth and wisdom, be attached to his duty, be
liked by king, be famous. steady-minded
and bold. 45. NALA YOGA. One born with nala Yoga will have uneven physique
(i.e. some limbs long and some short), will gather money, be skillful, be
helpful to his relatives and be attractive in appearance. 46. GOLA YOGA. One
born in this Yoga will be indigent, indolent, devoid of learning and honour,
dirty and always grieved. 47. YUGA YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be a
religious hypocrite, be bereft of wealth, forsaken by people and devoid of
sons, honour and virtues. 48. SULA YOGA. The native with sula Yoga will be
harsh, indolent, poor, torturous, become a prohibited person, bold, successful
in war and fearful. 49. KEDARA YOGA. One born under this Yoga will be useful to
many, will have agricultural profession, be truthfully disposed, fickle minded
and wealthy. 50. PASA YOGA. One born with pasa Yoga will be bonded, be attached
to work, worldly in disposition, will talk too much, will not have good qualities
and will have many servants. 51. DAMINI YOGA. One born with this Yoga will be
helpful, will have cattle, be Lord of money, be foolish, will have many sons
and jewels, be bold and learned. 52. VEENA YOGA. One
born with this combination will have friends, be eloquent, interested in
Sastras, musical instruments and singing. He will be happy, will have many
servants and be famous. Thus ends the 21st 1. The effects of the planets and the zodiacal Signs accrue
to all and at all times. I now attempt to explain these according to the
teachings of the rest of the preceptors. 2-3. THE SUN IN
ARIES. One, who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of
Shastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of
roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will
be subjected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendourous and strong. The
native will also become a king. 4-9. SUN IN A SIGN OF MARS IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars (i.e. either in
Aries, or in Scorpio) and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be
interested in giving away gifts, will have many servants, be charming, be dear
to fair sex and will have a soft physique. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars
and be aspected by Mars, the native will display his courage in battle, be
cruel, will possess eyes, hands and legs of blood-red colour, be splendourous
and strong. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and be aspected by Mercury, the
subject will be a servant, will do others' jobs, will not have much wealth, be
devoid of strength, be subjected to much grief and will possess a dirty body.
Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and Jupiter aspects the said Sun, the
native will have plenty of money, will donate, be a
king's minister, a judge and a supreme person. If Venus aspects the Sun posited
in a House of Mars, the native will be the husband of a bad woman, will have
many enemies, but few relatives (or not well-placed relatives), be poor and
will suffer from leprosy. In case Saturn aspects the Sun in a Sign of Mars, the
native will be subjected to grief on account of physical ailments, will have
intense passion in his undertaking, be dull-witted and a dunce. 10-11. The
position of the Sun in the Sign Taurus indicates, that the native will have
troubles from disease of face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an
emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate,
nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or
confined) women, be endowed with eatables, garlands, robes and scents, will
have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will
face risk from water. 12-17. SUN IN A SIGN OF VENUS IN ASPECT
TO OTHERS. One, who has the Sun in a Rasi of Venus aspected by the Moon
will be addicted to prostitutes, will be soft spoken, will have many women, as
dependents and will derive livelihood through water. If Mars is aspecting the
Sun in a Sign of Venus, the subject will be brave, fond of battle, bright in
appearance, will earn wealth and fame out of his valor and will be deformed.
Should it be Mercury, that aspects the Sun in a Sign of Venus, one will be
skillful in drawing, writing, poetry, authorship, singing etc. and will possess
a good physique. If Jupiter should lend his aspect to the Sun in Libra, or
Taurus, the subject will have many foes and friends, be a king's minister, will
have beautiful eyes, be splendourous and will be a pleased ruler. When Venus
aspects the Sun in Libra, or Taurus, one will be a king, or a king's minister,
be endowed with wife, wealth and pleasure galore, be wise and timid. Saturn
aspecting the Sun in fall, or in Taurus denotes, that the native will be mean,
indolent, will cohabit with aged women, will be wicked and will be troubled by
diseases. 18-19. One who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, be sweet in
speech, affectionate (particularly to one's offspring), will have good conduct,
be expert in profane knowledge and also in Sastras, be exceedingly affluent,
liberal, skillful, be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance, will have two
mothers, be fortunate and modest. 20-25. SUN IN GEMINI IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in Gemini, or Virgo be aspected by the Moon, the native will be put to troubles
by enemies and relatives, will be distressed by visits to foreign countries. and will in general be wailing. The Sun in a House of
Mercury and in aspect to Mars denotes, that the subject will have fear from
enemies, will be encountered by quarrels, will be grieved on account of loss in
a war, be poor and bashful. Should Mercury aspect the Sun posited in Gemini, or
Virgo, the subject will have a history akin to that of a king, will be famous,
be endowed with relatives, free from enemies, but will encounter eye diseases.
Jupiter aspecting the Sun in a Sign of Mercury foretells,
that the native will have knowledge of many Shastras, be a king's messenger (or
representative), will go to foreign countries, be fierce and be always
bewildered. If Venus aspects the Sun, posited in Sign of Mercury, the native
will be endowed with money, wife and sons, will make less friends, be free from
sickness, be happy and fickle minded. Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Gemini,
or Virgo, the native will have many servants, be anxious (as for an absent
lover), will maintain many relatives, will remain delighted and will be crafty.
26-27. The Sun in Cancer indicates, that the native will not be steady in mind
in respect of his undertakings, will be famous by virtue of his royal
qualities, will hate his own men, be unfortunate in respect of wife (have an
ugly wife), will be good-looking himself, be troubled due to imbalances of
phlegm and bile, be distressed on account of labour (hard work), will like
intoxicants, follow virtuous principles, be honourable, will be eloquent, will
be a geographer and a scientist in the matter of atmosphere/space, will be very
steady and will hate people from paternal side. 28-33.
ASPECTS TO SUN IN CANCER. If the Sun in Cancer is aspected by the Moon,
the person will be a king, or equal to a king, will become rich by business
through water and be cruel. Should Mars throw his aspect on the Sun in Cancer,
one will contract pulmonary consumption and fistula in the anus, or pudendum,
be dejected on account of his relatives and be a slanderer. If Mercury aspects
the Sun in Cancer, the native will be famous for his learning and honour, be
dear to the king, skillful and will destroy enemies. Should Jupiter throw his
aspect in Cancer occupied by the Sun, the native will be pre-eminent, a king, a
minister, or an Army chief, be very famous and learned in arts. If Venus
aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will subordinate his wife (or women),
will have money through his wife, be helpful to others, fierce in battle and
will speak sweetly. Saturn's aspect on the Sun in Cancer, denotes, that the
person will suffer from phlegmatic and windy disorders, be wicked and be a
tale-bearer. 34-35. If the Sun occupies Leo, the native will destroy his
enemies, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests,
hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, will eat
meat, flesh etc. and will be formidable. He will be restive, strong in a
lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in
wealth and famous. 36-41. ASPECTS TO THE SUN IN LEO.
If the Sun occupying Leo is aspected by the Moon, the native will be a scholar,
will have a good wife, will suffer from phlegmatic disorders and will be dear
to king. If Mars aspects the Sun in Leo, the native will be interested in
others' wives, be courageous, valorous, revolutionary, formidable and chief. If
Mercury aspects the Sun in Leo, the person will be a scholar, a writer (or an exponent),
a gambler, be wandering-natured, mean and be endowed with great strength. If
the Sun in Leo is aspected by Jupiter, the person will construct temples,
gardens and tanks; will have predominant strength, will like loneliness and be
highly intelligent. Venus aspecting the Sun in Leo will make one earn bad name,
infamous. Such a person will be troubled by leprosy, be unkind and shameless.
Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Leo, the person will be skillful in creating
obstacles, will be a eunuch and will cause grief to others. 42-43. Should the
Sun be in Virgo at birth, the person will possess a physique akin to that of a
female, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, be learned and will render
service to Gods and elders. He will be expert in repairs of driven vehicles,
will be skillful in Vedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softly
and kindly. 44-45. If the Sun is in Libra at birth, the native will face
frustration, destruction and heavy expenditure, will be intent on living in
foreign places (out of distress), be wicked, mean, be devoid of affection, will
live by selling gold and other metals, be jealous, fond of doing others' jobs,
will co-habit with others' wives, be dirty, will incur royal contempt and be
shameless. 46-47. The native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incombatible
lust for war, be away from Vedic (religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will
have a base, wicked wife (can also mean loss of wife), be cruel and be attached
to mean women. He will be irascible, will follow bad course, be a miser, be
fond of promoting quarrels, be troubled by weapons, fire and poison and be
unfortunate in respect of parents. 48-49. If the Sun at birth is in
Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will
respect Gods and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons
and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honourable, be
always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be
helpful to relatives and be energetic. 50-55. SUN IN
a Rasi of Jupiter and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be endowed with
eloquent speech, wisdom, wealth and sons. He will be equal to a king and be
devoid of misery. He will also possess a pleasing body. Should Mars lend aspect
to the Sun in a Rasi of Jupiter, the subject will earn fame through battle, be
endowed with clarity of speech, money and happiness and be short-tempered.
Mercury aspecting the said Sun denotes, that the
native will possess sweet speech and will have knowledge of writing,
literature, arts, assembly, Journey and minerals. If Jupiter aspects the Sun in
Pisces/Sagittarius, the person will move in royal palaces, or be a king
himself, will possess elephants, horses and wealth and be ever after learning.
Should Venus aspect the Sun in Jupiter's House, one will enjoy women of
superior class, be endowed with scents and garlands and be peaceful. If Saturn
aspects the Sun in Pisces, or Sagittarius, the native will be unclean, will eat
other's food, will join bad men and will breed animals. 56-57. One who has the
Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance
with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives,
fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak, will lose everything due to conflicts
with his relatives and will be a voracious eater. 58-63. SUN
in a Rasi of Saturn, the native will be highly cunning in disposition and will
lose his wealth and happiness on account of his befriending females. Mars
aspecting the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius denotes,
that the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, will be wounded by
weapons on account of quarreling with others and be deformed. If Mercury
aspects the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will be brave, will have
a eunuch's nature, will steal other's wealth and will have all limbs devoid of
strength. Should Jupiter aspect the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, one will
undertake to do auspicious deeds, be wise, will patronize all, widely famous
and intelligent. If Venus aspects the Sun in a Rasi of Saturn, the native will
deal with conch, coral and ruby, will derive abundant
wealth through prostitutes and females and be happy. If Saturn aspects the Sun
posited in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will destroy his enemies and will
prosper due to royal honours. 64-65. SUN IN AQUARIUS.
If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will
have enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be fortunate through
other housewives, be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be
miserable, will have little wealth, be fraudulent, be not firm in friendship,
will have dirty body and be a miser. 66-67. If the Sun is in
Pisces at birth, one will be friendly, will have tendency to amass, be fond of
women and happy, be learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich.
He will be endowed with wife, good sons and servants,
will have wealth on account of transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent
speaker, but a liar, will suffer from diseases of the private parts and will
have many a co-born. Thus ends the 22nd 1. THE MOON IN ARIES. Should the Moon be in Aries, the
native will have a golden coloured body, will be endowed with lasting wealth,
be devoid of co-born, be valorous, self-respected, auspicious, prosperous,
libidinous, will have weak legs, ugly nails and little hair, be fickle-minded,
will consider honour, as wealth, will possess hands and legs, like the lotus,
(i.e. these will be lotus-red), will have more sons, round eyes, be friendly,
be afraid of getting into watery places, like river, well etc.), will have
wounds on the head and be won over by females. 2-7. THE MOON
IN ARIES IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Aries at birth and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be quite irascible,
be honoured by the king, be soft, be valorous and fond of war. If the Moon in
Aries is aspected by Mars, the person will suffer from diseases of eyes and
teeth, will have wounds caused by arrows (or horse/cow etc.) and will suffer
windy diseases and urinary disorders. Should Mercury aspect the Moon in Aries,
the native will teach various disciplines, will possess good speech, will
achieve his desires, be a great poet and be widely famous. If Jupiter aspects
the Moon in Aries, the person will be endowed with servants and abundant riches
and be a king, or a kings minister. Venus aspecting the Moon in Aries denotes,
that the subject will be lucky, be endowed with sons and wealth, will own (i.e.
marry) a supreme lady and costly ornaments and will not eat much. The Moon in
Aries aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native
will be jealous, miserable to a great extent, be very poor, dirty and
untruthful. 8. If the Moon be in Taurus at birth, the native will be
large-hearted, highly charitable, short-haired, libidinous, famous, brilliant,
will have (more) daughters, will possess eyes resembling that of a bull, be in
a position to differentiate between good and bad, be happy during middle and
concluding parts of his life, will have strong waist, feet, shoulders, face
etc., will have (some) identity on the side and back of the body, will walk
beautifully and be endowed with forbearance. 9-14. Should
the Moon be in Taurus and be in aspect to the Sun, the native will be a farmer,
be very industrious, be very rich with servants and quadrupeds and will lend
money on usury. If Mars aspects the Moon in Taurus, the subject will be highly
libidinous, will lose his wife and friends on account of another lady, will
steal the heart of the fair sex and will prove adverse for the mother. Should
the said Moon be in aspect to Mercury, the native will be highly learned, will
know the code of speech, be of pleasing disposition, be dear to everyone and
will uncomparably be of good qualities. If Jupiter
aspects the Moon in Taurus, the native will have long living wife and children
and lasting wealth, be respectfully disposed to his parents, be virtuous and
very famous. Should Venus aspect the Moon in Taurus, one will be endowed with
ornaments, conveyances and houses and will possess comforts of sleeping and
sitting, scents, robes, garlands etc. If it is Saturn, that
aspects the Moon in Taurus, one will be devoid of wealth, be
inauspicious for mother and wife and will be endowed with sons, friends and
relatives. 15. Should the Moon be in the first half of Taurus, the mother of
the native is not long-lived. Similarly the father is
short-lived, if the Moon occupies the second half of Taurus. 16. If the Moon is
in Gemini at birth, one will have prominent nose and dark eyes, will be
skillful in the art of love, poetry etc., will enjoy sexual pleasures, will
have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of worldly enjoyments, will be
sinewy, be very intelligent, splendourous, be endowed with happiness, jocular
disposition and eloquent speech, be won over by the females, will have a long
body, will befriend neuters and will have two mothers. 17-22. If the Moon is in
Gemini at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be quite learned,
be splendourous, very beautiful, be charitable, be very miserable and be not
rich. If Mars lends aspect to the Moon in Gemini, the person will be very
valorous, very learned, be endowed with happiness, conveyances, wealth and
beauty. This is certain. The Moon in Gemini aspected by Mercury makes one
skillful in producing money, always successful and inviolable king. If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Gemini, one will be a teacher of
Shastras, be famous, truthful, very beautiful, honourable and be an eloquent
speaker. If Venus aspects the Moon in Gemini, the person will be endowed
with the company of supreme females, garlands, robes, conveyances, ornaments
and jewels and will be sportive. Should Saturn aspect the Moon in Gemini, the
subject will be devoid of relatives, wife, happiness and wealth and will be
inimical to the public. 23. If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the native will
be fortunate, valorous, be endowed with residence, friends, journeys and
astrological knowledge, be sensuous, grateful, be a minister, be truthful, will
live abroad, be passionate, hairy-bodied, fond of water and flowers, interested
in construction of houses, wells etc. and will have a prominent neck. 24-29. THE MOON IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the
Moon be in her House at birth and be aspected by the Sun, the native will be in
the employ of king, be not rich, be a letter-bearer and will protect forts
(i.e. will be a security officer in royal service). If the Moon in Cancer is
aspected by Mars, the subject will be valorous, be deformed, will prove ominous
to his mother and be skillful in his jobs. Should Mercury lend his aspect to
the Moon in Cancer, he will be spirited in disposition, be endowed with
political wisdom, wealth, wife and sons, will be a kings
minister and be happy. Jupiter aspecting the Moon in her own House indicates,
that the person will be a king, be endowed with royal qualities, be happy, will
have a good wife, will behave well, be modest and
valorous. If Venus aspects the Moon in Cancer, the subject will be endowed with
money, gold, wife, robes and jewels, be head of prostitutes and be
splendourous. Should Saturn aspect the Cancer-posited Moon, he will be of
wandering disposition, be miserable, very poor, be a liar, a sinner and be
mean. 30. If the Moon is in Leo, one will have sturdy bones, sparse hair, wide
face, small and yellowish eyes, will hate women, will suffer from hunger and
thirst, will incur stomach disorders and tooth-decay, will eat flesh, be
charitable, harsh, will have few sons, will seek sexual union in forests and
hills, be respectfully disposed to his mother, will have broad chest, be
valorous, dutiful and will have majestic looks. 31-36. Should the Moon be in
Leo in aspect to the Sun, the native will be equal to a king, will have
excellent qualities and majestic voice, will be valorous, be fond of
intoxicants and be widely famous. If Mars aspects the Moon in Leo he will be an
Army chief, will have excellent wife, sons, wealth and conveyances and be
superior among people. Should Mercury aspect the Moon in Leo one will be
endowed with the characteristics of a female and also the grace akin to that of
a female, will be in the custody of females, will serve females and will enjoy
money, happiness and pleasures. If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Leo, one will be
excellent among his caste-men, be wide-famed, highly virtuous and will equal a
king. Should Venus aspect the Moon in Leo, one will possess a wife, wealth and
high knowledge, be sickly disposed, will be a female's servant and be skillful
in sexual union. If the Moon in Leo is aspected by Saturn, the person will be
an agriculturist, be not wealthy, be a liar, will protect forts, be devoid of
happiness from wife and be mean. 37. If the Moon occupies Virgo at birth, one
will be addicted to women, will have long hands, attractive body and face,
beautiful teeth, eyes and ears, be learned, be a religious preceptor (teaching
Vedas etc.), be an eloquent speaker, be truthful and pure, valorous, be kind to
living beings, be interested in others' affairs, be of forgiving disposition,
be fortunate, will have more daughters, but not many sons. 38-43.
If the Moon occupies Virgo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will
be in charge of royal wealth, be famous, will keep up his word and perform
distinguished acts. If Mars aspects the Moon posited in Virgo, the
subject will be skillful in mechanical, or fine arts (of 64 kinds), be famous,
affluent, disciplined, courageous and will be
inauspicious for mother. Should it be Mercury, that lends aspect to the Moon in
Virgo, the native will be expert in astrology and
literature, be successful in disputes/quarrels and be highly skillful to a
surprising extent. Jupiter aspecting the Moon in Virgo indicates,
that the native will be supreme among his relatives, be happy, will carry out
royal duties, will keep up his word and will be endowed with wealth. If Venus
aspects the Moon in Virgo, the person will have many wives, be endowed with
many kinds of makeups, pleasures and wealth and will always be blessed with
fortunes. The Moon in Virgo aspected by Saturn indicates, that the native will
not have firm memory, will suffer from poverty, will not have happiness, will
be bereft of mother, will be at the disposal of women (or be controlled by
them) and will derive wealth through females. 44. If the Moon is posited in
Libra at birth, the native will have elevated nose, broad eyes, will have weak
(not prominent) face and emaciated body, will have many wives, many bulls
(cattle) and abundant landed property, be valorous, will have testicles
resembling that of an ox, be skillful in work, will honour Gods and the wise,
be endowed with various kinds of wealth, will be conquered by females, will
have an emaciated body (this is a repetition), will donate corns, will not be
firm in disposition and will be helpful to his relatives. 45-50.
MOON IN LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon is in Libra and is
aspected by the Sun, the person will be bereft of wealth, be diseased, will
wander here and there, be insulted, be bereft of
enjoyment, sons and strength. If Mars aspects the Moon in Libra, the person
will be sharp, be a thief, be mean, adulterous, will enjoy scents and garlands,
be wise and will suffer from eye diseases. If Mercury aspects the Moon in
Libra, the subject will be skillful in arts, will have abundant riches and grains,
will be an auspicious speaker, be highly learned and be famous in his country.
Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in Libra, the person will be always worshipped
and be skillful in sales and purchases of gems etc. If Venus lends his aspect
to the Moon in Libra, one will be beautiful, be free from sickness, fortunate,
strong bodied, be learned and will have knowledge of many means. Should Saturn
aspect the Moon in Libra, the native will be very affluent, be sweet in speech,
be endowed with conveyances, be very much interested
in sexual affairs, be devoid of happiness and be favourable to his mother. 51.
Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round
(well grown) thighs, coarse physique and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thief,
be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beautiful eyes,
will be plentiful, industrious, skillful, fond of others' housewives, devoid of
relatives, insane (or infatuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due
to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head. 52-57.
MOON IN SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon at birth is in Scorpio
and aspected by the Sun, the native will hate people (i.e. will not be friendly
with others), be learned, wandering nature and rich, but be not happy. Should
Mars aspect the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be
equal to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, unconquerable in battle
and be a voracious eater. If Mercury aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the person will
not be skillful, be hard in speech, will obtain twins, be tricky, will produce
fictitious things and be an expert singer. If Jupiter lends aspect to the Moon
in Scorpio, the native will be interested in performing his duties, will be
biased towards people, be wealthy and be beautiful. If Venus aspects the Moon
in Scorpio, the native will be highly intelligent, be fortunate, be endowed
with riches, conveyances and beauty and will lose strength on account of women.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruthful. 58. If the Moon is
in Sagittarius at birth, the native will be dwarfish, will have round eyes, big
heart, waist and hands, be a good speaker, will have prominent shoulders and neck,
will live near watery zone, will have knowledge of arts and secret affairs, be
courageous, will possess strong bones, be very strong, will have strong neck
and lips, be attached to his relatives, be grateful and distinguished. His legs
will not be wider, when in position. 59-64. If the Moon in Sagittarius is
aspected by the Sun, the person will be a king, be affluent, valorous, famous
and will have incomparable happiness and conveyances. Should Mars aspect the
Moon in Sagittarius, the person will be an Army chief, will be very rich,
fortunate, famous for his valor and will have a large
working force. If the Moon in Sagittarius is aspected by Mercury, one will have
many servants, will be an expert astrologer and artist and be a skillful
dancer. If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Sagittarius, one will
possess very attractive physique, be a king's minister and will be endowed with
wealth, virtues and happiness. Should Venus aspect the Moon in
Sagittarius, the native will be happy, beautiful and fortunate, be endowed with
sons, wealth and sexual desires and will have good friends and wife. If Saturn
aspects the Moon in Sagittarius, the person will be sweet in speech, will speak
good words, will have wide knowledge of Shastras, be truthful, soft and be a kings man. 65. MOON IN CAPRICORN. If the Moon at birth be in
Capricorn, the native will be a singer, will be averse to cold articles (or
season), will have stout body, will be fond of truth and charity, be
distinguished, famous, less irascible, be libidinous, unkind and shameless;
will possess beautiful eyes and emaciated body, will violate teacher's bed, be
a poet, will have round thighs, be not very enthusiastic, be very miserly and
will have long neck and ears. 66-71. MOON IN CAPRICORN IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Moon in Capricorn be aspected by the Sun at
birth, one will be penniless, miserable, wandering-nature, interested in
others' work, dirty and clever. If Mars aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will
enjoy abundant riches, be highly liberal, be fortunate, wealthy, will have
conveyances and be brave. If Mercury aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will be
dunce, be interested in living in other places, be bereft of wife, be fickle
minded and be devoid of happiness and money. Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in
Capricorn at birth, the native will be a king, be incomparably brave, will have
royal qualities and will possess many wives, children and friends. If Venus
aspects the Moon in Capricorn, one will join others' wives, be endowed with
wealth, ornaments, conveyances, garlands etc., be blameworthy and be issueless.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Capricorn one will be indolent, dirty, be endowed
with money, be troubled by sexual feelings, will join others' housewives and be
untruthful. 72. If the Moon is in Aquarius at birth, the person will have
elevated nose, rough, or uneven body and stout hands and legs, will be addicted
to intoxicants, will be averse to the virtuous, be not himself virtuous, will
obtain illegal sons, will have stout head, ugly/diseased eyes, bright face and
prominent waist, be an artisan, will have bad mentality, be miserable and will
be very poor. 73-78. Should the Moon at birth be in
Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, one will be very dirty in disposition, be
valorous, will be like a king in guise, be virtuous and be an agriculturist. If
Mars aspects the Moon in Aquarius, one will be quite truthful, will not inherit
money from mother and elders, be indolent and
mysterious and interested in others' work. If Mercury aspects the Moon in
Aquarius, the native will be skillful in treating others well, while hosting
them, will be proficient in music, will be liked by the fair sex and will
possess less money and less happiness. Should Jupiter aspect the Moon in
Aquarius, the native will own villages, agriculture lands and trees, be endowed
with superior castles and superior ladies and will be devoted to (sensual)
enjoyment (Bhogi also means rich person, or a king) If Venus aspects the Moon
in Aquarius, the person will be base, issueless, friendless, timid, be censured
by preceptors, be sinful, will have a bad wife and will be least happy. Should
the Moon in Aquarius have Saturn's aspect, the native will have (prominent)
nails and hair, be dirty, will seek union with other women, be a dunce, be
irreligious and be rich possessing many immovables. 79. MOON IN PISCES. If the
Moon is in Pisces, the native will be expert in fine arts, be capable of
winning even unfavourable people, be learned in Shastras, beautiful bodied,
proficient in music, very religious, will cohabit with many women, be a polite
speaker, will serve the king, be somewhat irascible, will have a big head, be
endowed with happiness and wealth, will be won over by the fair sex, be
virtuous, be interested in sailing and be liberal. 80-85.
MOON IN PISCES IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the Moon posited in Pisces is
aspected by the Sun, the native will be highly libidinous, be happy, be an Army chief, be very affluent and will have delighted
wife. If Mars aspects the Moon in Pisces, the person will be insulted, be
devoid of happiness, is an unchaste woman's son, will be interested in sins and
will be valorous. He will be a king, if the Moon in Pisces is aspected by
Mercury; will be highly intelligent, be happy and will be surrounded by supreme
females and be controlled by them. If Jupiter aspects the Moon in Pisces, he
will be beautiful, fierce, head of a district, be very affluent, beautiful and
will be surrounded by many women. If Venus aspects the Moon in Pisces, he will
be skillful in coition, interested in dance, instrumental music and songs and
will steal the hearts of the fair sex. Should Saturn aspect the Moon in Pisces,
he will be deformed, be unfavourable to mother, be sexually distressed, be
devoid of sons, wife and intelligence and will be attached to mean and ugly
females. 88. SAID RESULTS TO MATURE. If the Lord of the Moon Sign, the Moon
Sign itself and the Moon are all endowed with strength, the said effects (due
to Moon's position, as laid down in this Ch.) will fully come to pass. The effects
will vary according to positions, like debilitation, exaltation etc. (of the
dispositor and the aspecting planet). Thus ends the 23rd 1-3. MOON IN NAVANSA OF MARS
ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mars aspected by Mars himself, one
will win over his enemies and will be valorous. If the Moon is in the Navansa
of Mars aspected by Saturn, one will be very cunning, deceiving and trifling.
If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mars aspected by the Sun, one will be a thief,
sometimes cruel and sometimes protecting and be courageous. If the Moon is in
the Navansa of Mars aspected by Jupiter, the person will be a king, be famous
and honoured by the learned. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mars aspected by
Venus, one will be a kings minister, be wealthy and be
fond of women and cosmetics. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mars aspected by
Mercury, one will be a fast speaker and be fickle-minded. 4-6.
Taurus/Libra Navansa and is aspected by Venus, the person will be happy in
regard to wife, robes, food and drinks. If the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navansa
and is aspected by Mercury the person will have knowledge of playing musical
instruments and be interested in dance and music. If the Moon is in
Taurus/Libra Navansa and is aspected by Jupiter, the person will be a great
poet, be highly skillful in the branch of justice (or politics), be a king's minister, will enjoy sight of others'
housewives, be libidinous and will have many a servant. If the Moon is in
Taurus/Libra Navansa and is aspected by the Sun, the person will be a great
stupid, will possess a beautiful face and will always enjoy food and drinks. If
the Moon is in Taurus/Libra Navansa and is aspected by Saturn, the person will
resemble a carpenter in disposition (i.e. he will be a carpenter by
OTHERS. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mercury, (i.e. Gemini/Virgo
Navansa) and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be skillful in mechanical, or fine arts (of 64 kinds) and be a poet. If the
Moon is in the Navansa of Mercury and is aspected by Venus, he will have a
broad physique, be an expert musician and will have
rich knowledge of sacred passages (& C Shastra vachnam, Sruti vachanam and
Samriti Vachanam). If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mercury and is aspected by
Jupiter, he will be a king's minister, be a repository of good qualities, be famous and splendourous. If the Moon is in the Navansa of
Mercury and is aspected by Mars, he will be a notorious thief, be skillful in
arguments and be fierce. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mercury and is
aspected by Saturn, he will be skillful in Shastras and poetry, be learned in
arts and be intelligent. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Mercury and is
aspected by the Sun, he will be successful in war and be famous. 10-12. MOON IN CANCER NAVANSA AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
the Moon is in her Navansa at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the subject
will have an emaciated body, but be free from diseases. If the Moon is in
Cancer and is aspected by Mars, the person will be skillful in stealing others'
money and be a miser. If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Saturn, the
person will indulge in prohibited acts and will incur grief due to
imprisonment, litigations and destruction. If the Moon is in Cancer and is
aspected by Venus, the person will be inimical to the fair sex and will resemble
a eunuch. If the Moon is in Cancer and is aspected by Jupiter, the person will
be a king's minister, or be a king himself. If the Moon is in Cancer and is
aspected by Mercury, the person will be not virtuous, will sleep much and will
wander at all times. 13-15. MOON IN LEO NAVANSA IN ASPECT TO
OTHERS. If the Moon is in Leo Navansa at birth and is aspected by the
Sun himself, the native will be short-tempered, famous and wealthy. If the Moon
is in Leo Navansa at birth and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be
sinful, unkind and will kill living beings. If the Moon is in Leo Navansa at
birth and is aspected by Mars, the native will possess gold, wealth and fame,
will be honoured by the king and be quite valorous. If the Moon is in Leo
Navansa at birth and is aspected by Jupiter the native will be either an Army
chief, or a king. If the Moon is in Leo Navansa at birth and is aspected by
Venus, the native will (only) desire to have children and will have (only) dead
children (i.e. will have no living children). If the Moon is in Leo Navansa at
birth and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be an astrologer, be fond of
heroic history (such, as Mahabharata) and will be very affluent. 16-18. MOON IN JUPITERS NAVANSA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If the
Moon is in the Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Jupiter, the
native will be beautiful (or spotless), be liked by the king and be widely
famous. If the Moon is in the Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces
and aspected by Venus, the native will be endowed with conjugal happiness.
If the Moon is in the Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Mercury,
the native will be jocular, be dear to the king and be an Army chief. If the
Moon is in the Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Mars the native
will be skillful in use of weapons and be very famous. If the Moon is in the
Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by the Sun the native will have many
blemishes, be famous and be subjected to accidents/calamities. If the Moon is
in the Navansa of Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by Saturn the native will be
akin to old men, be neglected by mighty men and be base. 19-21.
Capricorn/Aquarius Navansa and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be miserly,
sickly and will have dead children. If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius
Navansa and is aspected by the Sun, the native will have a few children, be
miserable with diseases and be ugly. If the Moon is in Capricorn/Aquarius
Navansa and is aspected by Mars, the native will be equal to a king, be very
rich, happy, but unfortunate in regard to wife. If the Moon is in
Capricorn/Aquarius Navansa and is aspected by Venus, he will be of crooked
disposition, be attached to women and be valorous. If the Moon is in
Capricorn/Aquarius Navansa and is aspected by Mercury, the native will be
interested in liquors and will have bad history. If the Moon is in
Capricorn/Aquarius Navansa and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be
devoted to his own work and be great. 22-24. SCOPE OF
EFFECTS. If the Moon is in Vargothama Navansa, own Navansa, or other's
Navansa, the effects will be full, medium and minor, respectively. This does
not apply to evil effects, so to say these will be
reverse. If the Navansa Lord is stronger than the Rasi Lord, then only the
effects due to Navansa Lord will come to pass, i.e., the Navansa effects due to
the Moon will be felt, as against that of her Rasi position. So say Vriddha
Yavanas. Thus ends the 24th 1-2. MARS IN ARIES. If Mars at birth occupies Aries,
the native will be splendourous, truthful, valorous, be a king, be fond of war,
interested in adventurous acts, be an Army chief, or head of a village, or a
band; be delighted, charitable be endowed with a number of cows, goats etc. and
grains, be fierce and will join many women. 3-4. If Mars is in Taurus in a
nativity, the person will break the vows of chaste women, will eat voraciously,
will have little wealth and few sons, be jealous, will maintain many people,
will not trust others, will play violently, will speak very harshly, be fond of
music, be sinful, be inimical to relatives and will bring infamy to his family.
5-6. MARS IN GEMINI. Should Mars be in Gemini, the
native will be splendourous, be capable of enduring miseries, be very learned,
be well versed with poetical rules, skillful in various kinds of fine arts,
fond of going to foreign countries, virtuously disposed, highly intelligent,
favourably disposed to his sons and friends and will devote to various kinds of
assignments. 7-8. MARS IN CANCER. If Mars is in Cancer
at birth, the subject will like living in others' houses, be deformed, sick,
will attain riches through agriculture, will enjoy royal food and robes during
childhood, will eat food in others' houses, will become wealthy through the
source of water, be repeatedly anguished and be always distressed. 9-10. MARS IN LEO. If Mars is in Leo in a nativity, the
native will be impatient, be valorous, intent upon grabbing others' money and
children, will like to live in forests, be fond of eating cow's flesh (or beef
etc.), will lose his first wife, will kill snakes and animals, will be bereft
of children, be devoid of charitable acts and be always active in his jobs. 11-12. MARS IN VIRGO. Should Mars occupy Virgo at birth, the
subject will be worthy of honour, be never rich, be very fond of sexual union
and music, be soft and sweet spoken, will have various kinds of expenses, be
not much valorous, be learned, will have ribs in their advanced position, will
fear enemies very much, be skillful in Shastras and fine arts, be fond of
bathing, make-up etc. and be splendourous. 13-14. If Mars occupies Libra in a
nativity, the person will be liable to wandering, will indulge in bad business,
be an able speaker, be fortunate, deformed in respect of some limb, will have
few relatives, be fond of wars, will lose his first wife, will deal in liquors
and will earn through prostitutes to only lose. 15-16. MARS
IN SCORPIO. If Mars occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be
attached to trade, will be interested in Vedic knowledge, be leader of thieves,
skillful in his duties, be interested in wars, be highly sinful, will do big
crimes, will be perfidious towards his enemies, will betray, be disposed
towards killing, be unhelpful, be a talebearer, will be endowed with lands,
sons and wife and be troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds. 17-18. MARS IN SAGITTARIUS. Should Mars be in Sagittarius,
the native will have many wounds, be emaciated, be harsh in speech, crafty,
alienated, be a warrior endowed with chariots, elephants and Army men, will
pass arrows on other's Army from his chariot, be happy with hard work, will
lose his happiness and money due to anger and will not honour elders. 19-20. If Mars is posited in Capricorn at birth, one
will be wealthy (fortunate), be endowed with happiness and pleasures, be
wealthy, will have an excellent disposition, be famous, be an Army chief, or a
king, will possess a good wife, be successful in war, will live in his own
country, be independent, be a protector, be virtuous and will be interested in
various procedures. 21-22. If Mars is posited in Aquarius at the time of one's
birth, he will be devoid of both affection and purity, will look like an old
person, will die a bad death, will have spite, jealousy, untruthful
disposition, afflicted speech and lost wealth, will be ugly, will have
(abundant) hair on the body, will lose money in gambling, will be unsightly,
will have miserable profession, be fond of liquor and be unfortunate. 23-24. MARS IN PISCES. Should Mars be in Pisces at the time
of one's birth, the person will be troubled by diseases, will have indifferent
children, will live in foreign countries, be insulted by his own relatives,
will lose all his wealth by his cunning and cheating disposition, will be
depressed in spirits, be very miserable, will disrespect elders and Brahmins,
be unkind, will conceive (other's) desires, be fond of praises and be famous.
25-30. MARS IN OWN RASHI AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mars at birth be in
Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by the Sun, the person will possess wealth, wife
and children, be a kings minister, be a justice, be famous and be a charitable
king. Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by the Moon, the
native will be bereft of mother, will have a wounded body, will hate his own
people, will not have friends, be jealous and will have female children. Should
Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Mercury, the subject will
be an expert in stealing others' money, be a liar, be devoted to Manmatha (i.e.
highly libidinous), be hostile and will frequently visit prostitutes. Should
Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will
be learned, sweet-spoken, fortunate, dear to parents, be very affluent and will
be a king par excellence. Should Mars at birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be
aspected by Venus, the native will be imprisoned due to females and will be
deprived of his money on account of females, more than once. Should Mars at
birth be in Aries/Scorpio and be aspected by Saturn, the native will be capable
of hindering thieves in spite of his being not valorous, will be devoid of his
men and will maintain another woman. 31-36. MARS IN A HOUSE OF VENUS AND
ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If Mars is in Taurus/Libra, with the aspect of the Sun, the
person will seek to move in forests and hills, will hate women, will have many
enemies, will have fierce appearance and be courageous. If Mars is in
Taurus/Libra with the aspect of the Moon, the native will not honour his
mother, be wicked, will lord many women and be dear to them and will fear war.
If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Mercury, the native will promote
quarrels, will speak much, will have a soft body, will possess (indifferent or)
few sons and little wealth and will be learned in Shastras. If Mars is in
Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Jupiter, the subject will be skillful in music
and in play of musical instruments, be fortunate, be dear to his relatives and
will be pure. If Mars is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Venus, the person
will be a kings minister, be liked by the king, be an
Army chief, will have famous name (i.e. titles etc.) and will be happy. If Mars
is in Taurus/Libra with the aspect of Saturn, the native will be happy, famous,
wealthy, be endowed with friends and own men, be
learned and will be head of a group of villages/towns, or group of men. 37-42.
Gemini/Virgo and in aspect to the Sun, the native will be blessed with
learning, wealth and courage, be fond of hills, forests and fortresses and be
highly strong. If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, the
person will be happy, wealthy, splendourous, will
guard women's apartments, will be endowed with women and will manage the kings
residence. If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be
skillful in the art of writing, in mathematics and in poetry, be garrulous, be
liar, be a sweet speaker, be a messenger (or an ambassador) and will endure lot
of misery. If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Jupiter, the native
will be a kings representative, be bright, will go to
foreign countries, as an ambassador, be skillful in all doings and be a leader.
If Mars is in Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Venus, the person will do the
jobs of females, be very fortunate and will enjoy food and robes. If Mars is in
Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Saturn, the person will be interested in
wandering in mines (i.e. places beneath surface), hills and forests, will have
husbandry, as his livelihood, be highly miserable, be very valorous, dirty and
be devoid of wealth. 43-48. MARS IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO
OTHERS. If Mars be in Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the
native will be subjected to bilious diseases, be splendourous, be a justice in
position and be valorous. If the Moon aspects Mars in Cancer, the person will
be troubled by various diseases, will have mean
conduct, will possess an unsightly body and be miserable. If Mercury aspects
Mars in Cancer, the person will be dirty, sinful, will possess a mean family,
will be rejected by his own men and be shameless. If Mars in Cancer is aspected
by Jupiter, the native will be famous, be king's
minister, be learned, charitable, wealthy and be bereft of carnal pleasures. If
Venus aspects Mars in Cancer, the subject will be grieved on account of women's
company, be insulted by women and will lose wealth on account of women. Should
Saturn aspect Mars in Cancer, the native will acquire money through journey in
water, be equal to a king, be sportive in his acts and be always bright. 49-54. MARS IN LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mars is in Leo
and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be humble, helpful to friends, be
endowed with own men and be fond of wandering in cow-houses, forests and hills.
If the Moon aspects Mars in Leo, the native will be ominous for his mother, be
intelligent, will possess a hard body, be widely famous and will obtain money
through women. If Mercury aspects Mars in Leo, the native will be clever in
many arts, be a miser, be skillful in poetry and fine arts and be wicked. If
Jupiter aspects Mars in Leo, the person will be close to the king, be highly
learned, be of pure mentality and be an Army chief. Should Venus aspect Mars in
Leo, the person will have union with many women, be fortunate in respect of his
wife and will be ever juvenile. Saturn aspecting Mars in Leo denotes, that the
person will look, like an old man, be poor, will wander in others' houses/be
miserable. 55-60. MARS IN JUPITER'S HOUSE IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mars occupies
Sagittarius, or Pisces at birth and is aspected by the
Sun, the subject will be world honoured, be fortunate, will live in forests,
hills and fortresses and be cruel. If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is
aspected by the Moon, the person will be deformed, belligerent, learned and be
always inimical to the king. If Mars is in Sagittarius, or
Pisces and is aspected by Mercury, the person will be a scholar, be skillful,
learned in fine arts and be highly learned in general. If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Jupiter, the
person will be devoid of wife and happiness, will be beyond the reach of
enemies, be wealthy and be fond of exercises. If Mars is in Sagittarius, or
Pisces and is aspected by Venus, the person will be very much dear to women, be
interested in cosmetics, makeup etc., be charitable, be libidinous and be
fortunate. If Mars is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is
aspected by Saturn, the person will have defective body, be sinful,
wandering-nature, devoid of happiness and interested in others' religion.
Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, the subject will have very
dark body, be courageous, will have many wives, sons and abundant wealth and be
very sharp. Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by the
Moon, one will be fickle minded, be not well disposed towards his mother, be
fond of beautification, be charitable, be not firm in friendship and be rich.
Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Mercury, the
subject will walk very slowly, be not rich, will not have any profession, be
not strong, be not outspoken and be not virtuous. Should Mars be in Capricorn,
or Aquarius and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be very beautiful, will
possess kingly qualities, will fulfill his undertakings, be long-lived and be
endowed with relatives. Should Mars be in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be
aspected by Venus, one will be endowed with various kinds of (carnal)
pleasures, be interested in fostering women and be belligerent. Should Mars be
in Capricorn, or Aquarius and be aspected by Saturn, the person will be a king,
be very affluent, will hate women, will possess many children, be learned, be
devoid, of happiness and be timid in war. Thus ends the 25th 1-2. MERCURY IN ARIES. If Mercury is in Aries at the time
of one's birth, the native will be fond of battles (be uncompromising), be very
learned, wicked, emaciated, interested in music and dance, be untruthful, be
attached to sexual pleasures, be a writer, will produce fictitious things, will
eat much, will lose hard-earned money, will incur debts and imprisonment
frequently and will be sometimes fickle minded and yet sometimes firm in
disposition. 3-4. Should Mercury be in Taurus, the native will be skillful,
eminently liberal, be famous, will have knowledge of Vedas and Sastras, be fond
of exercises, robes, ornaments and garlands, be firm in disposition, will have
sincerely earned wealth, will possess a chaste wife, will be a soft and sweet
speaker and be after sexual satisfaction. 5-6. If Mercury occupies Gemini at
birth, the subject will have an auspicious appearance, will speak sweetly, be
very affluent, be an able speaker, be honourable, will give up his happiness,
will cohabit less, will have two wives, be fond of arguments, will be learned
in Vedas, Sastras etc., be a poet, be independent, dear, very munificent,
proficient in work and will have many sons and friends. 7-8. One born with
Mercury in Cancer will be learned, will be fond of living in other countries,
be interested in cohabiting with women and also in music, be fickle-minded,
prattling, inimical to his own relatives, will be fond of arguments, will lose
wealth on account of enmity with women, be of bad disposition, be interested in
many jobs, be a good poet and will be popular on account of the fame of his
ancestors. 9-10. Should the planet Mercury occupy Leo at one's birth, the
native will not possess even bit of wisdom (Kala – bit, hence Gnanakala
interpreted thus), be famous in the world, be not truthful, will possess a weak
memory, be wealthy, be not strong, will indulge in fratricide, be unfortunate
in respect of wife, be independent, mean in conduct, be a servant, be devoid of
children, be against his own race, but be favourable to others. 11-12. If
Mercury occupies his exaltation Sign at the time of one's birth, the native
will be quite virtuous, eloquent, skillful, will have knowledge of writing (be
an exponent) and poetry, be learned in fine/mechanical arts, be sweet in
disposition, be liked by women, be not much virile, be the eldest son of
family, be honoured by virtuous, be disposed to serve others, modest,
argumentative, famous, charitable and strong. 13-14. If Mercury falls in Libra
at the time of one's birth, the native will possess knowledge of arts, be
intent upon arguments, be an able speaker, will spend money lavishly, will have
business in various directions, will honour wise men, guests, Gods and
preceptors (elders), be skillful in pretending to serve others, be amiable,
devoted to Gods, fraudulent, fickle-minded and sometimes short-tempered and yet
sometimes (notably) peaceful. 15-16. MERCURY IN SCORPIO.
If Mercury is posited in Scorpio, one will experience troubles, grief and
evils, will hate the virtuous, will be devoid of truth, religion and shame, be
a dunce, be not virtuous, be a miser, will cohabit with wicked women, be fond
of giving cruel punishments, be not out spoken, be interested in blameworthy
jobs, will incur debts, will join base men and will steel other's properties.
17-18. Should Mercury be in Sagittarius, the native will be famous, liberal,
will have knowledge of Vedas and Sastras, be valorous, will practice abstract
meditation, be a minister, or family priest, be chief among his race-men, will
be very rich, be interested in performing Yajñas and teaching (Vedas etc.), be
a skillful speaker, be charitable and be an expert in writing and fine arts. 19-20. MERCURY IN CAPRICORN. If Mercury is in Capricorn at
birth, the native will be mean, dull, impotent, will do others' work, be devoid
of virtues, be subjected to various kinds of miseries, will dream, wander etc.,
be a tale bearer, be untruthful, devoid of relatives, dirty and timid. 21-22. MERCURY IN AQUARIUS. Should Mercury be in Aquarius at
birth, the subject will be bereft of good disposition and good deeds, be
attached to many religious acts, will give up doing worthy things, be insulted
by others, be impure, be not virtuous, be very wicked, be inimical to wife, be
devoid of carnal pleasures, be very unfortunate, very timid, impotent, dirty
and modest. 23-24. Should Mercury be in Pisces, one will be fond of good
conduct and purity, will live in foreign countries, be issueless, poor, will
have a chaste wife, be virtuous, fortunate, be devoid of religion, be skillful
in stitching etc. and be devoid of profane knowledge, acquaintance with Sastras
and fine arts, will be proficient in bagging other's wealth and will be devoid
OTHERS. Should Mercury occupy a Sign of Mars at birth and be aspected by
the Sun, the person will be truthful, be very happy, be honoured by the king
and be patiently disposed. If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by
the Moon, the native will steal the hearts of the fair sex, will serve others,
be dirty and be bereft of virtues. If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is
aspected by Mars, one will be a liar, a sweet speaker, will promote quarrels,
be learned, affluent, dear to king and valorous. If Mercury is in a Sign of
Mars and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be happy, will possess a glossy and
hairy physique, will have attractive hair, will be very rich, will command
others and be sinful. If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is aspected by Venus,
the subject will be in royal service, be fortunate, principal among men, or in his town, will speak skillfully, be trustworthy
and will be endowed with a wife. If Mercury is in a Sign of Mars and is
aspected by Saturn, the person will experience miseries, be fierce, be intent
upon doing cruel activities and be devoid of his own men. 31-36.
House of Venus and be aspected by the Sun, the subject will suffer from penury
and acute grief, will have a sick physique, be interested in serving others and
will be censured. Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by the
Moon, the native will be trustworthy, affluent, firmly pious, devoid of
sickness, will have lasting family ties, be famous and be a kings minister.
Should Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Mars, the native will
be troubled by diseases and enemies, be distressed, will incur royal insult and
will be deprived of all worldly objects. Should Mercury be in a House of Venus
and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will be highly learned, will fulfill his
promise, will be leader of a country/city/group of men and be famous. Should
Mercury be in a House of Venus and be aspected by Venus, the person will be
fortunate, soft in disposition, be happy, will enjoy good robes make up etc.
and will steal the hearts of the fair sex. If Saturn throws his aspect on
Mercury in a House of Venus, the subject will be devoid of happiness, be dirty,
will experience many diseases and evils, will be subjected to grief on account
of his relatives and be distressed. 37-42. MERCURY IN OWN
HOUSE AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury be in Gemini/Virgo and be
aspected by the Sun, the native will speak truth, be fortunate, dear to king,
be a Lord himself, be polite in his activities and be liked by all. Should
Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of the Moon, the person will
be sweet in disposition, garrulous, will promote quarrels, be interested in
acquiring sastric knowledge, firm and will succeed in all his undertakings.
Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of Mars, the person
will have an injured body, be dirty, be a genius, will serve the king and be
dear to him. Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of
Jupiter, one will be a king's minister, be excellent, be beautiful, charitable,
rich, be endowed with his own men and be courageous. Should Mercury be in his
own House and receive the aspect of Venus, the native will be highly learned be
a royal employee, be a messenger, will honour friendship and will be interested
in base women. Should Mercury be in his own House and receive the aspect of
Saturn, one will be progressive-minded, be modest, will achieve success in
undertakings started by him and will be wealthy with money and clothes. 43-48. MERCURY IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mercury
be in Cancer, in aspect to the Sun, one will be a dhoby, or a gardener, or a
house-builder, or gem smith. If the Moon aspects Mercury in Cancer, one will be
deprived of wealth (or energy of the physique) on account of women and will be
miserable for the same reason. If Mars lends his aspect to Mercury in Cancer,
he will not have much learning, be garrulous, be a great liar, will produce
fictitious things, be a thief and will be affectionate in speech. If Jupiter
aspects Mercury in Cancer, one will be a great scholar, very dear (to all), be
fortunate, dear to the king and will cross the boundaries of learning. Should
Venus aspect Mercury in Cancer, one will be equal to Cupid in appearance, will
possess attractive physique, be well-versed in the art of singing and in
playing musical instruments, be fortunate and softly disposed. If Saturn aspects
Mercury in Cancer, one will be fond of vanity, be sinful, will face
imprisonment, be devoid of virtues and will hate co-born and elders. 49-54. MERCURY IN LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Mercury
occupies Leo at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be jealous,
rich, virtuous, cruel, mean, fickle-minded and shameless. If the Moon aspects
Mercury in Leo, one will be very beautiful, very skillful, be interested in
poetry, fine arts, music and dance, be wealthy and virtuous. If Mars lends his
aspect to Mercury in Leo, one will be base, miserable, physically injured,
unskillful and impotent. If Jupiter aspects Mercury in Leo, one will be
beautiful, very learned, be a gifted speaker, be very famous and be endowed
with attendants and conveyances. If Venus aspects Mercury in
Leo, one will possess unparalleled beauty, be softly disposed, will have an
attractive face, will have many conveyances, be very courageous and be a
minister. If Saturn aspects Mercury in Leo, one will be tall in stature,
be splendourless, be ugly, will emanate bad smell from body out of sweat and be
OTHERS. Should Mercury be in Sagittarius/Pisces and aspected by the Sun,
one will suffer from urinary diseases and epilepsy and be peaceful in
disposition. If the Moon aspects Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will
be a writer, be beautiful par excellence, be very affluent, trustworthy,
amiable and happy. If Mars aspects Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native
will be a leader of townsmen, or thieves, will reside in forests and will be a
famous writer. Should Jupiter aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native
will be rich by memory, intelligence and descendency, be beautiful, noble and
knowledgeable, be a kings minister, or his treasurer
and be a writer. If Venus aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will
educate boys and girls, be wealthy, soft in disposition and brave. If Saturn
aspect Mercury in Sagittarius/Pisces, the native will be intent upon living in
forests, will eat much, be wicked, dirty and will be unsuccessful in all his
OTHERS. If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by the Sun,
one will be a boxer, be very strong, one will eat abundantly, be censured, will
speak sweetly and be famous. If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected
by the Moon, one will derive his livelihood through water, be plentiful will
sell flowers, liquor and bulbs (vegetables), will have fierce appearance and be
firm (i.e. not moving much). If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected
by Mars, one will be infirm in speech, be calm in disposition, bashful and
happy. If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Jupiter, one will
be endowed with abundant money and grains, be honoured in his village/town and
by his men, be happy and be famous. If Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is
aspected by Venus, one will be the husband of a base woman, be ugly, be
unintelligible, be troubled by sexual passion and will have many sons. If
Mercury be in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Saturn, one will be sinful,
very poor, miserable and mean. Thus ends the 26th 1-2. JUPITER IN ARIES. If Jupiter is posited in Aries at
birth, one will be argumentative in disposition, will acquire precious stones
and ornaments out of his efforts, will be endowed with strength, sons and
wealth, will have eminent and famous profession, be splendourous, will have
many enemies, much expenses and an injured body and will confer fierce and
cruel punishments. 3-4. Should Jupiter be in Taurus, one will be endowed with a
broad body, be corpulent, will honour Brahmins and Gods, be splendourous,
fortunate, attached to his wife, be endowed with good appearance, profession,
cows and abundant wealth; will possess good articles and ornaments, be
distinguished in speech, intelligence and skill; will have political / judicial
wisdom, be modest, be endowed with medical accomplishments and be skillful in
experiments. 5-6. Should Jupiter be in Gemini, the native will be affluent,
scholarly, proficient, will possess attractive eyes, be eloquent, courteous,
skillful, virtuous, will honour elders and relatives, will be able to utter
“bejeweled” words (be literally rich in words), which are benevolent in nature,
be devoted to his duties and be a good poet. 7-8. If Jupiter be in Cancer at
birth, the native will be a scholar, be beautiful, be highly learned,
charitable, good-natured, be very strong, be famous, will possess abundant
grains and riches, be endowed with truth and penance, will have long-living
sons, be honoured by all, will be a king, will have a distinguished profession
and will be attached to his friends. 9-10. Should Jupiter be in Leo at the time
of birth, the native will be lastingly inimical, be strong, courageous, will
show abundant friendship, be learned, rich, will have eminent relatives, be a
king, will have heroism akin to that of a king, will be recognizable in an
assembly, will destroy the entire band of his enemies, will possess a strong
physique and will live in hills, fortresses, forests and temples. 11-12. If
Jupiter occupies Virgo at birth, one will be a scholar, be virtuous, be
skillful in his work, be fond of scents, robes and flowers, will firmly gain in
undertakings, will have rich experience in Sastras and fine arts, be affluent,
charitable, pure-hearted, skillful and wonderfully learned. 13-14. If Jupiter
occupies Libra at birth, one will be a scholar, will have many sons, be endowed
with foreign assignments, will be very affluent, interested in ornaments,
modest, will earn money through dance and drama, be pleasing in appearance, be
splendourous, learned in Sastras, be superior among his colleague-businessmen,
will honour Gods and guests and be very learned. 15-16. Should Jupiter at the
time of one's birth be in Scorpio, he will be expert in Sastras, be a king,
will be a commentator of many Bhasyas (a commentary, which explains Sutras word
by word with comments of its own, for example, on Vedas), be skillful, will
construct temples and towns, will have many wives, but few sons, be troubled by
diseases, will undergo many difficulties, be very fierce, be ostentatious in
his performance, be virtuous and will indulge in contemptuous acts. 17-18. If
Jupiter occupies Sagittarius at birth, one will be a preceptor, will conduct
religious vows, initiations, sacrifices etc., will have lasting wealth, be
charitable, be friendly to his own men, be fond of helping others, interested
in Shastras, be the head of a zone, or a minister, will live in many countries,
will prefer loneliness and be interested in visiting shrines. 19-20. JUPITER IN CAPRICORN. Jupiter in Capricorn denotes,
that the native will be less virile, will experience much grief and
difficulties, will be mean in conduct, be a dunce, will meet a bad end, will
suffer from penury, will serve others, will be bereft of auspiciousness, mercy,
purity, affection to his relatives and of religion, will have an emaciated
body, be timid, interested in living in other countries and be depressed of
spirits. 21-22. JUPITER IN AQUARIUS. If Jupiter falls
in Aquarius at the time of birth, one will be a tale-bearer, be ill disposed, interested
in evil jobs, be chief among his racemen, be always attached to base men, be
malicious, miserly, will suffer from diseases, will lose wealth on account his
own utterances, be devoid of intelligence and virtues and will violate elder's
beds. 23-24. JUPITER IN PISCES. If Jupiter is in
Pisces at birth, one will be expert in knowing the meanings of Vedas and other
Shastras, will be honoured by friends and virtuous people, will be a headsman
in the king's employ, be praiseworthy, unconquerable, rich, devoid of fear, be
proud, firm in undertakings, be a king, be skillful in policies, training,
behavior and war tactics, be famous and will be calm in his doings. 25-30. JUPITER IN ARlES/SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native
will be charitable, will be truthful, will have famous sons, be very fortunate
and will have abundant hair on the body. If Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio and
is aspected by the Moon, the native will be a historical and poetical writer,
will be endowed with many precious stones, be dear to women, be a king and be
highly learned. If Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio and is aspected by Mars, one
is of royal scion, will be valorous, fierce, endowed with knowledge of politics,
be modest, affluent and will have a disobedient wife and disobedient servants.
If Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio and is aspected by Mercury, the native will
be a liar, be crafty, sinful, will be skillful in detecting other's defects,
will serve others, be grateful, be modest and be not outspoken. If Jupiter
occupies Aries/Scorpio and is aspected by Venus, one will be very happy in
respect of residences, sleeping comforts, robes, scents, garlands, ornaments
and wife and be very timid. If Jupiter occupies Aries/Scorpio and is aspected
by Saturn, the subject will be dirty, miserly, sharp, adventurous, amiable, famous and will not have lasting children and friendship. 31-36. JUPITER IN TAURUS/LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
Jupiter occupies a House of Venus at birth and is aspected by the Sun, one will
be endowed with attendants and quadrupeds. will wander
verily, will have a long body, be learned and be a king's minister. If Jupiter
occupies a House of Venus and is aspected by the Moon, the native will be
abundantly rich, be very calm, Sweet, be dear to mother and wife and will enjoy
much pleasures. If Jupiter occupies a House of Venus and is aspected by Mars,
the native will be dear to the fair sex, be learned, courageous, affluent,
happy and be of royal Scion. If Jupiter occupies a House of Venus and is
aspected by Mercury, the native will be learned, Skillful, sweet, fortunate,
endowed with riches, be highly virtuous and be splendourous. If Jupiter
occupies a House of Venus and is aspected by Venus, the native will be very
attractive, affluent, will wear excellent ornaments, be merciful and will enjoy
excellent sleeping comforts and excellent robes. If Jupiter occupies a House of
Venus and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be a scholar, will be endowed
with abundant wealth and corns, be excellent among the people of his
village/town, be dirty, ugly and be devoid of wife. 37-42.
Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by the Sun at birth, one will be great, important
in his village be a householder and will be endowed with wife, sons and money.
If Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, the native will
be affluent, dear to mother, fortunate, happy, will have wife and sons and be incomparable.
If Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Mars, one will be easily
successful at all times, be ugly, rich and be amiable to all. If Jupiter
occupies Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be a skillful
astrologer, will have many children and wives and will be exponent of many
aphorisms and precepts and speak with great excellence. If Jupiter occupies
Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Venus, the native will undertake acts of temple
construction, will visit prostitutes and will win
women's hearts. If Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Saturn, the
native will be the head of a group, state, or village and be beautiful. 43-48. JUPITER IN CANCER IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Jupiter
occupies Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, native will be famous, be
ahead of others and will (in the beginning) be devoid of happiness, wealth and
wife, all of which will be acquired by him later. If Jupiter occupies
Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, the native will be very rich, splendourous,
be a king, will enjoy abundant wealth and conveyances
and will have excellent wife and sons. If Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is
aspected by Mars, one will marry in the boyhood itself, will be endowed with
gold and ornaments, be learned, valorous and will have a wounded physique. If
Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be endowed
with relatives and friends, be rich, will promote quarrels, be bereft of sins,
be a minister and be trustworthy. If Jupiter occupies Gemini/Virgo and is
aspected by Venus, one will have many wives, extraordinary riches, various
ornaments, be happy and fortunate. If Jupiter occupies
Gemini/Virgo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be important in his village,
or in the Army, or in his town, be talkative, be very affluent, garrulous and
will enjoy pleasures in old age. 49-54. JUPITER IN LEO
ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If at birth Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by the
Sun, one will be dear to good men, be famous, be a king, be extremely affluent
and virtuous. If Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by the Moon, the native will
be very beautiful, dirty, will be very rich through the fortunes of his wife
and will conquer his five senses. If Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected by Mars,
the native will honour elders at all times, will perform distinguished acts, be
very skillful, pure, adventurous and cruel. If Jupiter is in Leo and is
aspected by Mercury, the native will have knowledge of civil works of building
construction, will be endowed with profane knowledge, be virtuous, be a sweet
speaker, be a minister and be highly learned. If Jupiter is in Leo and is
aspected by Venus, the native will be dear to females, be fortunate, will
receive royal honours and be very strong. If Jupiter is in Leo and is aspected
by Saturn, one will be garrulous, be an eloquent speaker, be devoid of
happiness, be sharp and will have mean children and mean wife. 55-60. JUPITER IN OWN HOUSE AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces at birth and is aspected by the Sun,
the native will be inimical to the king and will be miserable being bereft of
wealth and relatives. If Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces and is
aspected by the Moon, the native will enjoy many kinds of happiness, be very
fortunate in respect of wife and will have the pride of honour, wealth and
possessions. If Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces and is aspected by
Mars, one will be injured in war, be cruel, will cause torture, will harm
others and will lose children. If Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces and
is aspected by Mercury, the native will be a minister, or a king, will be happy
with wealth, fortunes and progeny and will enjoy all kinds of delights. If
Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces and is aspected by Venus, the native
will be happy, learned, be devoid of blemishes, be long-lived, fortunate and
will be blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. If Jupiter is posited in Sagittarius/Pisces
and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be dirty, will be fear-stricken, be
neglected by the people of his village/town and be devoid of happiness,
pleasures and virtues. 61-66. JUPITER IN A HOUSE OF SATURN IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Jupiter is in a House of Saturn at birth and is
aspected by the Sun, one will be learned, be a king, be rich by birth, will
enjoy various kinds of pleasures and be very courageous. If Jupiter is in a
House of Saturn and is aspected by the Moon, the native will be devoted to his
parents, be superior by birth, be learned rich,
virtuous and very charitable. If Jupiter is in a House of Saturn and is
aspected by Mars, one will be valorous, be an Army chief with the king,
splendourous, well-dressed, famous and honoured. If Jupiter is in a House of
Saturn and is aspected by Mercury, one will be highly libidinous, important
among his folk, rich by conveyances and wealth, famous and will have many
friends. If Jupiter is in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Venus, the
native will be endowed with food, drinks, excellent residence, sleeping
comforts, wealth, conveyances, excellent wife, ornaments and robes. If Jupiter
is in a House of Saturn and is aspected by Saturn, the native will be endowed
with incomparable learning, be supreme, be a king of his country, be rich with
attendants and quadrupeds and will enjoy pleasures. Thus ends the 27th 1-2. Should Venus be in Aries at birth, one will be
night-blind, will have many blemishes, be inimical, will join other housewives,
will visit whores, will move in forests and hills, will be imprisoned on
account of women, be base, hard in disposition, be an Army chief, or chief of
men, be not reliable and be eminent. 3-4. VENUS IN TAURUS.
Should Venus at birth be in Taurus, one will be endowed with many wives and
gems, be an agriculturist, will possess scents, garlands and robes, will live
on account of cows, be charitable, will maintain his relatives, will have good
appearance, will be learned in many branches, will give away many things, will
help the living beings and be a principal person. 5-6. Should Venus occupy
Gemini at birth, one will be famous in sciences and Sastras, be beautiful,
libidinous, be skillful in writing and in poetry, be dear to good people, will derive
wealth through music and dances, will have many friends, will honour Gods and
Brahmins and be firm in friendship. 7-8. If Venus occupies Cancer at the time
of one's birth, he will be wise, virtuous, learned, strong, soft, chief among
men, will have desired happiness and wealth, be good-looking, just, very much
troubled on account of women and wine and will be miserable with family
troubles. 9-10. If Venus occupies Leo at birth, the
native will respect women, will enjoy wealth and happiness, will have less
virility, be dear to relatives, be miserable in spite of his happiness, will
help others, will respect Brahmins, elders and preceptors and will be devoid of
much discrimination. 11-12. Should Venus be in Virgo, the native will not be
quite discriminative, be soft in disposition, be skillful, will be helpful to
others, will speak sweetly, will earn money through several sources, will
cohabit with bad women, be mean, be devoid of happiness and pleasures, will
beget more daughters and less sons, will visit shrines and be a scholar in an
assembly. 13-14. VENUS IN LIBRA. If Venus occupies
Libra, the native will acquire hard-earned money, be valorous, endowed with
superior robes etc., interested in living in foreign countries, will protect
his own people, be skillful in his duties, rich, meritorious, famous by
honouring Gods and Brahmins, be a scholar and be fortunate. 15-16. If Venus
occupies Scorpio, the subject will be jealous, be very malicious, be not
religious, be argumentative, be crafty, be not attached to brothers, be not
fortunate, will be troubled by enemies, be distressed, will be inimical to
unchaste women, be skillful in killing, will incur heavy debts, will suffer
penury, be proud and will contract venereal diseases. 17-18. One, who has Venus
in Sagittarius will be endowed with good results accruing out of virtues,
dutifulness and wealth, be dear to all people, be splendourous, be an excellent
personage, will shine like the Sun before his family members, be a scholar,
will be endowed with cows, be fond of decoration, will enjoy wealth, wife and
fortunes, be a king's minister, be skillful, will have a stout and long
physique and be respected by all. 19-20. VENUS IN CAPRICORN.
If Venus occupies Capricorn at birth, one will be miserable due to heavy expenses,
will have an emaciated body, will be fond of aged women, will suffer from heart
diseases, be miserly in the matter of money, be a liar, be skillful in
cheating, be a eunuch, be devoid of (good) acts, interested in others' work,
very distressed, be a dunce and will, however, endure misery. 21-22. Should
Venus be in Aquarius, one will suffer from fear and
excitement, be not successful in undertakings, will go to other women, be not
virtuous, be inimical to elders and to his children, be bereft of ablutions,
like bathing and will not be endowed with (good) robes, ornaments etc. and be
dirty. 23-24. VENUS IN PISCES. If Venus is posited in
Pisces at birth, one will be courteous, liberal, virtuous, very wealthy, will
destroy enemies, be famous in the world, excellent, distinguished, dear to
king, be endowed with good speech and wisdom, be liberal, will derive wealth
and respect from the virtuous, will keep up his promise, will maintain his
family members and be endowed with knowledge. 25-30. VENUS IN
ARIES OR SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Venus occupy Aries/Scorpio
at birth and is in aspect to the Sun, one will be miserable on account of women
and will lose wealth and happiness on account of them, will be a king and be
learned. If Venus is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon, one will
be imprisoned, very fickle-minded, be libidinous, will marry a base lady and
will be bereft of children. If Venus is in Aries, or
Scorpio and is aspected by Mars, one will be devoid of wealth, honour and happiness,
will do others' jobs and will perform dirty jobs. If Venus is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by Mercury, one will be
foolish, profligate, unworthy, be not in good terms with his own relatives, be
immodest, thievish, mean and cruel. If Venus is in Aries,
or Scorpio and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with beautiful eyes,
will have a charitable wife, will possess a beautiful and long body and will
have many sons. If Venus is in Aries, or Scorpio and
is aspected by Saturn, one will be very dirty, lazy and wandering-natured, will
serve others and be a thief. 31-36. VENUS IN OWN HOUSE IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Venus at birth occupy Taurus/Libra and is
aspected by the Sun, the person will acquire an excellent wife and abundant
wealth, will become a great man and will be subdued by women. If Venus is in
Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by the Moon, it indicates, that one is born of
an excellent mother, will be endowed with happiness, wealth, respect and sons,
will have excellence and be splendourous. If Venus is in Taurus,
or Libra and is aspected by Mars, one will marry a bad female, will lose home
and wealth on account of females and be sensuous. If Venus is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Mercury, one will be
splendourous, sweet, fortunate, happy, bold, wise and virtuous and will possess
distinguished strength. If Venus is in Taurus, or
Libra and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with wife, sons, abodes,
conveyances, riches etc. and will achieve desired objects. If Venus is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Saturn, one will have
little happiness, little wealth, will be reprobate, will marry a mean lady and
will suffer from diseases. 37-42. VENUS IN GEMINI/VIRGO IN
ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Venus is in Gemini/Virgo and aspected by the Sun,
one will be well disposed towards the king, his own mother and wife, be learned and rich. If Venus is in Gemini, or Virgo and is
aspected by the Moon, one will have dark eyes, beautiful hair, be endowed with
sleeping comforts, conveyances etc., be splendourous, beautiful in appearance
and be fortunate. If Venus is in Gemini, or Virgo and
is aspected by Mars, one will be highly sensuous, be fortunate and will destroy
his wealth through women. If Venus is in Gemini, or
Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be learned, sweet in disposition,
wealthy and endowed with conveyances and children, be fortunate and be leader
of men, or be a king. If Venus is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by
Jupiter, one will be highly happy, be radiant, courageous, learned and be a
preceptor. If Venus is in Gemini, or Virgo and is
aspected by Saturn, one will be very miserable, insulted, fickle-minded,
green-eyed and be a dunce. 43-48. VENUS IN CANCER IN ASPECT
TO OTHERS. If Venus is in Cancer and aspected by the Sun, the native's
wife will be attached to her duties, will possess a spotless body, will be a
king's daughter, (i.e. she will be of a rich heritage), one short-tempered and
will be endowed with wealth. If Venus is in Cancer and is aspected by the Moon,
one will keep his step-mother happy, will have a daughter first and later on
many sons, be happy, fortunate and beautiful. If Venus is in Cancer and is
aspected by Mars, one will be skillful in arts, be very rich, will suffer on
account of women, be fortunate and will promote the cause of his relatives. If
Venus is in Cancer and is aspected by Mercury, one will marry a learned woman,
will suffer miseries on account of his relatives, will wander, be wealthy and
learned. If Venus is in Cancer and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed
with many servants, sons, happiness, relatives and friends and be dear to king.
If Venus is in Cancer and is aspected by Saturn, one will be subdued by women,
be poor, base, ugly, fickle-minded and unhappy. 49-54. VENUS IN
LEO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If Venus occupies Leo at the time of birth and
is aspected by the Sun, one will be jealous, be dear to the fair sex,
libidinous will acquire money through women and will possess elephants. If
Venus is in Leo and is aspected by the Moon, one will present obsequial water
to his step mother, will be miserable on account of women, be rich and will
have various kinds of mental disposition (i.e. be infirm in disposition). If
Venus is in Leo and is aspected by Mars, one will be a royal person, be famous,
dear to women, be affluent, fortunate and be attached to other's wives. If
Venus is in Leo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be ever engaged in
earning, be miserly in disposition, be addicted to women, will join other's
wives, be courageous, crafty, false and wealthy. If Venus is in Leo and is
aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with conveyances, wealth and servants, will marry many women and be a king's minister. If
Venus is in Leo and is aspected by Saturn, one will be a king, or equal to a
king, be famous, will have abundant wealth and conveyances, will marry a
prostitute (or a widow), be beautiful in appearance and be miserable. 55-60. VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS/PISCES IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
Venus occupies Sagittarius/Pisces at birth and aspected by the Sun, one will be
very short tempered, learned, wealthy, be liked by all and will go to foreign
countries. If Venus is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and
is aspected by the Moon, one will be famous, be kingly, will eat rich food, be
distinguished and will possess incomparable strength. If Venus is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mars, one will be
very much ill-disposed towards women, will be both happy and miserable, be rich
and will possess cows. If Venus is in Sagittarius, or Pisces
and is aspected by Mercury, one will be endowed with all kinds of robes,
ornaments, foods and drinks and will possess plenty of money and horses and
cows, will possess many wives and many sons, be happy and be very wealthy. If
Venus is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Saturn, one will be
always amassing financial gains, be happy, will enjoy pleasures and abundant
wealth and be fortunate. 61-66. VENUS IN SATURN'S HOUSE IN
ASPECTS TO OTHERS. Should Venus be in Capricorn/Aquarius and be in aspect
to the Sun, the native will be firm, very dear to females, very wealthy, very
happy and truthful and be courageous. If Venus is in Capricorn,
or Aquarius and is aspected by the Moon, one will be very splenderous, very
valorous, very affluent and fortunate. If Venus is in Capricorn,
or Aquarius and is aspected by Mars, one will lose his spouse, will suffer many
evils and diseases, will undergo difficulties and later on be happy. If Venus
is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by
Mercury, one will be learned, rich, skillful in sacred precepts, highly
scholastic, truthful and happy. If Venus is in Capricorn,
or Aquarius and is aspected by Jupiter, one will enjoy robes and garlands, be
beautiful, will be skillful in music and musical instruments and will posses a
good wife. If Venus is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Saturn, one
will be endowed with servants, conveyances and wealth, be dirty and will
possess a black, beautiful and broad physique. Thus ends the 28th 1-2. SATURN IN ARIES. If Saturn occupies Aries at the
time of one's birth one will be miserable due to his vices and hard labor, be
deceitful will hate his relatives, be blameworthy, garrulous, reprobated, poor,
bad in appearance, ill-tempered, inimical to his people, will do base acts, be
jealous and sinful. 3-4. If Saturn occupies Taurus at the time of one's birth,
he will be bereft of wealth, be a servant, will speak undesirable words, be
untruthful, will win the hearts of old women, will have bad friends, will be
addicted to women, will serve other women, be not outspoken, will have strong
sight, be related to numerous assignments and be a fool. 5-6. If Saturn occupies
Gemini, one will contract debts and imprisonments, will toil, will have vanity
in disposition will consecrate by hymns and prayers, be bereft of virtues, be
always in hide-out, be libidinous, cunning, wicked and fond of wandering and of
sports. 7-8. SATURN IN CANCER. If Saturn is in Cancer,
one will possess a beloved wife, be devoid of wealth in boyhood, will suffer
many diseases, be learned, motherless, soft-spoken, distinguished in acts, will
always contract diseases, will trouble others, be inimical to relatives,
crooked, be kingly in his mid-life and will enjoy growing pleasures. 9-10. SATURN IN LEO. If Saturn occupies Leo, one will be
interested in writing and reading, be skillful, be disdained, devoid of virtues
and wife, will live by servitude, be devoid of his own men and happiness, be
interested in doing base acts, ill-tempered, be mad with (undue) desires, will
carry loads, will toil hard and will have a wrinkled body. 11-12.
SATURN IN VIRGO. If Saturn occupies Virgo at birth the subject will
resemble a eunuch, be very crafty, will depend on others for food, be addicted
to prostitutes, will have a few friends, be unacquainted with arts, be desirous
of indulging in ugly acts, will possess sons and wealth, be indolent, helpful
to others, will intent upon spoiling virgins and be cautious in his actions.
13-14. Saturn posited in Libra at birth indicates, that the subject will be
rich, soft-spoken, will earn money and honours from foreign countries, be a
king, or a scholar, will have his wealth protected by his relatives, be senior
in the circle, will attain a high status owing to his gracious speech in an
assemblage, be good and will join corrupt female dancers and prostitutes. 15-16. SATURN IN SCORPIO. If Saturn occupies Scorpio at
birth, the native will be hostile, be crooked, affected by poison and weapons,
very ill-tempered, miserly, egoistic, rich, capable of stealing others' money,
averse to instruments played on festive occasions, malicious, very miserable
and will face destruction, misery and diseases. 17-18. SATURN
IN SAGITTARIUS. If Saturn occupies Sagittarius, one will be skillful in
behavior, teaching, Vedic meanings, learning and denotation, (i.e. he will be
best placed in these respects), be famous due to virtuous children, family profession
and his own virtues, will enjoy excellent affluence in his old age, will speak
less, will have many names and be soft in disposition. 19-20. If Saturn is
posited at birth in Capricorn, the native will lord over the lands of others'
females, will be endowed with Vedic knowledge, virtues and knowledge of many
branches of fine arts, be excellent among his caste-men, be honourable, will
respect others, be famous, be interested in bathing and decoration, will be
skillful in performance, will live in foreign places, be courageous and be
polite in behavior. 21-22. If Saturn is in Aquarius, the native will be a great
liar, be eminent, be addicted to women and wine, be wicked, crafty, will fall
prey to evil friendship, be very ill-tempered, be averse to knowledge,
conversation and traditional law, be addicted to other women, be harsh in
speech and will attempt at many undertakings. 23-24. SATURN
IN PISCES. If Saturn occupies Pisces at birth, one will be fond of
Sacrifices and arts, be chief among his relatives and friends, be calm, will
have increasing wealth, be skillful in policy-making, be capable of diamond
testing, be virtuous, modest and will later on acquire an authoritative
If Saturn occupies a Rasi of Mars and is aspected by the Sun, one will be
interested in agriculture, be very affluent, be endowed with cows, buffaloes
and horses, be fortunate and industrious. If Saturn is
in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon, one
will be fickle minded, base, will join mean and ugly women and be devoid of
happiness and wealth. If Saturn is in Aries, or
Scorpio and is aspected by Mars, one will kill animals, be base, be a leader of
robbers, be famous and be fond of (joining other) women, meat and wine. If
Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is aspected by
Mercury, one will be untruthful, not virtuous, will eat much, be a famous thief
and be devoid of happiness and riches. If Saturn is in Aries, or Scorpio and is
aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with happiness, wealth and fortune, be
a king's minister and be chief. If Saturn is in Aries,
or Scorpio and is aspected by Venus, one will be quite unsteady in disposition,
very ugly, will join other women and courtesans and be bereft of pleasures. 31-36. SATURN IN TAURUS/LIBRA IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should
Saturn be in a Sign of Venus and is aspected by the Sun, the native will be
clear in speech, will lose wealth, be a scholar, will eat in other's houses and
be weak in constitution. If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by
the Moon, one will gain wealth through women, will be honoured by ministers of
kings, be dear to women and be endowed with family. If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Mars, one will be
skillful in war preparations, but will be away from war, will speak much and be
endowed with wealth and family. If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is
aspected by Mercury one will always be jocularly disposed, be equal to a
neuter, will serve females and be base. If Saturn is in Taurus, or Libra and is
aspected by Jupiter, one will share happiness and misery of others, will do
others' jobs, be dear to people, charitable and industrious. If Saturn is in
Taurus, or Libra and is aspected by Venus, one will be happy on account of women
and wine (i.e. will enjoy these), be endowed with gems, be very strong and be
dear to the king. 37-42. SATURN IN GEMINI/VIRGO AND IN ASPECT
TO OTHERS. If Saturn occupies a Rasi of Mercury at birth and is aspected
by the Sun, the native will be devoid of happiness and wealth, be virtuous,
bereft of anger, will endure difficulties and be valorous. If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by the Moon, one will be
equal to a king, will possess a bright physique, will earn wealth and honour
through women and will do women's jobs. If Saturn is in Gemini,
or Virgo and is aspected by Mars, one will be a famous boxer, be stupefied,
will carry heavy loads and will possess an ugly body. If Saturn is in Gemini,
or Virgo and is aspected by Mercury, one will be rich, skillful in war, be a
dance master, a skillful singer and an expert in arts. If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be
trustworthy in the king's circle, will possess all kinds of (good) qualities,
be liked by good men and will earn wealth through his virtues. If Saturn is in Gemini, or Virgo and is aspected by Venus, one will be
skillful in beautifying women, be a teacher of Yogas, or a saint and be dear to
If Saturn occupies Cancer at birth and is aspected by the Sun, the native will
lose his father in his very boyhood be bereft of wealth, wife and happiness,
will eat bad food and be sinful. If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by the
Moon, one will be a source of evil to his mother, be wealthy and will be
troubled by his co-born. If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Mars, one
will enjoy king's wealth, be defective bodied, will possess gold and gems, be
endowed with a family and will have a bad group of relatives and wife. If
Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Mercury, one will be hard-hearted,
garrulous, will conquer his enemies, will show vanity and will do noble acts.
If Saturn is in Cancer and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be endowed with
lands, houses, friends, sons, wealth, gems and wife. If Saturn is in Cancer and
is aspected by Venus, one is of a noble descent, but will be bereft of beauty,
grace and happiness. 49-54. SATURN IN LEO IN ASPECT TO
OTHERS. If Saturn occupies the Sun-owned Rasi and is aspected by the Sun
himself, the native will be devoid of wealth, happiness and nobility, will be a
liar and a drunkard, will possess a bad physique, be a servant and be very
miserable. If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by the Moon, one will enjoy abundant
wealth, precious stones and women, be widely famous and be dear to the king. If
Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Mars, one will everyday move from place to
place, be unfortunate, will live in fortresses and hills, be base and be bereft
of wife and sons. If Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Mercury, one will not
be outspoken, be lazy, poor, will do females' jobs, be dirty and miserable. If
Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be chief and rich in his
town, or among his men, will be endowed with progeny and be trustworthy. If
Saturn is in Leo and is aspected by Venus, one will be averse to women, be
splendourous, slow (or tardy), happy, rich and will attain a good end. 55-60. SATURN IN JUPITER'S RASHI AND IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. If
Saturn occupies Sagittarius, or Pisces at birth, in aspect to the Sun the
native will be the father of others' children and through these children he
will attain wealth, name, fame and honour. If Saturn is in Sagittarius,
or Pisces and is aspected by the Moon, one will be bereft of mother, will have
two names and be endowed with wife, children and wealth. If Saturn is in
Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mars, one will be troubled by windy
diseases, will dislike people, be sinful, mean, blameworthy etc. If Saturn is
in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Mercury,
one will be equal to a king, be happy, be a preceptor, be honourable, rich and
fortunate. If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and
is aspected by Jupiter, one will be a king, or equal to a king, or a minister,
or an Army chief and be free from all kinds of danger. If Saturn is in Sagittarius, or Pisces and is aspected by Venus, one will
have two mothers and two fathers, will live in forests and hills, will be
unsteady and be endowed with many kinds of assignments. 61-66.
Capricorn/Aquarius and is aspected by the Sun, he will be sick, will have an
ugly wife, will eat other's food, be miserable, wandering in nature and will
carry loads. If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius
and is aspected by the Moon, one will be fickle-minded, untruthful, sinful,
will not have good terms with his mother, be rich and be sorrowful due to
wandering. If Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Mars, one
will be very valorous, famous, be superior among great men and sharp. If Saturn
is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by
Mercury, he will carry loads, be clouded in mentality (or Tamasik in
disposition), be good-looking, wandering-natured, learned, be not quite wealthy
and be fortunate. If Saturn is in Capricorn, or
Aquarius and is aspected by Jupiter, one will be famous for his good qualities,
be a king, or be of royal scion, long-lived and be free from diseases. If
Saturn is in Capricorn, or Aquarius and is aspected by Venus, one will be rich,
addicted to other women, fortunate, happy and will enjoy food and drinks. Thus
ends the 29th 1. In order, that the effects of physique etc. for the
various human beings are understood, I explain below things relating to
(various) Bhavas (of a horoscope) in a special manner. 2. The Sun in the
Ascendant denotes, that the native will have less hair (on the head), be lazy
in function, given to anger, will have prominent personality, be honourable,
will have weak sight and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and unkind.
If the Ascendant is Cancer and is occupied by the Sun, the native will have
swollen eyes, if it be Aries with Sun therein, his
sight will be weak and in Leo the Sun makes him night-blind. One suffers
poverty and loss of children, if the Sun occupies Libra. 3. SUN IN 2nd. If the
Sun is in the 2nd Bhava, the native will be endowed with servants and
quadrupeds, will suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness and
wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through thieves. 4.
Should the Sun be in 3rd, the native will be valorous, strong, will lose co-born,
be dear to people, good-looking, very learned and will conquer his enemies. 5.
Should the Sun be in 4th, the native will be devoid of conveyances and
relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth
and will serve a bad king. 6. If the Sun occupies the
5th, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by
husbandry, will move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly,
devoid of strength and be short-lived. 7. If the Sun is in 6th, the native will
be very libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting
fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be
either a king, or an Army chief. 8. If the Sun is posited in 7th, the native
will be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, royal displeasures and
imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to his wife.
9. If the Sun occupies the 8th, the native will have deformed eyes, be devoid
of wealth and happiness, be short-lived and will suffer separation from his
relatives. 10. If the Sun occupies the 9th, the native will be endowed with
wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in worshipping Gods and
Brahmins, will not be well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not
calm. 11. Should the Sun be in 10th, the native will be extremely intelligent,
rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances,
relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous,
unconquerable and great. 12. Should the Sun be in 11th, one will be interested
in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of affection, be modest and
will be successful in undertakings. 13. If the Sun is in 12th at birth, he will
have a deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen (morally), will marry a barren
lady, be inimical to his father, weak and mean. 14. The Moon in the Ascendant
identical with Cancer, Taurus, or Aries indicates,
that the native will be liberal, beautiful, rich and enjoying pleasures
greatly. The Moon in the Ascendant identical with other Signs indicates, that
the native will be intensely passionate, base, deaf, distressed, dumb and will
decline (in prosperity). 15. Should the Moon be in 2nd, the native will enjoy
incomparable happiness and friends and be wealthy. If
the said Moon be Full, the native will be very
affluent and will speak less. 16. Should the Moon be in 3rd, the native will
protect his co-born, be always delighted, valorous and will be endowed with
learning, robes and food. 17. If the Moon be in 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives,
paraphernalia and conveyances, be charitable, fond of travelling by water and
will neither be very happy nor be miserable. 18. Should the Moon be in 5th, the
native will be timid in disposition, will earn learning, clothes and food, will
have many sons and friends, be a scholar and be passionate.
19. If the Moon be in 6th, the native will suffer stomachial diseases. If it be
the weak Moon, he will be short-lived. 20. If the Moon is in 7th, the native will
be amiable, happy, will possess a good physique and be sensuously disposed. If
the weak Moon is in 7th, the native will be pitiable and weak. 21. If the Moon
is in 8th, the native will be very intelligent, very splendourous and will
suffer from diseases. If the Moon be weak, he will be short-lived. 22. If the
Moon is in 9th, the native will be devoted to divine and paternal assignments,
will be endowed with happiness, wealth, intelligence and sons and will attract
the fair sex. 23. If the Moon occupies the 10th, the native will not suffer
grief, be dutiful, successful in his undertakings, affluent, pure, very strong,
valorous and charitable. 24. Should the Moon occupy the 11th, the native will
be wealthy, will have many sons, be long-lived, will
have attendants to serve, be intelligent, sharp, valorous and splendourous. 25.
If the Moon occupies the 12th, the native will be odious, fallen in moral
sense, mean, will suffer eye diseases, be indolent, distressed (deformed), is
born of other's loins and will be insulted at all times. 26. If Mars occupies
the Ascendant, the native will be cruel, adventurous, dull-witted, short-lived,
honourable, courageous, will have an injured physique,
be attractive in appearance and fickle-minded. 27. If Mars occupies the 2nd,
the native will be poor, will eat bad food, will possess an ugly face, will
join bad men and be bereft of learning. 28. If Mars be in 3rd, the native will
be courageous, unconquerable, bereft of co-born, be delighted, will have all
virtues and be famous. 29. If Mars is posited in 4th, the native will be devoid
of relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be very miserable, will live in
others' houses and be distressed. 30. If Mars occupies the 5th, the native will
be devoid of happiness, wealth and sons, be fickle-minded, be a talebearer,
will incur evils, be wicked, distressed and mean. 31.
If Mars occupies the 6th, the native will be highly libidinous, will have
powerful digestive fire, be beautiful, tall, strong
and great among his relatives. 32. If Mars is posited in 7th, the native will
lose his wife, will suffer from diseases, will take to bad ways, be miserable,
sinful, devoid of wealth, distressed and emaciated. 33. If Mars occupies the
8th, the native will suffer from diseases, be short-lived, will possess an
ugly, or deformed body, will do base acts and will suffer grief. 34. If Mars
occupies the 9th, the native will not be skillful in acts, be odious, will kill
living beings, be not virtuous, be very sinful and honoured by the king. 35. If
Mars occupies the 10th, the native will be proficient in his acts, be valorous,
unconquerable, will serve important people, be endowed with sons and happiness
and be very courageous. 36. If Mars occupies the 11th,
the native will be virtuous, happy, courageous, endowed with wealth, grains and
sons and be devoid of sorrow. 37. Should Mars be in 12th, the native will have
diseased eyes, will fall in moral sense, will kill his wife, be
a talebearer, be fierce and will contract humility and imprisonment. 38. Should
Mercury occupy the Ascendant, the native will have a flawless physique, be
intelligent, will know proper (beneficial) place and time, be well-versed in
poetry and mathematics, be a skillful and sweet speaker and be long-lived. 39.
If Mercury is in the 2nd, the native will earn wealth through his own wisdom,
will enjoy food and drinks, be auspicious in speech and will have good course
of conduct. 40. If Mercury occupies the 3rd, the native will always toil hard,
be devoid of near and dear, skillful, endowed with co-born, very cunning and
fickle-minded. 41. If Mercury is in 4th, the native will be endowed with money
and relatives, be fortunate, will have conveyances, all paraphernalia and
relatives and be very learned. 42. If Mercury occupies the 5th, the native will
be an expert in Mantras (sacred spells) and Abhicara (malevolent spells), will
have many sons, be endowed with learning, happiness and efficacy and be
delighted. 43. If Mercury occupies the 6th, the native will always be
successful in litigations and disputes, will contract diseases, be indolent,
not given to anger, be harsh in speech and much
insulted. 44. If Mercury is in 7th, the native's wife will be very learned,
beautiful in appearance, will not be of good descent, will promote quarrels and
be very affluent. The native himself will be very great. 45. If Mercury
occupies the 8th, the native will win famous names (titles), be strong,
long-lived, will support his family and be equal to a king, or will become a
justice. 46. If Mercury occupies the 9th, the native will be very affluent,
scholarly, of good conduct/habits, be eloquent in speech, skillful of a great
order and be virtuous. 47. If Mercury occupies the 10th, the native will
possess distinguished intelligence, will perform distinguished acts, will
attain fruition in undertakings, be very learned, courageous, strong and will be endowed with various kinds of ornaments.
48. If Mercury occupies the 11th, the native will be rich, be an amicable
worker, be learned, happy and endowed with wide enjoyments, be
long-lived and famous. 49. Should Mercury be in the 12th, the native will be
able to keep up his promise, be indolent, be humiliated, be a good speaker, be
learned, pitiable and cruel. 50. If Jupiter occupies the 1st, the native will
be attractive in appearance, energetic, long-lived, will act after assessing
consequences, be learned, courageous and great. 51. Jupiter in the 2nd. If
Jupiter occupies the 2nd, the native will be rich, will enjoy good food, be an eloquent speaker, be fortunate, be charitable and will
have a beautiful body and face. 52. If Jupiter occupies the 3rd, the native
will be greatly humiliated, be vile, ever successful, will have digestive
deficiencies, be defeated by women and be sinful in acts. 53. If Jupiter
occupies the 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, paraphernalia,
conveyance, happiness, intelligence, pleasures and wealth, be great and be a
source of misery to his enemies. 54. If Jupiter occupies the 5th, the native
will have abundant happiness, many sons and friends, be learned, courageous,
wealthy and will always be happy. 55. If Jupiter is in the 6th, the native will
lack digestive fire and masculine virile, be humiliated, weak, indolent, will become famous on account of females, will
destroy his enemies and be widely famous. 56. If Jupiter occupies the 7th, the
native will be charming, will acquire a beautiful wife, be greater than his
father, be an eloquent speaker, a poet, a superior person and be learned and
famous. 57. If Jupiter occupies the 8th, the native will be insulted,
long-lived, be a servant, will serve his own people,
be pitiable and will have union with dirty women. 58. If Jupiter is in 9th, the
native will be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned, fortunate,
be a king's minister, or a leader and be chief. 59. If Jupiter occupies the
10th, the native will attain successful beginning in his undertaking, be
honourable, effortful and will be endowed with abundant welfare, happiness,
wealth, relatives, conveyances and fame. 60. If Jupiter occupies the 11th, the
native will enjoy many gains, many conveyances and many servants, be virtuous,
but will have limited education and few sons. 61. If Jupiter occupies the 12th,
the native will be indolent, odious, be devoid of speech and luck and will be
in all probability in servitude. 62. If Venus is in Ascendant, the native will
possess beautiful eyes, face and physique, be happy, long-lived, timid and
attractive to females. 63. If Venus is in the 2nd, the native will enjoy
abundant food, drinks and wealth, will derive excellent pleasures, be endowed
with good speech and will amass great wealth. 64. If Venus occupies the 3rd,
the native will be happy, rich, conquered by women, be vile, little
enthusiastic and will be bereft of luck and paraphernalia. 65. If Venus
occupies the 4th, the native will be endowed with relatives, friends and
happiness, be splendourous, will have conveyances and paraphernalia, be
beautiful, rich and fortunate. 66. If Venus is posited in the 5th, the native
will be endowed with happiness, sons and friends, be fond of sexual union, be
very affluent, full of everything and be a minister, or a justice. 67. If Venus
occupies the 6th, the native will greatly dislike his wife, will have many
foes, be devoid of wealth, be very much startled and be mean. 68. If Venus
occupies the 7th, the native will be very beautiful, be happy with his wife,
will enjoy great riches, be devoid of quarrels and be fortunate. 69. If Venus
is in the 8th, the native will be long-lived, will enjoy incomparable
happiness, be very rich, be equal to a king and moment after moment will feel
delighted. 70. If Venus occupies the 9th, the native will possess a spotless
and broad physique, be endowed with wealth, charitable, wife, sexual pleasures
and friendship and will honour Gods, guests and preceptors/elders. 71. Should
Venus occupy the 10th, the native will earn success in litigations and will be
endowed with happiness, sexual unions, honour, wealth, fame and great wisdom.
72. If Venus is positioned in 11th, the native will have obedient servants, be
bereft of all kinds of misery and will gain abundantly. 73. Should Venus be in
12th, the native will be indolent, happy, corpulent, fallen in moral sense,
will eat cleansed food, will be skillful in providing sleeping comforts and
attendants and will be won over by women. 74. If Saturn happens to be in the
Ascendant identical with exaltation, or own House, the native will equal a king
in status, or will head a country, or city. If Saturn is in the Ascendant in other
Rasis, then his own, or exaltation Rasi, the planet will give misery in
boyhood, dirty disposition and indolence. 75. If Saturn occupies the 2nd, the
native will have an ugly face, will enjoy worldly prosperity, be devoid of his
own men, will render justice, will later on (in the course of his life) go to
other countries and will earn money and conveyances. 76. If Saturn occupies the
3rd, the native will be dark in complexion, will maintain physical cleanliness,
be base, will have indolent attendants, be courageous,
charitable and will have great intelligence. 77. SATURN IN THE 4th. If Saturn
occupies the 4th Bhava, the native will suffer heart disease, or be
broken-hearted, be devoid of relatives, conveyances, wealth, intelligence and
happiness, will suffer sickness in boyhood and will have (prominent) nails and
hair. 78. SATURN IN THE 5th. Should Saturn occupy the 5th Bhava, the native
will be bereft of happiness, sons, friends, intelligence and kindness, be
agitated and be poor. 79. If Saturn occupies the 6th, the native will be very
licentious, be beautiful, courageous, will eat abundantly, be crooked and will
conquer many of his enemies. 80. If Saturn is posited in the 7th, the native
will always be subjected to ill health, will lose his wife, be bereft of
wealth, will present himself ugly, be sinful and will do very mean acts. 81. If
Saturn occupies the 8th, the native will suffer from leprosy and fistula in the
anus, or pudendum, will have short life and will fail in his undertakings. 82.
If Saturn occupies the 9th, the native will be devoid of religious merits, will
not have much wealth, be bereft of co-born, sons and happiness and will cause
sorrow to others. 83. If Saturn occupies the 10th, the native will be wealthy,
learned, valorous and be a minister, or a justice, or
be the leader of a group, city, or village. 84. If Saturn occupies the 11th,
the native will be long-lived, endowed with lasting riches, be courageous, will
have knowledge of arts, be devoid of sickness and be endowed with money, people
and wealth. 85. If Saturn occupies the 12th, the native will be distressed,
fallen in moral sense, talkative, will have defective eyesight, be unkind,
shameless, will spend much and be insulted. 86-81. If malefics occupy various
Bhavas (other than 6th, 8th and 12th), they bring harm to the Bhavas, while
benefics increase their potence. Malefics are auspicious in evil Houses, i.e.
6th, 8th and 12th, while benefics prove adverse in these Bhavas. According the
strength of Yogakaraka planets, their beneficial relationship,
friendly/inimical aspects etc. and position in exaltation/debilitation, the
(good, or bad) results of Bhavas can vary (i.e. be maximum, medium, or nil).
Thus ends the 30th 1. Now explained are effects of two planet conjunctions in
the Ascendant, the 4th, the 7th and the 10th. 2-5. SUN-MOON
CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Moon occupy the Ascendant, the
native will suffer grief regarding parents, will be devoid of honour, sons and
wealth, be insulted and miserable. If the Sun and Moon
join in the 4th Bhava, the native will be deprived of relatives, happiness and
sons, will suffer penury and will be a great dunce. If the Sun and Moon join in
the 7th Bhava, he will be devoid of friends and sons and be insulted by
females. If the Sun and Moon join in the 10th Bhava, he will possess a
beautiful physique, be an Army chief, be endowed with the quality of Rajas, or
passion, be unkind, crooked and will destroy his enemies. 6-9.
SUN-MARS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If the Sun and Mars join in the
Ascendant, the person will be bilious, be bold in war, short-tempered, will
have injured body, be cruel, crafty and harsh. If the
Sun and Mars join in the 4th, he will be devoid of relatives and wealth, be
bereft of all kinds of happiness and be agitated. If the Sun and Mars join in
the 7th, he will suffer from separation from his wife, be insulted on account
of females and will be fond of moving in foreign places. If the Sun and Mars
join in the 10th, the native will face failure in his undertakings, be a
servant, be emotional, be a principal employee with the king and be always
If the Sun and Mercury are in the Ascendant, the native will be very learned
and garrulous, will have hard limbs, be fond of adventures, be wise and be
long-lived. If the Sun and Mercury are in the 4th, the native will be equal to
a king, be famous, will keep up his promise, will be endowed with riches equal
to that of Kubera (the God of Wealth in Hindu Mythology) and will have a
corpulent body and crooked nose. If the Sun and Mercury are in the 7th, the
native will meet his death due to murder, or imprisonment, will not keep up his
word, be a great miser, bereft of sexual pleasures and be a thief. If the Sun
and Mercury are in the 10th, he will be famous in the entire world, will own
elephants and horses and be a king, provided none of these two is in
If the Sun and Jupiter join in the Ascendant, the native will be virtuous, be a
minister, or an Army chief, or be sagely in disposition and will be endowed
with learning, wealth, pleasures and fame. If the Sun and Jupiter join in the
4th, he will be interested in Vedas, Justice and poetry, be eloquent, virtuous,
fortunate and will be endowed with servants. If the
Sun and Jupiter join in the 7th, he will subdue to women out of sexual passion,
will dislike his father, be endowed with gold, ruby, silver and pearls and will
possess a defect-free body. If the Sun and Jupiter join in the 10th, he will be
endowed with fame, happiness, honour and wealth and will become a king though
belonging to a base lineage. 18-21. SUN-VENUS CONJUNCTION IN
ANGLES. If the Sun and Venus join in the Ascendant, the native will be
fond of quarrels, be immodest, will take to bad conduct, be sorrowful, mean and
be devoid of wealth and women. If the Sun and Venus join in the 4th, one will
serve others, be sorrowful, will fill himself with hatred towards others and
will suffer penury. One will be insulted by women, be devoid of wealth, will
have a corpulent body, will wander in hills and
forests, if the Sun be in the 7th along with Venus. If the Sun and Venus join
in the 10th, he will be engaged in trade, be a king's minister, be skillful in
Shastras, arts etc. and will enjoy happiness of wealth and conveyances. 22-25. SUN-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. Should the Sun and
Saturn be together in the Ascendant at birth, the native is born of a
blameworthy mother, will have blameworthy conduct, or profession, will always
be of dirty disposition and be sinful. Should the Sun and Saturn be together in
the 4th House, the native will be base in disposition, will be synonym of penury
and poverty and will be humiliated among his relatives.
Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 7th House, the native will be
inactive (“manda” has other meanings, like stupid, foolish, tardy, indifferent,
weak-brained, addicted to drinking, defective etc.), indolent, unfortunate,
devoid of a female and of wealth, will hunt animals and be highly dullwitted.
Should the Sun and Saturn be together in the 10th, one will serve in low
position in foreign countries (i.e. places not of his own),
will earn wealth through kings sometimes, but will lose the same in theft and
be always poor. 26-29. MOON-MARS CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES.
The native, who has the Moon and Mars together in the Ascendant will have
defects of blood, digestive fire and bile, will be a king (i.e. will be
wealthy) and will be harsh. The native, who has the Moon and Mars together in
the 4th House, the native will incur grief, be devoid of wealth, happiness,
progeny and relatives and be defective of some limb. The Moon and Mars together
in the 7th denotes, that the person concerned will be base, be after others'
money, be garrulous, untruthful and jealous. The Moon
and Mars together in the 10th will make the person possess the wealth of Army
consisting of horses, elephants and bipeds and brave. 30-33.
MOON-MERCURY CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. Should the Moon and Mercury be
together in the Ascendant, the native will possess happiness, intelligence,
strength, fortune and splendour, be talkative and very skillful. Should the
Moon and Mercury be together in the 4th, one will be endowed with relatives,
friends, progeny, happiness, valour, gold and precious stones and be fortunate.
Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the 7th, one will be valorous, be
dear to king, or be a king himself, be famous, be a great poet and be soft in disposition. Should the Moon and Mercury be together in the
10th, the subject will be honourable, be wealthy and very famous, be a royal
minister, will grieve during the last leg of his life and be devoid of relatives. 34-37. MOON-JUPITER CONJUNCTION
IN ANGLES. If the Moon joins Jupiter in the Ascendant, the person
concerned will be a king, will possess large and broad chest, will have many
sons, friends and wives and will be endowed with a good physique and with
relatives. If the Moon joins Jupiter in the 4th indicate, that one will be a
minister, or be of royal status, be endowed with happiness, relatives and great
riches (or prowess) and will master many Shastras. If the Moon joins Jupiter in
the 7th will make one very learned, kingly, an expert in arts, a good
businessman, dear to king, wealthy and prosperous. If the Moon joins Jupiter in
the 10th this conjunction gives learning, charitable disposition, wealth,
honour and fame. Further he will be soft, will possess long arms and will be
If the Moon and Venus join in the Ascendant, the native will derive happiness
through association with courtesans, be splendourous, be agreeable to elders
and will possess garlands, clothes and scents. If the Moon and Venus join in
the 4th will make one derive happiness through females, earn wealth through
water, dear to people and enjoy abundant pleasures. If the Moon and Venus join
in the 7th, one will join many women, will not have much wealth and not many
sons, be an intellectual and will leave a royal history behind. If the Moon and
Venus join in the 10th will be endowed with honour, command and riches, be a king, or a minister, be famous and will be endowed with many
If the Moon and Saturn join in the Ascendant, the native will be in servitude,
be base, given to anger, be miserly, sleepy, lazy and
sinful. If the Moon and Saturn join in the 4th, one will earn through water,
pearls and boats, be engaged in excavation (or in mines etc.), be excellent and agreeable to others. If the Moon and Saturn
join in the 7th, the subject will be devoid of wife, be supreme among his
townsmen and be honoured by the king. If the Moon and Saturn join in the 10th,
the person concerned will win the enemies with his Army of horses, be famous,
is a bad woman's son and will be head of men. 46. DISPOSITION OF THE MOON. If
the Moon is conjunct benefics she will always prove beneficial. If the Moon
joins Mars/Saturn, she is always inauspicious; this does not apply to her
joining Mars/Saturn in the 10th so, that the native becomes an Army chief. 47-50. MARS-MERCURY CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. One, who has Mars
and Mercury in conjunction in the Ascendant will be murderous (or cruel, or
mischievous), be skillful in dealing with jobs related to fire, be a
metallurgist/mineralogist, be industrious, be an ambassador (or a messenger)
and will enjoy concealed/secret properties. If Mars and Mercury are conjunct in
the 4th, one will be devoid of relatives, but endowed with friends, wealth,
food, pleasures and conveyances and will be discarded by his own people. If
Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the 7th, one will wander from country to
country (aimlessly), will serve base people, be skillful in arguments and will
lose his first wife. If Mars and Mercury are conjunct in the 10th denotes, that
the person will be an Army chief, be valorous, crafty, very cruel, dear to king
If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the Ascendant, one will be a
minister, will possess prime virtues, become famous in the front of charity and
will be ever enthusiastic. If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 4th,
one will be endowed with relatives and friends, will have firm wealth, be
happy, will serve the king and be devoted to the Almighty and elders. If Mars
and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 7th, one will be inclined to wander in
hills, forts, water-resorts and forests, will have good relatives, be valorous
and will be devoid of spouse. If Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in the
10th will confer kinghood, wide fame, abundant wealth and attendants and
extreme skill at work. 55-58. MARS-VENUS CONJUNCTION IN
ANGLES. Should Mars and Venus join in the Ascendant the native will be
addicted to prostitutes, will indulge in bad acts, will lose wealth on account
of females and will not live long. If the conjunction
of Venus and Mars occur in the 4th, he will be bereft of relatives, friends and
progeny, will be tortured by mental pressures and will be very miserable.
Should Mars and Venus join in the 7th denotes, that he will wander after women,
will have a bad history, will experience abundant grief on account of females
and will posses mean conduct. Should Mars and Venus join in the 10th, one will
be a master of archery, be intelligent, be endowed with learning, wealth, robes
and flowers, be famous and be a king's minister. 59-62.
MARS-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Mars and Saturn are together in
the Ascendant, one will be successful in wars, will hate his mother and will
face curtailed longevity and declining fortunes. If Mars and Saturn are
together in the 4th, one will be bereft of food, drinks and happiness, be given
up by his own men, be devoid of friends and be sinful. If Mars and Saturn are
together in the 7th indicates, that the native will be devoid of conjugal
happiness and progeny, be indigent, sick, will house vices in him, be insulted
by people and be a tale bearer. If Mars and Saturn are together in the 10th,
one will acquire wealth through king, but be punished for a great crime and be
If Mercury and Jupiter be together in the Ascendant, one will have an
auspicious (pleasing) appearance, will be endowed with auspicious (excellent)
qualities, be learned, honoured by the king, will conquer his five senses and
will enjoy conveyances, happiness and pleasures. If Mercury and Jupiter be
together in the 4th, one will be blessed with relatives, friends, happiness,
females, fortune, wealth, royal favour and skill. If Mercury and Jupiter be
together in the 7th denotes, that one will obtain a virtuous wife, will destroy
his enemies, will be endowed with many friends, people, wealth and prowess and
will be famous on account of his father. If Mercury and Jupiter be together in
the 10th, these two planets together will make one a minister, or a king,
honourable, commanding, famous, modest and interested in Vedas. 67-70. MERCURY-VENUS IN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Mercury
and Venus join in the Ascendant, one will have a good physique (i.e. beautiful
physique), be learned, always fortunate, be honoured by the king, be very
wealthy, pious of Brahmins and Almighty and be famous. If Mercury and Venus
join in the 4th, he will be endowed with sons, friends and relatives, be
fortunate, be a minister, or a king and be endowed
with happiness. (Kalyana apart from meaning happiness,
indicates excellence, fortune, auspiciousness etc.) If Mercury and Venus join
in the 7th, he will be surrounded with many good women, be endowed with
pleasures, money and sovereignty, be happy and be dear to king. If Mercury and
Venus join in the 10th, he will be endowed with knowledge of the science of
ethics, (or Policy, or Politics), be a king, be virtuous, will not patronize
base men, be wealthy, will attain good beginning in his undertakings and be
If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the Ascendant, one will have a dirty
body, be sinful, be bereft of learning, wealth and vehicles, be short-lived and
will have declining fortunes. If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the
4th, he will be devoid of drinks, food and relatives, be rejected by his own
people, be foolish, devoid of friends and be sinful. If Mercury and Saturn be
in conjunction in the 7th indicates, that he will be the servant of a rich
person, be foolish, will harm others, be not virtuous, be very dirty and be not
truthful. If Mercury and Saturn be in conjunction in the 10th, he will conquer
the entire band of his enemies, will be endowed with relatives, friends,
conveyances and wealth and will honour the Almighty and Brahmins. 75-78. JUPITER-VENUS IN ANGLES IN CONJUNCTION. With Jupiter
and Venus in the Ascendant, the native even though a Brahmin by birth will on
account of his preceptor's teaching become a king, or equal to a king. With
Jupiter and Venus in the 4th the native will win all his enemies, will be
endowed with relatives, friends, conveyances, wealth and will honour the
Almighty and Brahmins. With Jupiter and Venus in the 7th, one will acquire a
virtuous female, be endowed with precious stones and riches, will acquire
happiness, fame and female issue and will procure excellent conveyances and
enjoy pleasures. With Jupiter and Venus in the 10th, he will widely command, be
widely honoured and endowed, wide riches, be a king,
will have many servants and be virtuous. 79-82.
together in the Ascendant at birth, the native will be languid with passion (or
intoxication), hard-hearted, is of a noble descent, learned, rich, will have
limited happiness and be wicked. If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the 4th,
he will be a king's minister, be bereft of diseases, be successful, be endowed
with relatives and friends, will have the wealth of affection (i.e. extremely
affectionate) and be happy. If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the 7th, he
will lose wealth due to enmity with females, be courageous, will possess vices,
be crafty, will not be endowed with pleasing appearance, will be greedy of
paternal property and be foolish. If Saturn and Jupiter are together in the
10th, he will be dear to the king, be a king himself, will have limited progeny,
be in transitory (or steady) and will possess quadrupeds and conveyances. 83-86. VENUS-SATURN IN CONJUNCTION IN ANGLES. If Venus and
Saturn join together in the Ascendant, one will be seeking union with all women
(i.e. he will enjoy many women), will possess a splendourous body, be endowed
with happiness, pleasures and wealth, will have many servants and be highly
bereaved. If Venus and Saturn join together in the 4th, he will gain abundantly
through friends, be highly honoured by his relatives and will be close to the
king. If Venus and Saturn join together in the 7th denotes, that the native
will be bestowed with women, precious stones, wealth, fame and sexual
pleasures. If Venus and Saturn join together in the 10th, he will be devoid of
all duals (i.e. good and bad, grief and happiness, poverty and wealth etc.),
will perform excellent acts and be a famous minister. 87. EFFECTS OF MORE
NUMBER OF PLANETS. Similarly the effects of conjunctions of 3, 4, 5, or 6
planets in Angles should be suitably understood. Thus ends the 31st 1. Leaving aside all the other Houses, one should first
analyze the House of fortune (or Bhagyasthana) for a native can not obtain
benefic results without fortune. So narrated below is an account in this
direction. 2. Bhagyasthana (House of fortune) is that, which is
the 9th counted from the Ascendant, or from the Moon. Effects of the 9th
counted from the stronger of the Ascendant and the Moon will come to pass. 3.
The House occupied by the Lord of the 9th and the planet occupying the 9th will
have a say on one's fortune. Their strength, or
weakness will indicate the fortunes. 4. If the 9th House is aspected, or occupied
by its own Lord, the native will make his fortunes in his own country. If
others aspect, or join the House in question, the dawn of fortune will be
elsewhere. 5. The native will be extremely lucky, if a planet lends full aspect
to the 9th from the 3rd, 5th, or Ascendant. The planet in question should be
strong in the process. 6-7. JUPITER IN THE 9th AND ASPECTS
THERETO. If Jupiter is placed in the 9th, the native will become a
minister. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected by the Sun, one will be equal
to a king. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected by the Moon one will be
splendourous and will enjoy pleasures. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected
by Mars, he will be endowed with gold. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected
by Mercury one will be affluent. If Jupiter is in the 9th and is aspected by
Venus one will have quadrupeds, conveyances and wealth. If Jupiter is in the
9th and is aspected by Saturn one will possess immovable properties, asses and
If the 9th House is occupied by Jupiter and aspected by both the Sun and Mars,
the native will be endowed with sovereignty, precious stones, gold, courage,
excellence, strength, conveyances and servants. If the 9th House is occupied by
Jupiter and aspected by both the Sun and the Moon, he will be blessed with
plentifulness (of all things), be devoted to his parents, be famous, be equal
to a king and will have plurality of wives. If the Sun and Mercury jointly
aspect the Jupiter in the 9th, he will be graceful, splendourous, fortunate, be
endowed with an excellent wife, ornaments and wealth and will be expert in
poetry and arts. If the 9th House is occupied by Jupiter and aspected by both
the Sun and Venus, one will be festive in disposition, will have (wide) social
activities and will be endowed with cows, buffaloes, elephants etc. If the Sun
and Saturn aspect Jupiter in the 9th, one will be head of a country, town, or
group, be famous, learned, virtuous, affluent and will have a tendency of
accumulating. 13-16. JUPITER IN THE 9TH IN ASPECTS TO TWO PLANETS (continued).
If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both Mars and the Moon, one will be an
Army chief, or a minister and be endowed with various
kinds of happiness. If Jupiter occupies the 9th in aspect to both Mercury and
the Moon, he will enjoy excellent houses, sleeping comforts and pleasures, be
splendourous, patient and very intelligent. If Jupiter occupies the 9th in
aspect to both the Moon and Venus, he will be very rich, dutiful, valorous,
attached to others' wives and be devoid of sons. If Jupiter occupies the 9th in
aspect to both the Moon and Saturn, he will be very lascivious, endowed with
permanent livelihood, will live in foreign places, be argumentative, be a liar
and be not virtuous. 17-22. JUPITER IN THE 9th IN ASPECT TO TWO PLANETS
(continued). If Jupiter is in the 9th and is in aspect to both Mars and
Mercury, one will be highly learned, very virtuous, will keep up his word and
will have a pleasing appearance. If Mars and Venus jointly aspect Jupiter in
the 9th, one will be wealthy, learned, will live in foreign countries,
be sincere, very skillful and cruel. If Mars and Saturn jointly aspect Jupiter
in the 9th, the native will be base, tale bearing, spiteful, living in foreign
places and will be in the company of unsteady people. If Mercury and Venus
jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, one will be an artisan, be very virtuous,
learned, fortunate, will keep up his promise and will possess a pleasing
appearance. If Mercury and Saturn jointly aspect Jupiter in the 9th, the native
will be fortunate, learned, eloquent in speech, pleasing, courageous, happy and
modest. 23. Jupiter in the 9th in aspect to 9th Lord will make one a king. The
effects stated in connection with Jupiter's position in the 9th and aspects
thereof are valid, only when no other planets (than the mentioned) aspect. 24.
If all the planets aspect Jupiter posited in the 9th, the native will possess
excellent guise, virtues, splendour, sovereignty and abundant riches. 25. If
the 9th is occupied by a strong benefic, it confers kingdom, according to the
wise, in addition to movable properties, wealth, grains, righteousness and
increased longevity. 26. AFFLICTION TO THE 9th. If the 9th House gives place to
a debilitated planet, or a combust planet, or a malefic planet and be without a
benefic's aspect, the native will be devoid of (moral) strength, wealth and
fame and be dirty. 27. If the malefic in the 9th is the owner of that House,
then it proves auspicious. And with a benefic's aspect it is more auspicious.
28. If Full Moon is in the 9th, while Mars, Saturn and Mercury are strong the
native is born to a king. 29. If a planet is exalted in the 9th, an excellent
person is born with plentifulness of wealth and gold. And, if a benefic aspects
the exalted planet in question, the native will be a supreme ruler, destroyer
of the band of his enemies, will possess divine splendour and great fame. 30-35. EFFECTS OF OTHER PLANETS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SUN IN THE
9th HOUSE. If the Sun and the Moon are together in the 9th, the native
will have a short life, will be afflicted by eye diseases, be rich fortunate
and fond of quarrels. If Mars and the Sun be together
in the 9th, the native will experience many kinds of miseries, be fond of
quarrels, be fierce, courageous, dear to king and be skillful. If Mercury and
the Sun are together in the 9th, one will be skillful, miserable, will have
many enemies and suffer from many diseases. If Jupiter and the Sun be in conjunction in the 9th, the native will be endowed
with wealth, will obtain abundant paternal wealth, be long-lived, very
courageous and be a worthy person. Should Venus and the Sun be together, in the
9th, he will incur diseases and will be endowed with scents, garlands,
ornaments, robes and decorative articles. If Saturn and the Sun be so placed
one will be rich, will suffer from eye diseases, be fond of quarrels and be
9th. If Mars joins the Moon in the 9th, one will be devoid of mother
(i.e. will lose his mother early), will have a deformed body and with ulcers
and be wealthy. If Mercury joins the Moon in the 9th, he will have knowledge of
Shastras, be scholarly, will have some physical deformity, will be excellent
among men, will talk much and be famous. If Jupiter joins the Moon, he will be
distinguished, will be fortunate, will be endowed with abundant riches, will be
always happy and be courageous. If Venus be the accompanying planet, he will
suffer from diseases, will marry an unchaste lady, be plentiful, will have a
step-mother and will be in a minister's custody (i.e. will serve a significant
person). Should Saturn join the Moon in the 9th, he will be devoid of moral
merits, be sinful and will have a fallen mother. 41-44.
EFFECTS OF MARS JOINING OTHERS IN THE 9th. If Mars be in the company of
Mercury in the 9th, one will be chief of men, will be always emotional, be
fortunate, will enjoy pleasures and be skillful in Shastras. If it is Jupiter
with whom Mars is conjunct in the 9th, one will be endowed with wealth and
grains, be honourable, be troubled by sickness and will be pained with bodily
wounds. If Venus is joining Mars in the 9th, one will live in foreign places,
be argumentative, cruel, will hate women, be ungrateful and will indulge in
falsehood. If Saturn is with Mars in the 9th, one will be sinful, will be of
dirty conduct, be interested in other housewives, be deprived of wealth and
happiness and will not be with his own men. 45-47. MERCURY IN
CONJUNCTION WITH OTHERS IN THE 9th. If Mercury is with Jupiter in the
9th, one will be learned in Shastras, be a scholar, be wealthy, will speak
sweetly, be an artisan and an efficacious and excellent person. Venus and
Mercury in the 9th denotes, that one will be famous, very learned, valorous,
fortunate, skillful in speech and be fond of songs. If Saturn and Mercury are
in the 9th in conjunction, he will suffer from diseases, be very rich, be
endowed with dear and near, be skillful, envious and be garrulous. 48-49. JUPITER JOINING OTHERS IN THE 9th. If Venus and
Jupiter be together in the 9th, one will be a leader of men, be long-lived,
eloquent and will be endowed with many kinds of happiness and wealth. If
Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th, the native will enjoy wealth and gems, be
honourable, will have diseases to trouble him and be devoid of his own men. 50.
VENUS-SATURN CONJUNCTION IN THE 9th. This conjunction denotes, that the native
will be sickly, will have many sons, be dear to king,
famous and virtuous. 51. In analyzing the said effects, the Signs and aspects
involved should be skillfully understood according to Shastras and results
declared accordingly, so say the learned. 52. EFFECTS OF 3 PLANETS IN
CONJUNCTION IN 9th. If the Sun, Moon and Mars are together in the 9th, one will
lose his parents in his very boyhood, be base, odious and hurtful. 53. If the
Sun, Moon and Mercury join in the 9th, the native will be a eunuch in
appearance, be miserable, will hate all people and be valorous and truthful. 54.
If the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be excellent and
will possess conveyances, wealth and happiness. 55. If Venus, the Moon and the
Sun be together in the 9th, one will lose all his happiness and wealth due to
quarrels with females, be dear to king, will have knowledge of politics and
will be an eloquent speaker. 56. If the Sun, the Moon and Saturn join in the
9th, one will be very strong, will have cruel conduct, will serve others and
will hate others. 57. If the Sun, Mars and Mercury be in the 9th, one will be
an eloquent speaker, be akin to a snake, when in anger, be fond of quarrels, be
hard-hearted and will be interested in living in foreign countries. 58. If the
Sun, Jupiter and Mars are together in the 9th, one will be always diligent, be
intent on worshipping his father and God, will have an affluent wife and be
virtuous. 59. If the Sun, Mars and Venus be together in the 9th, one will be
fond of quarrels, is of a high descent, will spoil virgins, be fickle-minded
and be odious. 60. If Mars, Saturn and the Sun join in the 9th, one will be
valorous, very mean, will hate people, be fond of speaking lies, be cruel and
be fatherless from boyhood. 61. Should the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter join in the
9th, one will be endowed with fortunes, wealth and happiness, be dear to king,
be appealing in appearance and be courageous. 62. Should Venus join the Sun and
Mercury in the 9th, one will be splendourous, famous, will destroy his enemies,
be equal to a king and be rich. 63. Should the Sun, Mercury and Saturn join in
the 9th, one will be fond of others' women, be a sinner, be interested in
living in foreign places, be skillful, be a profligate, be a liar and be
unfortunate. 64. Should the Sun, Venus and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be
very learned, splendourous, will know many things and be intelligent. 65. The
conjunction of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 9th is indicative, that the
native will be highly valorous, be a king, be wealthy,
virtuous and plentiful. 66. If the Sun, Venus and Saturn be together in the
9th, one will be devoid of splendour, be dirty, punished
by the king, be devoid of riches and be foolish. 67. The company formed by the
Moon, Mercury and Mars in the 9th denotes, that the
subject will enjoy wealth, gold and gems and will be miserable throughout his
boyhood. 68. If the Moon, Mars and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will conquer
his five senses, be learned, will honour elders and Gods and will be endowed
with learning and wealth and be fortunate. 69. If Venus, Moon and Mars are
together in the 9th, one will have a wounded body, be ugly, will eat a lot, be
fond of women, be at their disposal and will lose his strength (or wealth)
through them. 70. Should Saturn, Mars and the Moon be in the 9th, one will not
possess a good maternal history, be base, be given up
by his mother in boyhood and will be mean among men. 71. If the Moon, Mercury
and Jupiter are together in the 9th one will bring credit to his descent, will
be a preceptor, will possess many friends and will be a king endowed with many
things. 72. If the Moon, Mercury and Venus be together in the 9th, one will
have a stepmother, be endowed with delight and honour, will have many friends
and will be gentle, or pacific. 73. If the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are together
in the 9th, one will be bad in conduct, be courageous, dirty, be averse to war
and be poor. 74. If the Moon, Jupiter and Venus be in the 9th, one will be
equal to a king and be a king. 75. If Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon be in the
9th one will speak sweetly, be truthful, virtuous, famous and skillful in all
Shastras. 76. If Venus, the Moon and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be in
agricultural profession, be interested in women, will not indulge in sinful
acts, will accomplish his objects (Kritakritya) and be world-famous. 77. If
Mars, Mercury and Jupiter join in the 9th, one will be splendourous, devoid of
grief, be learned, firm in his word, famous and be head of a zone. 78. If Mars,
Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the 9th, one will head many provinces, or
affairs, be famous, honoured by the king, the fierce and be always zealous. 79.
If Mars, Mercury and Saturn join in the 9th, one will be skillful in cheating
others, will be highly gloomy, will not be in a position to understand Shastras
(i.e. be not so learned) and cannot understand others' notions. 80. If Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus be together in the 9th one will be equal to God, be spotless,
famous, kingly, learned and virtuous. 81. Should Mercury, Venus and Saturn join
in the 9th, one will be intelligent, splendourous, eloquent and happy. 82. One
with Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in the 9th, will have plenty of food, drinks and
riches, be fortunate, happy and beautiful. FOUR PLANETS IN
CONJUNCTION IN 9th. 83. If the Sun, the Moon, Mars and Mercury join in
the 9th, one will be rich, learned, fortunate and dear to king. 84. If Venus,
Moon, Sun and Mars are together in the 9th, one will be cunning, will be happy
with his wife and will indulge in many mean acts. 85. One,
who has the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun in the 9th, will be principle,
steady, honoured by the king and be delighted. 86. One with the Moon,
Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 9th, will be a Lord of wealth, morally
meritorious, plentiful, eloquent in speech and be calm. 87. If the Sun, Mercury,
Moon and Saturn be together in the 9th, one will be rich, splendourous, kingly, will have many quadrupeds and will possess rich
qualities. 88. One with the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will honour God and
father, will have a rich wife and be virtuous. 89. If Venus, Mars, Mercury and
the Sun join together in the 9th, one will be hard-hearted, beautiful,
interested in valorous acts, be not wealthy and will lose his wealth through
his enemies. 90. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn be together in the 9th,
one will be interested in others' wives, will incur loss of wealth and be
always pitiable. 91. One with the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter in the 9th, will
hate people, be troubled by thirst, will spoil virgins and be fickle-minded.
92. If the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th at birth, one will be
devoid of happiness, be diligent, fierce and courageous. 93. If the Sun,
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in the 9th, one will be an excellent person
endowed with wealth, gold and sovereignty. 94. If the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and
Saturn are together in the 9th, one will be devoid of wealth, be sinful, be
interested in other housewives, spiteful and will indulge in mean acts. 95.
Should the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn be in 9th, one will be fortunate,
wealthy, truthful and world-famous. 96. With the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
in the 9th, one will be truthful, eloquent and will honour elders, Brahmins and
guests. 97. If the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are in the 9th, one will
have plenty of robes, will lose his mother in boyhood and be wealthy. 98. With
Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in the 9th, one will practice penance, be
famous, be a good speaker, be very charitable, ultra-mundane in disposition and
be very learned. 99. If Saturn, Mercury, Moon and Mars are together in the 9th,
one will be dejected, poor, base, cunning and interested in others' wives. 100.
If Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn, are together in the 9th, one is born in a
royal family. He will be a principle person, be valorous, will be endowed with
plenty of learning and money, be famous and dear to people. 101. One with Moon,
Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th, will be troubled by thirst, be fond of
promoting quarrels and be plentiful in the matter of luck and robes. 102. If the
Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus are together in the 9th, one will be hard-hearted,
sinful, cunning and be bereft of cleanliness and
behavior. 103. If Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are together in the 9th, one
will be wealthy, be endowed with moral merits and be famous in arts. 104. One
with Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in the 9th, will be knowledgeable in
politics and ethics and be pleasing in appearance. 105. With Saturn, Venus,
Mercury and the Moon in the 9th, the native will be intelligent, fierce, will
be an expert in democratic matters and be fortunate. 106. One with Moon,
Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in the 9th, will be cunning, fierce, unconquerable
and bold. 107. If Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn be together in the 9th, one
will destroy his enemies, be fierce in battle and bold. 108. If Mars, Mercury,
Venus and Saturn join together in the 9th, one will be virtuous, wealthy and
pious. 109. If Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in the 9th, one will be
devoid of wealth, be base, unkind and weak. 110. SPECIAL EFFECTS. If including
Mercury there are 3 to 7 planets in the 9th, the native will be trustworthy,
wealthy and be a king. 111. If the 9th is occupied by other planets, without
the company of Mercury, or Jupiter, the native will be sickly, ugly, void of
relatives, be troubled by imprisonments and will suffer penury. 112.
Preceptors, like Badalayana, have explained still detailed results arising out
of conjunction, or aspects relating to the 9th House. One should understand
these also and declare effects after using his wisdom. Thus ends the 32nd 1. Sages have explained effects relating to the Signs
coinciding with the 10th House, planets posited therein and planets aspecting
the 10th House. I shall now explain those results. 2. The 10th House counted
from the stronger among the Ascendant and the Moon, is called Karmasthana and,
if the Lord of that (10th) House is with strength, the effects in regard to
Karma will prosper. Otherwise, the same will decline. 3-6. The
effects relating to the 10th House will depend on the nature of the Sign, viz.
watery, biped, Aranya (like Leo), or Jangala (Centiped), the form of such Sign
and the places indicated by such Sign. The 10th House should be carefully
examined on these lines. The occupant of the 10th House counted from the Moon,
or from the Ascendant will influence the livelihood of the native according to
his (i.e. planet's) nature and disposition. 7. In a previous Ch., results of
placements of planets in the 10th House from the Ascendant have been explained,
while dealing with angular positions of various planets. Now
specially explained are with reference to the Moon. 8-13.
10th from the Moon, the native will be successful in his undertakings, be very
wealthy, very strong, be a king, will patronize others and be healthy in
physique. Mars so placed denotes, that the native will
be interested in valorous deeds, will live in foreign places will long for
sensual enjoyments, be cruel and will be akin to an outcast in conduct. If
Mercury occupies the 10th from the Moon, one will be learned, rich, will have
abundant knowledge of sacred affairs, like Veda etc.), be dear to king, famous,
aquainted with many an art and be intelligent. If it is Jupiter, that occupies
the 10th counted from the Moon, the native will be successful in achieving his
desires, righteous, affluent, will have excellent history among men, be a
king's minister and be famous. If Venus occupies the 10th from the Moon, one
will be fortunate, beautiful, famous, will be
successful in his undertakings, be rich and be honoured by king. Should Saturn
occupy the 10th with reference to the Moon, the native will have physical
diseases, be poor, grieved, bereft of children and be always emotional. 14-18. EFFECTS OF THE SUN JOINING ANOTHER PLANET WHEN IN THE TENTH
FROM THE MOON. Should the Sun be with Mars, while being in the 10th
counted from the Moon, the native will be a labourer (karmakaran), will suffer severely from cough and pulmonary
consumption, or consumption in general, be an astrologer and will be an expert
in the science of marks and Signs and also in logic. Should the Sun be with
Mercury in the 10th from the Moon, one will enjoy robes and ornaments, be a trader and will live through the means of water. If the
Sun is conjunct Jupiter being in the 10th from the Moon, he will be successful
in his undertakings, be honoured by the king, brave and famous. If the Sun is
conjunct Venus in the 10th from the Moon, the subject will patronize his
people, be fortunate, dear to the king and will increase his possessions
through the help of his wife (or women). The Sun and Saturn being together in
the 10th from the Moon will make one liable to imprisonment, a servant, poor,
wretched (or miserly), lose to thieves and prattle. 19-22.
Mars gets the company of Mercury being in the 10th from the Moon, one will have
many an enemy, be skillful in archery and be very valorous. If Jupiter be with
Mars in the 10th of the Moon, one will be a mighty leader, will gain wealth via
friends, will live thereby and be fortunate. Venus and Mars being in the 10th
from the Moon indicates, that the native will be interested in living in
foreign places, will trade in gold, precious stones etc. and will progress
through women. Saturn and Mars conjunct in the 10th from the Moon, indicates, that
the native will be adventurous, base and will suffer from diseases. 23-25. EFFECTS OF MERCURY JOINING ANOTHER PLANET IN THE 10TH FROM
THE MOON. If Jupiter and Mercury be together in the 10th from the Moon,
the subject will be rich, honoured by the king, righteous, be leader of men and
be famous. If Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the 10th counted from the Moon,
one will be endowed with friends, learning, wife, wealth and happiness, be a
king's minister and a provincial head. If Mercury is conjunct Saturn being
posited in the 10th from the Moon, the person concerned will be a potter, be
famous, imparter of learning and be an author of books. 26-27.
Jupiter joins Venus in being in 10th from the Moon, one will serve a superior
king, will head Brahmins, be devoid of grief, be an imparter of learning and be
skillful. Saturn and Jupiter in the 10th from the Moon denote, that one will be
base, will cause grief to others, will act, like an aged person, will have a
firm residence and will successfully begin his undertakings. 28. EFFECTS OF
in the 10th from the Moon will be an artist, will trade in scents, be a doctor and will deal in black-salt and camphor. Notes:
“Neelam” apart meaning black-salt also indicates poison, antimony, sapphire
etc., while Churna means apart from camphorflour, chalk, lime etc. 29-48. EFFECTS OF THREE PLANETS IN CONJUNCTION IN THE 10th FROM THE MOON.
If the Sun, Mars and Mercury are in the 10th from the Moon, one will be
fortunate, excellent among men, equal to king and be honoured by all. The Sun,
Mars and Jupiter in the 10th of the Moon denote, that
he will be fortunate, will destroy his enemies and will be plentiful. The Sun,
Mars and Venus in the 10th of the Moon will make one cruel, adventurous, steal
others' wealth and highly skillful. Mars, Saturn and the Sun posited in the
10th of the Moon denote, that he will be intent on
doing cruel acts, be foolish, sinful and bad in conduct. The Sun, Mercury and
Jupiter in the 10th of the Moon indicate, that he will be learned, beautiful, righteous and be dear to his relatives. Famous, righteous,
devoid of anger, unconquerable, fortunes and plenty of robesthese are the
effects produced by the conjunction of Mercury, the Sun and Venus, in the 10th
of the Moon. When one has the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in the 10th of the Moon,
one will be cruel, fickle minded, be not virtuous and will be afflicted by weapons
and fire. If the Sun, Venus and Jupiter be together in the 10th of the Moon,
one will be fortunate, will earn by learning, be righteous and will always
enjoy pleasures. Saturn, the Sun and Jupiter in conjunction in the 10th counted
from the Moon will make one devoid of (worthy) history, still honourable and
valorous. Venus, Sun and Saturn in conjunction in the 10th counted from the
Moon will make one miserly, fickle minded and prohibited by all. If Mars,
Mercury and Jupiter are in the 10th counted from the Moon, one will be
righteous, will have a large family and many children and will be learned and
wealthy. Mercury, Mars and Venus in the 10th of the Moon will make one
interested in fine arts, a dealer of garlands, goldsmith and dear to all.
Saturn, Mars and Mercury in the 10th of the Moon will make one righteous,
addicted to sleep, wicked and dirty. If at the time of birth one has Mars,
Venus and Jupiter in the 10th from his Janma Rasi, he will be wealthy, valorous
and be interested in honouring Gods and Brahmins. If Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
are in the 10th counted from the Moon, one will be bereft of learning, wealth
and near and dear, be mean, bereft of happiness and be deformed (or
distressed). Mars, Venus and Saturn in the 10th counted from the Moon denote,
that one will be a minister, or an excellent personage, interested in others'
religions, wealthy and have many professions. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the
10th (with reference to the Moon) identical with Taurus/Libra denote, that all
his desires will be fulfilled (i.e. he will be happy in all respects). Mercury,
Venus and Jupiter in the 10th (with reference to the Moon) in Signs other, then
Taurus/Libra denote, that one will suffer from
diseases. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th of the Moon denote, that one will be interested in authorship and
literature, be wealthy, be a very modest servant, be fond of wandering and be
beautiful. If Saturn, Mercury and Venus be together in conjunction in the 10th
counted from the Moon one will be endowed with wisdom, be a boxer, be
interested in living' in foreign countries, diligent and tamed (like an
elephant). If Jupiter, Saturn and Venus join in the 10th from the Moon, one
will be learned, righteous, kind and truthful. 49. Those are the results of planets
up to 3 in number joining in the 10th from the Moon. Different results will be
experienced, if more than 3 planets join in the 10th of the Moon, as explained
THE MOON. If the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter be in the 10th from the
Moon, one will be valorous, physically hurt, charitable and interested in all
deeds. With Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury in the 10th from the Moon one will be
a garland dealer, writer, or an artist. With Mars, Sun, Saturn and Mercury in
the 10th from the Moon one will be endowed with wealth, conveyances and
elephants. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 10th from the Moon denote, that even though one will have a mean profession, he
will be excellent, will have sons and will have agricultural living. The Sun,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th from the Moon denote,
that one will be skillfully cunning, cruel and will cheat others. The Sun,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn being in the 10th of the Moon, will make one hardhearted,
fortunate, eloquent and interested in agriculture. The Sun, Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn being in the 10th of the Moon, will make one interested in foreign
places and have many an acts to do. If Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are in
the 10th from the Moon, he will be skillful courageous and unconquerable in
battle. If Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter are in the 10th from the Moon, one
will be dirty, ever longing for war and will destroy enemies. Should Mars,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn join in the 10th of the Moon, one will have abundant
learning, be valorous and will be broad-bodied. Should Mars, Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn join in the 10th of the Moon, one will be courageous and endowed with
family and wealth. If Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are placed in the 10th
from Janma Rasi, one will be calmly disposed, intelligent and dear to people.
62. MALEFICS IN THE 10TH FROM THE MOON. If Malefics occupy the 10th House
counted from the Moon and aspected by benefics, one will be a doctor, Purohit (a
religious guide), an astrologer, or will be interested in cheating others. 63.
Whatever effects have been ascribed so far in this 1-7. EFFECTS OF SEVERAL PLANETS
ASPECTING THE ASCENDANT. If the Sun aspects the Ascendant, the native will be
valorous, will be irascible with females, be cruel, will gain wealth from
paternal side and will serve the king. If the Moon aspects the Ascendant, he
will be under the control of women, fortunate, be very courteous, be very
wealthy, softly disposed and will gain by dealing in water-born articles. If
Mars lends his aspect to the Ascendant, one will be fond of valorous acts and
battles, irascible, will have severed relationship, be very righteous and will
have a long penis. Should Mercury aspect the Ascendant, the native will have
rich knowledge of arts and will thereby gain and be quite intelligent, famous
and honourable. If Jupiter be the aspecting planet with reference to the
Ascendant one will be interested in religious observations, be honoured by the
king, be famous and will be endowed with (the company of) virtuous people,
elders and guests. Venus aspecting the Ascendant denotes, that he will be
addicted to many prostitutes, be youthful, will have happiness of wealth and
pleasure and will be beautiful in appearance. If Saturn aspects the Ascendant
one will be troubled by heavy loads, travels and diseases, be irascible, will
be attached to aged women (i.e. will be fond of seeking union with aged
females), be devoid of happiness, be dirty and foolish. 8. GENERAL ASPECTS TO
ASCENDANT. If a planet (whether natural benefic, or natural malefic) aspects
the Ascendant identical with its own Sign, that confers happiness and wealth,
apart from close relationship with the king. If the Ascendant is not owned by
the aspecting planet, a benefic then confers auspicious effects and a malefic evil results. 9. UNASPECTED ASCENDANT. Should the
ascending Sign be not in aspect to even one planet, the native will be devoid
of (other) qualities and will acquire exclusive qualities of the Sign concerned. 10-11. SPECIAL EFFECTS. If two, or more planets aspect the Ascendant, the native acquires
happiness and wealth. Even one benefic aspecting the Ascendant is
auspicious, while a malefic so aspecting is inauspicious. If the Ascendant is
aspected by all the planets one rules over the earth. Should all the planets be
endowed with strength, he will enjoy all kinds of happiness, be free from fear
and be long-lived. 12. PLANETS CONJUNCT IN THE ASCENDANT. If three planets are
together in the Ascendant, the native will be devoid of miseries and will lord
over the earth. But, if these are (exclusively) malefics, he will be distressed
due to fear, grief etc., will eat much and will be disregarded by one and all. 13. ADHI YOGA FROM ASCENDANT. If benefics exclusively occupy
the 6th, 7th and 8th, without the company of malefics, Lagnadhi Yoga is caused.
This Yoga confers ministership, leadership over Army (justiceship) and
kingship, lordship over many women, long life, freedom from diseases and
miseries, possession of virtues and happiness. So say Yavana kings. 14. A planet in own Sign, or in exaltation/friendly Sign,
according to sages, confers its effects fully. If it is in fall, or is
inimically placed, it is incapable of giving the results (due to the above
mentioned Yoga). 15-20. PRINCIPLES RELATED TO THE 2ND HOUSE. If Mars, Saturn
and the Sun occupy the 2nd House, the native's wealth is destroyed. If weak
Moon aspects the 2nd House, such effects are more pronounced. Mars and the Sun in the 2nd cause afflictions to skin apart from
causing poverty. If Saturn, posited alone in this House, is aspected by
Mercury, he will be greatly rich. Even, if the Sun is posited in the 2nd House
in aspect to Saturn, without aspect of others, pennilessness will come to pass.
Benefics in the 2nd House cause advent of money in many ways. But, if Jupiter
posited in the 2nd House remains under Mercury's aspect, or Mercury so posited
in the 2nd House in aspect to the Moon, the entire wealth earned by the native
will be deprived. Weak Moon in the 2nd House in Mercury's aspect denotes, that even the ancestral property will be destroyed;
not only this, other sources of income will also be hindered. Should the 2nd
House [from the] Moon be aspected by Venus, plenty of wealth will be earned.
Same is the result by aspect of another benefic (i.e. Jupiter). 21-24.
PRINCIPLES RELATED TO THE 3rd HOUSE. When the 3rd House is owned by a malefic
and is occupied by a malefic, the co-born are destroyed. Conversely, a
benefic's Sign being the 3rd and occupation of benefics therein will cause happiness
thereof. Now explained below is the method to ascertain the number of co-born. The number of Navansas past in the 3rd House denotes
the number of brothers following the native. If other planets
aspect the 3rd House, the said number (caused by Navansas) stands increased.
Saturn placed in the 3rd in aspect to Mars causes destruction of co-born. But
Venus in the 3rd and in aspect to Jupiter increases happiness thereof. Mercury
placed in the 3rd House, in aspect to Mars (or in aspect to the Sun, as some
texts read ‘Bhaskara Drishtah' instead of ‘Angaraka Drishtah'), the native's
friends are destroyed. Rest (relating to the 4th House) may be understood from
Bhavadhyaya ( 1. This science is mainly useful to rulers. Hence I explain
in this Ch. the configurations, that make one a king. 2. KINGLY/WEALTHY YOGAS.
One born in a royal scion will become a ruler, if 3, or 4 planets, with
strength, occupy their exaltation/Mulatrikona Signs at birth. If 5, or 6 planets be so placed, even a person of mean birth
will attain rulership. If one, or two heavenly bodies be so, the native will
only be rich, being equal to a king, but not really be a king. 3. According to
Yavanas, if only malefics are exalted, the native will become a king indulging,
in cruel deeds. But, as per Jeevasarma, such planets will make one valorous,
but not a king. One with such a Yoga (according to
Kalyanavarma) will be honoured and will become the head of a region. 4.
Explained below are the Yogas, that will make even a
person of base birth a king, according to Shastras. 5. If all the four of the
Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, or three of them, be exalted and one of them be
simultaneously in the Ascendant, a total of 16 kinds of Raja Yogas are formed.
One born even in a mean caste with such a Yoga will
become a ruler. Again a different group of 16 Raja Yogas are formed, if one, or
two out of the above four planets are in exaltation, while one of the exalted
planets occupies the Ascendant, as the Moon remains in Cancer. According to
great sages, these 32 Yogas will make one a ruler, who reigns the whole earth,
as though it is just a garden. 6. If at the time of birth either the Ascendant,
or the Moon be in Vargothama Navansa and be in aspect to 5, or 6 planets other
than the Moon (when the Ascendant being considered) one will become a king in
spite of his having taken birth in a mean family. 7. If at birth Aries be the
Ascendant containing the Moon, Mars and Jupiter one will become an emperor of
the whole earth encircled by the seas and the Udayagiri (i.e. the mountain,
from which the Sun etc. are supposed to rise) and will roaringly destroy his
enemies. 8. Should Jupiter be in Cancer, while Mars occupies Aries identical
with the Ascendant, or should both Jupiter and Mars be in Aries Ascendant, the
native will become a ruler whose enemies dare not approach him, while his
minister will be favourable to him. 9. Should the Moon
be in the 11th House along with Venus and Jupiter, while Aries, Capricorn and
Virgo are occupied by their Lords, one born in Virgo Ascendant will doubtlessly
become a very knowledgeable king. 10. If Cancer Ascendant contain the Moon with
full bright rays, while the 7th, 6th, 4th, 10th and 3rd are, respectively,
occupied by Mercury, Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, the native will become a
ruler. Simultaneously Mars should be conjunct Saturn. 11. Should Taurus ascend
at birth with the Full Moon, as Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio are tenanted,
respectively, by Saturn, the Sun and Jupiter, the native will become a king
with abundant riches and with conveyances. 12. If Capricorn Ascendant birth
along with Saturn, while Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are,
respectively, occupied by the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, one will become
a ruler equal to Indra, Lord of the Lords. 13. If the Moon is in Pisces
identical with Ascendant, while Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo are in their order
occupied by Mars, Saturn and the Sun, one will become a ruler well versed in
all arts. 14. One will become an unconquerable king, with knowledge of the
Vedas, if he takes birth in Capricorn Ascendant with exalted Mars, if it
opposed by Full Moon in Cancer. 15. If exalted Sun is in the Ascendant along
with the Moon, the native will become a ruler, who will be endowed with
pleasing appearance and with whose very reminiscence the enemies will shed
tears and will sparkle fire of grief in their hearts.
16. Should Venus, Mars and Jupiter by respective]y
placed in Aquarius, Aries and Cancer, one born so will become a king spreading
his fame to all the directions. 17. If the planet Jupiter, with the splendour
of heated yellow metal, be in Cancer identical with Ascendant, while the Sun is
in the 10th in Aries and the Moon, Mercury and Venus are in Taurus (in the
11th), one will conquer the entire earth with his own prowess. 18. The native
will become a king, if the Moon occupies Sagittarius along with Jupiter, while
Mars occupies Capricorn and Mercury in Virgo in Ascendant. 19. If the
Luminaries occupy the first half of Sagittarius, while Saturn is exalted, with
exceeding strength, in Libra Ascendant and Mars is in Capricorn, one will
become a ruler whose valour will provoke only honour from his foes. 20-21. CHANDRADHI YOGA. Adhi Yoga is caused by all benefics
being in the 6th, 7th and 8th from the Moon. These Houses should exclude the
Sun and not receive any aspect from malefics. One born with this Yoga will
become a king possessing a kingdom boundaried by seas whose band of intoxicated
elephants will eke out ichor, which the black forest bees will drink (mistaking
the ichor to be flower's honey). Such a native will be immune to senescence and
sickness, be bereft of fear from enemies, be valorous,
fortunate and happy. 22. Mercury in exaltation in the Ascendant, the Moon and
Jupiter in Pisces, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn, while Venus is in Gemini: this
configuration will produce a ruler destroying his enemies. The dust formed by
the movements of his elephant Army will darken the entire earth. 23. One will
become a king with the following planetary configuration prevailing at the time
of birth: The Sun and Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, the Moon in Taurus, Mars in Scorpio and the Ascendant in Aries. 24. A famous
king will be produced, if Aries be the Ascendant at
birth along with the Sun therein, Jupiter be in Sagittarius and the Moon with
Saturn is in Libra. 25. If the three planets, viz. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus
occupy such Rasis, which are angular to their respective own Rasis and be in
the process conjunct Saturn, Mars and the Sun, while the Moon is in Taurus, the
native will become a king purifying the (four) directions with his unstained
fame. The native born in Aries Ascendant with the Sun in deep exaltation will
rule the earth boundaried by the seas. 26. Should the Moon be in the 4th House
simultaneously falling in a watery Navansa and be with all her splendour, while
a benefic is in its own House identical with the Ascendant and malefics are
away from Angles, a king is born. 27. The Moon in the state of her Fullness, if
be in aspect to Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, while the Lord of the Ascendant is
endowed with strength, one so born will become a king. The Ascendant in
question should be in a Dual Sign and be in Vargothamamsa. 28. The native, who
has three, or four benefic planets in Vargothamamsa
will become a king. These planets should be in Angles, not combust, be not weak
and be free from the company of malefics. 29. Even, if a single benefic is in
Vargothamamsa, the native will become a king, provided the planet in question
is strong and be in aspect to a friendly planet. 30. The Full Moon in Cancer
Ascendant not falling in inimical subdivisions, will make one a king endowed
with gems elephants and horses, provided he has a benefics aspect, while all
the other planets occupy Seershodya Signs. 31. If the dispositor of the Moon is
in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th counted from the Moon herself, one born so will
become a ruler comparable to Lord Indra provided malefics are bereft of
strength and benefics be in Angles identical with Rasis owned by benefics.
Alternatively, these benefics instead of falling in such Rasis may be in such
Navansas ruled by benefics. 32. The native will become such a valorous king
whose Army's very roaring will quake the earth, if in his radix all planets,
being strong, occupy their respective deep exaltation points in aspect to
friendly planets and without inimical aspects. 33. Should the Moon be in her
deep exaltation degree in aspect to Venus, while all malefics are relegated to
3rd, 6th, 9h and 12th Houses, one will become a king. 34. If the Ascendant Lord
and the Moon Sign Lord are together in an Angle at birth, in aspect to
auspicious and friendly planets, unaspected by malefics and not being defeated
by enemies, the native will become a plentiful king. Alternatively the Moon
should be in Lagna and the Lagna Lord in the 9th thereof. The black forest bees
consuming the ichor of his Army elephants will sing the glory of such native in
all directions. 35. Find out, if the Ascendant is the exaltation Sign of any
planet. If the planet in question is aspected by a benefic from an Angle a king
is born. However, the first mentioned planet should be in own Navansa, or
friendly Navansa, or exaltation Navansa. 36. Saturn with strength, the Sun,
Mars, the Moon, Venus and Mercury, respectively, positioned in the second half
of Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Virgo will make one an emperor, who
will be endowed with spotless fame protecting his population. 37. If all the
planets are in Vargothamamsa and are radiant the native will become an emperor
of the whole earth subduing all his enemies. 38. The subject will become a
ruler, if the Ascendant Lord is in an Angle in aspect to a friendly planet,
while the Ascendant is tenanted by a benefic. 39. Should Jupiter and the Moon
be in Taurus identical with the Ascendant, while its Lord (Venus), is in his
Moolatrikona (or in a Trine from the Ascendant) unaspected by the Sun, Saturn
and Mars, the native will be a famous ruler controlling all his foes. 40. If at
birth all planets, avoiding inimical and debilitational divisions, occupy their
own, or friendly divisions in aspect to friendly planets, while the Moon is Full with her rays, the native will become a ruler. 41. If
the Full Moon is exalted and is in Vargothamamsa, in aspect to a benefic
planet, the person so born will become a famous ruler in the Dasa of the
benefic planet in question. There should not be a strong malefic in an Angle in
the said Yoga. 42. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon Sign Lord with
strength are together in an Angle, while the Moon occupies a watery Sign
identical with a Trine, the native will become a king. 43. Should all the
planets at birth be in their own Rasis and in friendly Navansas, or vice versa,
the subject will become an emperor. 44. Should all the other planets be in their
deep exaltation points, while Mercury is in his exaltation Amsa, the native
will rule over the three worlds, receiving honours from Gods and Demons. 45.
One will become an emperor devoid of any foes, if the 4th, 1st, 7th and the
10th are, respectively, occupied by Vasishta (one of the Saptharishis),
Jupiter, Venus and Agasthya (again one of the Saptharishis). 46. If the Full
Moon is in her exaltation Rasi, or in own Rasi, or in own Navansa, while
Jupiter posited in an Angle is in aspect to Venus, the native becomes a great
emperor provided the Sun is in the Ascendant with strength identical with his
own House. 47. Should the Full Moon receive the aspect of all the planets the
native will live long and will not be subjected to adverse results,
that may be caused by Kemadruma and such other Yogas. 48. The Sun
approaching his exaltation Sign (i.e. being in the end of Pisces), while Jupiter and the Moon are in Cancer, the native will
become a king endowed with various precious stones. In this Yoga, the Sun
should be simultaneously in a Trine from the Ascendant. 49. Should six planets
be in simultaneous exaltation, endowed with radiance and occupy their own
Navansas, with strength, the native will become an emperor comparable to
Yayati, Sagara and Vena. 50. Should all the benefics with radiant rays occupy
the Ascendant, being not combust and unaccompanied by malefics, the native will
become a ruler, who will take to penance in forests and hills. The benefics in
question should occupy the Rasi and Navansas of benefics. 51. If all benefic
planets be in benefics' Rasis identical with Panaphara Houses (i.e. 2nd, 5th,
8th and 11th), while malefics occupy Dual Signs, the native so born will become
a king, destroying all his enemies and be equal to Brihaspati (Jupiter) in terms
of intelligence. 52. If the Lord of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant itself,
or is in a friendly Sign in aspect to a friendly planet, the native will become
a ruler, destroying his enemies, provided there is a benefic in the Ascendant.
53. If the Full Moon is aspected by Jupiter and be unaspected by others, while
there is no planet in debilitation, the native will become a ruler. The said
Moon should occupy Aries Navansa. This Raja Yoga is conceived by Yavanas. 54.
If the Full Moon occupies an Upachaya House, i.e. 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th in
exclusive aspect to Jupiter, while the Lord of the Moon Sign occupies the 10th,
or 7th, the native will become a ruler. 55. If the Full Moon be exalted and
aspected by all the planets the native will become a famous ruler endowed with
a vast Army consisting of elephants, horses and armed men and will rule over
the entire earth akin to Adisesha (the Divine Snake) painfully bearing the
whole earth on its hood. 56. Should the Moon, being fully splendourous, occupy
Leo Navansa, while all other benefics, devoid of malefic connections are
angular from the ascending Sign, the native will become a ruler endowed with
various elephants. 57. Should the Moon be with Jupiter in the 5th House, while
Mars, Mercury and the Moon be not in fall in Rasi and be in their own Navansas,
one will become a king with everlasting fame. In this Yoga, Mars and Mercury
should be in the 12th and, or the 3rd without combustion. 58. If three planets
be in such Signs, which are not inimical, or debilitational, be with full
strength, be aspected by benefics and be endowed with splendourous rays, the
native will become a ruler. 59. If the Moon, who is in Vargothama Navansa, or
in Cancer in Navansa, is aspected by a strong planet, while the ascending Sign is
free from malefic occupation, the native will become an emperor endowed with
physical splendour. 60. If the Moon is in a watery Sign/Navansa, while benefic
is in the Ascendant and in his own Amsa, the native will become a ruler endowed
with many elephants and the like. In this Yoga, malefics should, however, not
be in Angles. 61. If the Full Moon occupies Vargothama position, the native
will become a ruler of the earth whose horses' kicks will spread dust making
even the brilliant sun in the sky look, like an early morning's Moon. 62. If at
birth all planets are endowed with roles of Yoga karaka, the native will become
an emperor. If one planet be so, he will rule a province. 63. Even, if one
planet occupies its own Panchamsa, the subject will become a ruler. If all are
endowed with strength he becomes an emperor. Notes: Panchamsa division is a
little bit different from Trimsamsa. In odd Signs the Panchamsa (i.e. 6 degrees
in length) rulerships are in order: Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.
The reverse holds good in the case of even Signs. 64. If the Moon is aspected
by Jupiter from Taurus, the native will rule over the entire earth. 65. If the
Moon is aspected by any planet from its exaltation/Moolatrikona/own Sign, even
a hunter will become a king. 66. Should the Moon be in her own Rasi and in her
own decanate, one will become a ruler. If simultaneously a benefic is endowed
with strength, the native will become a great king. 67. Should the Sun be in
his own Navansa, while the Moon is in Cancer Rasi, the native will become a
king, endowed with elephants. 68. Even a villager will become a king, if he has
Saturn in the Ascendant and Jupiter in the 7th, one of them being in aspect to
Venus. 69. The native will doubtless become a king, if Venus rises in a Rasi of
Jupiter in aspect to Jupiter himself, while Mercury is in exaltation. 70. If
the Sun, the Moon and Venus occupy one single House in exclusive aspect to
Jupiter, the native will become a ruler. 71. One will become a ruler, if Mars,
Mercury and Venus are in the Ascendant, while both the Moon and Jupiter are in
the 7th in aspect to Saturn. 72. If strong Jupiter be in aspect to Mars, while
the Sun is in the 10th in Aries, even a base person will become a ruler.
However, it is necessary, that the said Jupiter be in Aries Navansa, or in
Scorpio Navansa. 73. If the Moon, the Sun and Venus are in the 3rd House, while
Mars and Jupiter are, respectively, placed in the 7th and 9th Houses, even a
person of mean strata will become a king. The Ascendant in this case should be
in Vargothamamsa. 74. One, two, three, or all of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and
the Moon occupying the 9th House with strength and in aspect to a friendly
planet, the native will be a king akin to God. 75. If the 9th House is occupied
by an exalted planet, or the said 9th House is in aspect to the planet, that will be in exaltation there in (in the 9th),
while two others are independently in their Signs of exaltation, the native
will become a king and a pater familias. 76. Should the 5th House be occupied
by the Moon and Jupiter in aspect to its Lord, as Venus is in Pisces, even a
person of base birth will become a king. 77. If the Moon is in the 3rd, or the
10th House, while Jupiter is exalted, the native will be a ruler of the entire
earth endowed with Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. 78. If Jupiter is exalted
and is simultaneously in an Angle, while Venus occupies the 10th, the subject
will be a famous king, lording over the entire earth. 79. One born even, as a
Brahmin will become a king, if the full Moon is in her own House, while
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in the 4th House. The latter 3 should be in the
own Navansas simultaneously and be aspected by the Sun. 80. If the Sun is in
the 10th identical with his Moolatrikona Rasi, or Venus, Jupiter and the Moon
are in 3rd, 6th and 11th in own Houses the native will become a king. 81. If
the 7th House contains a benefic planet and be in aspect to a friendly planet,
while Mars is exalted, one will become a ruler of the earth. The benefic in question
should fall in a friendly Navansa also. 82. Should the Sun, the Moon, Mercury
and Mars occupy the 10th House and also friendly Navansas, while Venus is in
the 9th House, the native will become a ruler, whose elephants' ichor will
settle the dust emanating by their own treadings. In this Yoga, the planets in
the 10th shall not be in fall, in enemies camps, or be
in combustions. 83. Should the Sun endowed with strength be exalted in the 10th
House in the company of Jupiter, as strong Venus is in the 9th House and in own
Navansa, while the Ascendant shares benefic sub-divisions, or has a benefic
planet in it and is aspected by Mercury, the native will become a ruler
illumining the entire world with his fame. 86. One born in Abhijit star will
become a valorous king even though he may be of base order by birth. 87. One
born with the Moon in Krittika and simultaneously in Gandanta Lagna, or Vishti
(Bhadra) Karana, or Parigha Yoga, or Vyatipata Yoga will become a king. 88. The
Moon in the 4th House identical with Cancer, while Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
are, respectively, in the Ascendant, 7th and 10th Houses: the native will
become a king. 89-90. If all the planets occupy six
alternative Signs from the Ascendant, Chakra Yoga is formed producing a king.
91. Should all the planets occupy the first six Houses commencing from the
Ascendant, one will become a king. Should these be in only four Houses from the
Ascendant, he will become a king's minister. 92. Should all the planets be
relegated to the 5th, 4th, 3rd and 10th Houses, one will become a king endowed
with wealth, sons, relatives, conveyances and servants. 93. Nagara Yoga is
formed, if all the planets are disposed in the 10th, 7th, 4th and Ascendant,
which will make one rule the earth. 94. Should the benefic planets be entirely
in the 4th Ascendant and the 7th, while Mars, the Sun and Saturn are in the
3rd, 6th and 11th Houses, one born will become a ruler according to Yavanas.
95. A Raja Yoga known, as Kalasa Yoga is formed, if all benefics are in the
11th and 9th Houses. 96. Again a Raja Yoga named, as Kumbha Yoga is formed, if
the 3rd, 5th and 11th Houses are occupied by one each, while the 6th and 7th
are occupied by 2 planets each. 97. Explaned above are
such Raja Yogas, which will make even people of base birth reach royal status.
The following are royal combinations exclusively applicable to those of royal
scion. 98. One will be a king receiving honours from the entire world, if the
Sun, the Moon, Saturn and Mars are, respectively, in Leo, Aries, Aquarius and
Capricorn. Jupiter in this Yoga should be in Sagittarius, or Pisces, while Leo be Ascendant. 99. If a single benefic occupies the Ascendant
with strength, while other benefics are in the 9th and yet other planets be in
the Ascendant, 2nd, or Upachaya Houses, one will become a king with perennial
wealth. The elephants of his Army will rain ichor misleading it to be a cloudy
atmosphere. 100. Should Jupiter be in the 4th identical with own House, while
the Full Moon is in the 9th and others are in the 3rd and Ascendant, an
intelligent king is born endowed with all kinds of wealth and conveyances. 101
A very famous king is born, if the Moon is exalted in the Ascendant, while
Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun are, respectively, in the 2nd House,
Libra, Virgo, Aries and Leo. 102. A king famous for his virtues is born, if the
Sun and the Moon are in the 10th, Saturn is in Ascendant Jupiter in the 4th and
Venus, Mercury and Mars are in the 11th House. 103. If Jupiter occupies the
Ascendant, other than Capricorn, one born will be a king endowed with elephants
etc. 104. One will become a king, if Mars is in the Ascendant and Saturn and
the Sun are in the 10th, while Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are,
respectively, in the 7th, 9th, 11th and 4th Houses. 105. When even the weak
Moon in exaltation can herself produce a king what of Full Moon in exaltation ? 106. If the Full Moon occupies an Angle other
than the Ascendant, the native will be a king endowed with wealth, conveyances
and valour. 107. If Venus is in aspect to Jupiter, the native will become a
valorous king possessing many elephants. 108. Should Mercury be aspected by
Jupiter at birth, the native will become a honourable
king. 109. Should the Ascendant Lord in exaltation aspect the Moon, the subject
will become a king endowed with wealth and conveyances and will conquer his
enemies. 110. One will become a fortunate king and endowed with fame and
success over rivals, if exalted Moon aspects both Mercury and Venus. 111. The
subject will be a ruler endowed with perennial wea1th, if the Moon occupies the
Navansa of a bosom friend in aspect to Venus. 112. For a day birth, if the Moon
is in Cancer Navansa, or in a very friendly Navansa
and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will doubtlessly become a king. 113.
When even a Brahmin can become a king, if the Lord of Moon Sign is in Angle
with strength, what doubt is there of a person of royal scion with a similar
configuration becoming a ruler ? 114. Should the Sun
be in a thick friend's Sign in aspect to the Moon, the native will rule over
Anga (a province so named in olden days related now to Bhagalpur) and be
endowed with wealth and virtues. 115. Should Mercury be exalted and be in
conjunction with the Moon, the native will rule over The rays possessed by a planet are important (in delineation
of a horoscope) according to Manindhacharya. I explain below the same. 2. When
in exaltation, the number of rays possessed by the Sun are
10, the Moon 9, Mars 5, Mercury 5, Jupiter 7, Venus 8 and Saturn 5. 3-4. ANOTHER SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. The above view is held by
Manindha, Maya and Badarayana, as enunciated by Mahendra Shastra. However,
according to another school of thought, all planets uniformly possess 7 rays
each, while exaltation. While these two are authoritative
schools, majority lean towards equal distribution of 7 rays. All agree, that at debilitation, the figure is zero for each
planet. 5. ABHIMUKHA AND PARANMUKHA RASMI. When a debilitated planet transits
towards its exaltation Sign, the rays are Abhimukha (i.e. facing upwards) and,
when an exalted planet goes towards its debilitation Sign, the rays are
Paranmukha (facing downwards). For the intermediary positions, the rays should
be calculated by rule of three process. 6. TO ARRIVE
AT NUMBER OF RAYS. Note the position of the planet in Rasis, degrees etc., for
which the number of rays is to be computed. Deduct from this its (deep)
debilitation point. If the remainder is in excess of six Signs, reduce it again
from 12. Multiply the product by the maximum number of rays allotted to the
planet concerned and divide by six. The resultant figure will represent the
number of rays obtained by the planet by virtue of its position at birth. 7-9. RECTIFICATION OF RAYS. If the planet
is in the dwadasamsa of its friend, double the product, as obtained above.
If it is in its own dwadasamsa, own Rasi, retrogression/exaltation Sign the
product should be trebled. If it is in its enemy's dwadasamsa, 1/16th of the
rays will be lost. The same applies to a debilitated planet. A combust planet,
excepting Venus and Saturn, loses all the rays. A planet, that has just begun
to retrograde will have two-fold rays, while the one, that has just assumed
direct motion from retrogression will lose only 1/8th of the number of rays. 10-11. EFFECTS OF NUMBER OF RASMIS TOTALLY CONTRIBUTED BY THE SEVEN
PLANETS. If the rays be a maximum of five, the native will be miserable,
is of ignoble descent, will depend on others, be indigent and will join base
men, Should it be from 6 to 10, he will be a servant, will be intent on going
to places other than of his birth (for living), be devoid of good luck and be
dirty. 12-16. If the rays are between 11 and 15, one will be, respectively,
very learned, virtuous, righteous, beautiful and will possess merits due to his
descent. If the rays are between 16 and 20, he will be, respectively, supreme
among his men, be wealthy, be famous among men, be glorious and be honoured by
his men. The effects stated apply to the number of rays in the ascending order.
If the rays are from 21 to 25 in number, the effects, respectively, are:
honour, fortune, courage, scholarship and kingship. 26 rays denote a person,
who will have all-round success in his efforts. 27 to 32 rays, respectively,
denote: a dependent on the king, wealth and gains through the king, minister
ship, honours from the king, royal patronage and
rulership over fifty villages. 17-20. If the total
number of rays is 33, he will rule over 1000 villages, while with 34 rays he
will obtain leadership over 3000 villages. 35 rays denote abundant wealth,
strength, provincial rulership, fame, fortune etc. One will head over a lakh villages with 36 rays. Three lakh villages will
come under his control with 37/38 rays. 21-25. If the
total rays be 39, he will become a ruler causing happiness to all. With 40 rays
he will rule over vast lands and the wives of the enemies crushed by him will
reach their cries all over, so that he will become prominent. One, two and
three seas will be the boundary/boundaries of the kingdom of the native/s with
41/42/43 rays. One with 44 rays will be an emperor, will honour Gods and
Brahmins, be long-lived and be mighty. According to the rays crossing 44, one
will rule over other islands, be free from obstacles, be honoured by one and
all and be equal to Indra in valour. 26. SPECIAL EFFECTS. If the total rays are
45, or 46, the native will always enjoy auspicious effects and will lord over
the entire earth. 27. If the rays are 47, the native will undertake the
responsibility of maintaining the whole earth, be devoid of enemies, be an emperor akin to Indra and be honoured by all. 28-29. ABHIMUKHA AND PARANMUKHA. If a planet has Abhimukha
rays the good effects stated will increase, while Paranmukha rays will reduce
the good effects. More number of rays will multiply the results, while less
number of rays will diminish the effects. According to rays only, one's
baseness, or excellence will come to pass. Thus ends the 36th 1. Sri Devakirti Raja explained the Panchamahapurusha Yogas
(denoting Great Men), which 1 explain below clearly. 2. Venus, Mars, Saturn,
Jupiter and Mercury remaining in their respective own Houses, or exaltation
Signs, identical with Angles, cause Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra
Yogas, respectively. The effects thereof have been elaborately explained by the
ancient preceptors, which I briefly narrate here. 3-4.
MALAVYA YOGA. One born in Malavya Yoga will have thin (not fleshy) lips,
even physique, gray complexion, thin waist, splendour equal to that of the
moon, majestic voice akin to that of a tusker, pleasant odor of the body,
piercing sight, even and white teeth, hands extending to the knees and a
longevity of seventy years. His face will be 13 inches in length and 10 inch
broad, while the two ear-holes are 10 inch apart. (Angula denoted here, as an
inch means 8 barley-corn-wide) He rules Laata, Malawa
and Sindhu. 5-7. RUCHAKA YOGA. The native of Ruchaka
Yoga will have a long face, pure splendour, great strength, valour, attractive
eye brows, blue (very black) hair, penchant for war, knowledge of Mantras, be a
leader of thieves, will have blood-red complexion, be very valorous, be a
conqueror of enemies, will have a neck akin to conch, be chief, cruel, will
honour Gods and Brahmins, thin shanks, will have marks of a staff (actually
means a staff with a skull at the top deemed to be Shiva's weapon and carried
by ascetics), cord, bull, arrow, diamond, lute etc. on the hands and legs, will
be 100 inch tall, be skilled in Mantras and black magic, will weigh 100 tulas
(one tula is 100 palas) and the circumference of his loins will correspond to
the length of his face. He will rule places consisting of Vindhya and Sahya. He
will live up to seventy and will attain his end through weapons/fire and will
go to heavens. 8-10. SASA YOGA. One born in Sasa Yoga
will have small teeth small face, fast pace, be crafty, very valorous,
interested in forests, hills and forts, will have weak loins and long body, be
famous, be an Army chief, skillful in all assignments, will have somewhat
protruding teeth, be a metallurgist, be fickle minded, will have eyes
resembling the lotus, be interested in the fair sex, will enjoy other's wealth,
be devoted to his mother, weak waist, be very intelligent and will fault
others. His hands will contain marks of couch, conch, wheel, garland, lute etc.
According to sages he will be a ruler of some place and will die at 70. 11-13. HAMSA YOGA. One born in Hamsa Yoga will have a
reddish face, elevated nose, beautiful feet, great virile power (indriya is
here interpreted, as virile power coming under Jupiter), be whitish in
complexion, will have broad cheeks, reddish nails, (mellifluous) voice, like
that of the swan, be phlegmatic, will possess palms and soles with marks of
trident, fish, arrow etc., honey-coloured and round eyes, be fond of sporting
in water, will be delighted in sexually uniting with females, will weigh 1600
tulas and be 96 inch tall. He will lord over Sura Sena, Gandharva and places
between the Ganges and Yamuna. His end will come later on in a forest. His
longevity will be hundred years. 14-15. BHADRA YOGA.
One born with the Bhadra Yoga will have a face, akin to that of a tiger, will
imitate the elephant in gait, will have broad chest, long and strong hands and
square body, will be sensuous, will have soft hair over cheeks, be learned,
will possess hands and legs akin to lotus, be endowed with prowess and will be
conversant with Yoga. His palms and soles will contain symbols of conch, sword,
elephant, arrow, wheel, lotus, plough etc. His body will emanate smell akin to
earth settled with fresh drizzles (particularly first of the season), sandal
paste and elephant's ichor. 16-18. BHADRA YOGA (continued). He will know the
meanings of Shastras, be valorous, will have well-knitted eye brows, will walk,
like an elephant, will have genital organs in ‘concealed position' (like that
of a horse, or a tusker) and a beautiful belly, be righteous, will have attractive
fore face, be valorous, firm in prowess, will have black and short hair, be
independent in all his undertakings, will not forgive (even) his own men, will
allow his friends to enjoy his wealth, will weigh 2000 palas, will rule over
the mid portion of the country, will possess females etc., be always happy and
will die at 80. 19-21. GENERAL. He can become a
monarch, if his voice is similar to the sound of a conch, drum, tusker, bull,
or a roaring cloud. In such case he will rule over the entire earth and will
conquer his enemies. One with viscid tongue, skin, teeth, eyes, nails and hair
will become a ruler. If these are rough, he will experience penury. One with
glossy, splendourous and bright complexion will become a king. Otherwise he
will be poor and miserable. If these are meddling, he will be a middle class
person with wealth, children, happiness etc. Thus ends the 37th 1. Mars denotes one's prowess, Mercury greatness (or
physical weight), Jupiter voice, Venus splendour (or friendship) and Saturn
complexion (physical brightness). 2. EFFECTS OF SATTVA GUNA. If Sattva is
predominant in a native, he will be highly merciful, will possess many wives
and attendants, will be firm in disposition, will be a sweet and truthful
speaker, will honour Gods and Brahmins and will be of forgiving temperament. 3.
EFFECTS OF RAJOGUNA. One with predominant RajoGuna will be valorous, be skillful
in fine arts and literature, be fond of uniting with women, be skillful, showy,
jocular, spirited and be interested in music and gambling. 4. EFFECTS OF
TAMOGUNA. With TamoGuna predominant, the native will be foolish, indolent, will
cheat others, be irascible, miserable, be a talebearer, be
devoid of good conduct, unkempt. blind due to
lasciviousness, miserly and careless. 5. PRIMORDIAL COMPOUNDS (PANCHA BHUTAS).
According to the strengths of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Mercury, the
native will acquire the effects of the five Tatwas, viz. Ether, Water, Air,
Fire and Earth. The strongest of the planet will impart corresponding
temperament, viz. windy, bilious, or phlegmatic. If many planets attain
strengths, these derivations will be mixed. 6. EFFECTS OF AKASA TATWA (ETHER).
One with predominant characteristics of Ether will be skillful in grammar and
meanings, be an expert in justice, be bold, know ledgeable, will have a broad
face and peculiar physical joints, weak hands and feet and be quite tall. 7.
EFFECTS OF JALATATWA (WATER). The native with predominant Watery nature will be
quite charming, will endure heavy loads, will speak sweetly, be tremulous in
appearance, will have many friends, be a king and will not be lastingly bold.
8. EFFECTS OF VAYU TATWA (AIR). One of predominant Airy nature will have an
emaciated body, be easily given to anger, be deeply merged in his work, be of
wandering disposition, be liberal, fair in complexion and be an inviolable
king. 9. EFFECTS OF FIERY TATWA. One with predominant Fiery
character, will be valorous, be hunger-stricken, be very sharp, learned,
emaciated, fair in complexion, inimical, will have beautiful arms, will be a
voracious eater and be tall. 10. EFFECTS OF PRITHVI TATWA (EARTH). One with
Earthy nature will emanate the good smell of camphor, of jasmine and of blue
lotus from his person, will enjoy abundantly, will possess voice, akin to that
of a (roaring) lion, or clouds, be firm in disposition and be endowed with
prowess. 11. BIRTH WITH AKASA TATWA. One born with the reflection of AKASA
TATWA (ether) will be endowed with a physique with the brightness of crystal
and of a gem. Just as wealth confers happiness this reflection will make one
achieve effects of TriVargas (i.e. the three objects of worldly existence, viz.
Dharma, or moral merits, Artha, or attainment of riches, or worldly prosperity
and Kama, or desire of sensual enjoymentthese three ends form the well known
triad excluding Moksha, or final emancipation). 12. BIRTH WITH JALA TATWA
(water). One born with the reflection of watery tatwa will be glossy, will have
the complexion of white Durva grass, will receive protection as, if from the
mother and will prosper. 13. BIRTH WITH VAYU TATWA (air). One born with the
reflection of Vayu Tatwa will be akin to black clouds (that are going just to
cause heavy rains), will emanate foul smell, be very foolish, will have a dirty
and coarse physique, be subjected to great miseries and will experience
poverty, diseases, evils and financial destruction. 14. BIRTH WITH AGNI TATWA.
One born with the reflection of Agni (fiery) Tatwa will be bright, as the
burning flame, will confer severe punishments, will conquer all his enemies and
the earth by his own valour, will possess jewels, gold etc., will attain
success in all his undertakings and will be free from diseases and grief. 15.
BIRTH WITH EARTHY TATWA. One born with the reflection of Prithwi (earth) Tatwa
will emanate smell from the body akin to the smell coming out of earth, when
sprinkled with fresh drizzles. He will have charming teeth, nails, hair and
body. He will attain merits and happiness and be dear to all. 16-17. SIGNS OF PREDOMINANT WINDY TEMPERAMENT. One with
predominant windy temperament will be benumbed with cold and shivering, will
speak much and will walk fast, be fond of moving in boats, be valorous,
spiteful, sickly, unfortunate, unjust, will not be very friendly disposed, will
have knowledge of music, be emaciated, be skillful in acquiring friends, will
fly in the skies in dreams, be devoid of courage and gratitude, will have rough
hair, will have splay feet and crooked arms, be irascible, will have lost
splendour and will face financial losses. 18-19. SIGNS OF
PREDOMINANT BILIOUS TEMPERAMENT. One with predominant bile will emanate
foul smell from his person, be less distressed, greatly intelligent, be easily
satisfied, will have large transparent nails, large eyes, hands and feet, will
resemble an old man, will suffer morbid heat, be a scholar, be fearless, fond
of cold articles, will not fear even at the hands of his enemies, will be
affectionate to all and will be fond of food. His dreams will be about gold,
sun. light, forest-conflagration, kimsuka (a kind of
tree, which yields charming red blossoms, which however have no fragrance),
precious stones, karnikara (the pericarp of a lotus, alternatively a kind of
flower with excellent hue, but no smell and hence disliked), red lotus, eunuch,
blood and lightning. 20-21. SIGNS OF PREDOMINANT PHLEGMATIC
TEMPERAMENT. One with predominant phlegmatic temperament will be
wealthy, will have clung joints, be courageous and strong, will have a bright
and charming physique, be a recipient (of gifts, benefits etc.), be Sattvik,
will have voice akin to the sound of a drum and roaring clouds, be enduring,
fair in complexion, will have reddish eyes, will enjoy sweet drinks,
(sometimes) will be highly inimical, be grateful, be friendly to all and will
honour elders. His dreams will be seas, rivers, coral stones, lakes, swan,
conch, stars, lily, snowfall etc. These effects are attributed by the sages.
22. LUMINARIES IN MAHAPURUSHA YOGAS. Though Mars etc. may be strong in the
respective cases of Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas (vide Sloka 2 of this Ch.), if the
Sun and the Moon are weak, the person will not attain kinghood, but in the
period of the concerned planet will be endowed with children and wealth. Thus
ends the 38th 1. Earlier, the Yogas of kinghood have been explained. There
can be some factors, which prevent the effects of such Yogas, which I explain
in this Ch.. 2. Out of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the
Sun, if two, or more be in fall and one of them
simultaneously be in the Ascendant, as the Moon is in Scorpio, the RajaYogas
will become futile. 3. The RajaYogas in the horoscope are only name sake, if
the Moon being weak is in the last Navansa of a Movable Sign,
or in the 8th Navansa of a Fixed Sign, or in the first Navansa of a Common Sign
and is without aspect from any other planet. 4. Same effects will come to pass,
if all malefics occupy Angles identical with debilitation/inimical Signs, while
benefics are shunted to the 12th, 6th and 8th Houses. 5. If the Ascendant is in
Vargothama position without aspect to any planet, the RajaYogas will only be a
failure. 6. Even a hundred kingly Yogas will be of no avail, if Aquarius rises,
while 3 heavenly bodies are in their Signs of fall. 7. If there is no benefic
in an Angle, or with the Moon, while 4 planets are either in fall, or in
combustion, or in inimical Signs, the RajaYogas are marred. 8. Should the Sun
be in his own Navansa, while the Moon is in combustion and in aspect to
malefics without the aspect of benefics, the native will enjoy rulership (with
the help of other Raja Yogas) only to relinquish the kingdom soon and will
become miserable. 9. Should the Moon lend her inimical aspect to the Ascendant
Lord, while the Sun, Mars and Saturn are in their order in the 3rd, 6th and
7th, the RajaYogas will become ineffective. Benefics should in this case be not
in Angles, but suffer combustion. 10. If five heavenly bodies are in fall at
birth the RajaYogas will not come to pass. 11. If meteor, noise of contending
winds in the sky (or earth quake, or thunder), Vyatipata, or Upaketu be seen at
the time of birth, the good RajaYogas stand nullified. 12. If Trisankhu
Nakshatra (Trisankhu was a monarch of the solar race, who remained suspended
with his head towards the earth, as a constellation in the southern hemisphere)
rises at the time of one's birth, while the Ascendant is occupied by Saturn, as
there is fall of a comet, the Raja Yogas do not come to pass. 13. If the
planets capable of causing Raja Yoga are inclined to enter in war, or are
becoming splendourless, or about to lose their strength, the RajaYogas will
stand canceled. 14. If weak Moon is in her deep degree of debilitation the
RajaYogas get destroyed, just as a king going against an astrologer. 15. The
Sun in the 10th degree of Libra will destroy all RajaYogas, just as miserliness
eclipses all the good attributes of a person. 16. This Sloka is repeated in the
original. The meaning is identical with that of Sloka 15 above. 17. Even though
other planets may be in their Mulatrikona, exaltation, or own Signs, while the
Sun is singly in deep fall, the RajaYogas will be unavailable. 18. If Jupiter
occupies Capricorn, as Ascendant, while the Moon is not in Cancer, the native
will become miserable, just as a penniless lewdster in the place of a
courtesan. 19. If in the formation of Kemadruma Yoga, the Moon is without the
aspect of another planet, the RajaYogas lose their existence and the native
will be devoid of good conduct. 20. If 3, or more planets be in fall even the
son of an emperor ruling over the entire earth will take to begging, be
miserable, be dirty and penniless. 21. If 5 planets occupy inimical Signs, or
are in combustion, while the Sun, or the Moon is not in exaltation, the kingly
Yogas will become ineffective. 22. If Venus occupy his
debilitation Navansa, even a vast kingdom is deprived from the native. 23.
RajaYogas have been explained earlier. The combinations marring such kingly
states are given in this Ch.. The stronger one of
these two will only prevail. 24. RAJA YOGA. The Sun in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio
along with Jupiter, as the Moon is in Aries: this configuration will produce a
king the dust of whose elephants will darken the-skies. Thus ends the 39th 1. The people all over remain perplexed over the question of
longevity. So I narrate the relative principles based on the Shastras here
Out of the triothe Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant, if the Ascendant is the
strongest, Amsayurdaya should be resorted to. Pindayu is the best, if the Sun
is predominant, while Nisargayu is the apt choice with Moon prevailing. If the
three in question are bereft of strength, then Jeevasarma's system can be used.
4. AMSAYURDAYA CALCULATIONS. The longitudes (counted from Aries first point) of
the (seven) planets and the Ascendant should be divided by 200 to get the
number of years. The quotients in later processes should be multiplied by the
respective multipliers to get months, days and Ghatis. 5. ADDITIONS FOR
ASCENDANT'S CONTRIBUTION. If the Ascendant is strong the number of years equal
to the Rasis it has traversed should be added. Months etc. thereof should be
guessed by rule of three method. 6. RECTIFICATIONS FOR
PLANETARY CONTRIBUTIONS. The contribution made by a planet, that is in
Vargothama, own Sign, own decanate, or own Navansa should be doubled. If it is retrograde, or in exaltation the figure should be trebled.
7. If a planet's contribution gets doubled by virtue of position in own Sign,
own decanate etc. (as per Sloka 6 above) and further warrants trebling by
virtue of retrogression/exaltation, the trebling should also be done. So say
the learned. 8. According to Chudamani Acharya, if a planet is in Angle
contributions by each rectification shall be considered. If it is in Panaphara
(2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) only two multiplications be
done. If it is in Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) only one
(i.e. the highest) should be taken. 9. According to Varaha Mihira, if
many multiplications are warranted, only the highest be considered. But this
view is not acceptable to ancestors. 10. REDUCTIONS FOR AMSAYURDAYA
CONTRIBUTIONS. If a planet is in its inimical Sign, a third of the earlier
(final) figure should only be taken. If it is combust in the Sun, only half
need be computed. The contributions by Venus and Saturn do not suffer
reductions on account of their combustion. 11-12. VYAYADI
(CHAKRARDHA) HARANA. A malefic in the 12th loses all his contribution.
If in the 11th half, in the 10th a third, in the 9th a fourth, in the 8th one
fifth and in the 7th one sixth of the contribution suffers. Benefics in these
places lose just half of what malefics lose. Further, if there are two, or more planets in one and the same House, only the strongest
suffers reduction. 13-15. PINDAYU. In this system the
planets from the Sun onwards through Saturn contribute, respectively, 19, 25,
15, 12, 15, 21 and 20 in their order, when they are in (deep) exaltation. From
the longitude of the planet (for which the contribution is being computed)
deduct its highest exaltation degree (counted from Aries first point). In case
the minuend is greater than the subtrahend, then increase the former by 12
Signs i.e. 360 degrees). Multiply the latest product by the number of years
allotted for the planet and divide by 12 to get years. Dividers
for months equal to Amsas (or degrees i e. 30) and for days Vikalas (i.e. 60).
16. In the case of Pindayurdaya also the same multiplications and
rectifications apply. Leaving aside a retrograde planet, one in inimical Sign
loses a third, while the one in fall retains only half of the contribution. The
planet in exaltation retains the entire contribution. 17. ASCENDANTAL
CONTRIBUTION IN PINDAYURDAYA. If the Navansa Lagna Lord is strong, then the
years contributed will equal the Navansas past, If, however, the Lagna Rasi
Lord is stronger, then the Rasis past up to Lagna (counted from Aries) will be
the number of years. 18-19. REDUCTION FOR RISING PLANETS.
If malefics occupy the Ascendant, convert the Ascendant into degrees, minutes
etc. Multiply this by the number of years contributed by the malefics in
question. Then divide the product by 21,600. Respective products should be
reduced from the earlier contributions of each of the malefics occupying the
Ascendant. (This will be the net contribution by each malefic in case he
occupies the Ascendant). If the malefics in Ascendant are aspected by the
benefics suffice it to say half of the reduction need only be done. 20. NISARGA
YURDAYA. In the Nisargayu scheme, the planets from the Sun to Saturn contribute
20, 1, 2, 9, 18, 20 and 50, respectively. 21. FULL SPAN OF LIFE. The full span
of life (120 years and 5 days) will be enjoyed by the native, who has Pisces
Ascendant with its 9th Navansa and Mercury in 25 degrees of Taurus, while
others are in their deep exaltation points. 22. UNLIMITED LONGEVITY. Jupiter
along with the Moon in Cancer identical with the Ascendant, Mercury with Venus
in an Angle (or separately in Angles), while the rest are in the 3rd, 6th and
11th: One with this combination will enjoy a limitless life span. 23-24. SPAN OF FULL LIFE FOR VARIOUS ANIMALS. The full span
of life of elephants and men are 120 years and 5 days. For horses it is 32
years, for goats etc. 16 years, for camels and donkeys 25 years, for cows and
buffaloes 24 years and for dogs 12 years. Just as for the mankind, the
longevity for the various animals can be computed. The computations should be
done, as explained supra, multiplied by the figure representing full life span
and divided by 120. 25. Only those, who consume wholesome diet, those, who are
virtuous, those, who have good conduct and those, who conquer their senses will
enjoy the longevity, as laid down by the sages. Thus ends the 40th 1. The Dasa duration of a planet is equal to the number of
years it contributes (as per Moola Dasa scheme). All planets yield in their
Dasas pleasant, or unpleasant results according to their
(natal) dispositions. 2. ORDER OF THE SCHEME. According to Manitha, those, who
are born during day time will have the Dasas
commencing with that of the Sun, while the night-born will have it from that of
Venus. But this view is not acceptable to other preceptors. 3. SATYA'S VIEW.
The first Dasa will be of the strongest of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon
followed by the ones in Angle, Panaphara and Apoklima. This is the view held by
Satyacharya. 4-5. The first Dasa will be of the
strongest of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. Then the planets in Angles
will be Dasa Lords. Thereafter the planets in Panapharas (2nd, 5th, 8th and
11th Houses) will lord over the major periods, while the last Dasas will be
headed by the planets posited in Apoklimas (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses). If
Angles etc. are occupied by more than one planet, the strongest will have its
Dasa first. Even, if the strengths of these be identical, then the order will
be according to maximum years donated by these planets Granting, that these
durations are also similar, then the risings of planets will prevail, Even, if
one of the triad, viz. the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon, is strong, then
Satya's scheme, as above should be resorted to. If none is strong enough, then
the Dasa scheme of other preceptors may be considered. 6. AUSPICIOUS PERIODS.
Planets in exaltation, own Rasi, own Navansa, friendly Sign, possessing full
rays and those with full strength prove auspicious in their Dasas. At the
commencement of a Dasa a planet, that is strong, or is
in a friendly division, or is in aspect to a benefic will also yield similar
good results. 7. INAUSPICIOUS PERIODS. The planet, that is in its Sign of fall,
Sign ruled by an enemy, Navansa of an enemy, combust in the Sun, devoid of
splendour, or is in aspect to malefics will yield inauspicious effects in its
Dasa. 8. If a planet has departed from its exaltation, its Dasa is known, as
Avarohini (stepping down) Dasa. If, however, it is in own, or friendly
divisions, the effects will be medium, i.e. neither good nor bad. The Dasa of a
planet approaching its exaltation, departing from debilitation, is known, as
Arohini (climbing) Dasa. If the said planet is in inimical, or debilitation
divisions, it will inflict difficulties. 9. The Sun is the ripener (or baker)
of the effects of a Dasa, while the Moon is the sustaining agent. That is why
the Moon's transit position at the time of the commencement of a Dasa should be
duly considered. 10-14. EFFECTS OF THE MOON. If the
Moon at the commencement of a Moola Dasa is in Virgo, the native throughout the
period will be related to courtesans and be associated with them. This view is
held by Yavanas. If she is in Cancer at the beginning of Dasa, the native will
gain wealth through virtuous ladies. If in Aries, or
in Scorpio he will injure the honour of virgins and also bring evils to his own
female. If the Sign in question be of Mercury knowledge of Shastras and
acquisition of friends will come to pass. In a Sign of Venus, it brings plenty
of food and drinks, happiness and destruction of enemies. In a House of
Jupiter, it brings happiness, wealth, honour and commandability. Saturn's Sign
endows with association with old ladies. Leo denotes movements in forts and
forests, agriculture and misunderstanding with wife and children. These are the
effects accruing out of the Moon's placement at the commencement of a Dasa. 15.
ASPECTS TO MOON AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF A DASA. If the Moon at the commencement
of a Dasa receives the aspect of Mars, or Saturn there will be loss of
relatives and of wealth followed by diseases. Mercury's aspect confers
learning, while the aspects of other planets will give effects according to
OF A DASA. If the Lord of the Dasa is in the Ascendant prevailing at the
moment the Dasa begins, or in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th from the said
Ascendant, the Dasa then proves excellent. 17-18. AGAIN
MOON'S PLACEMENT. If the Moon at the commencement of a major period
occupy a friendly Sign, exaltation Sign, or an Upachaya House (3rd, 6th, 10th,
or 11th House), 5th, 9th, or 7th counted from the major Lord, good effects will
come to pass in the Dasa in question. If the Moon is otherwise placed, even a
planet in exaltation at birth will give inauspicious results in its Dasa. 19.
SPECIAL EFFECTS BASED ON NAVANSA. Even though a planet may be in friendly Sign,
if it occupies simultaneously a Navansa belonging to its enemy, or be in fall
in Navansa, the effects in the Dasa concerned will be mixed. A weak planet's
Dasa will be futile. 20. LAGNA DASA. The Ascendant's major period will prove
auspicious, if it is in the first decanate of a Movable Sign; medium in the
second decanate and poor in the 3rd decanate. The reverse is true with a Common
Sign ascending, i e. third, second and first decanate will, respectively, be
auspicious, medium and poor. As for a Fixed Sign ascending first, second and
third decanates will, respectively, give poor, auspicious and medium effects.
21. NAISARGIKA DASA. The Naisargika Dasa follows in the order of the Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, Saturn and the Ascendant. 22-24. If the planet is exalted, or is endowed with temporal
strength, or full strength, in its Dasa incomparably auspicious results will
come to pass. The planet, that is in its own Sign,
Moolatrikona Sign, own Navansa, or hemmed between benefics will yield
moderately auspicious effects. The planet, that is going towards its exaltation
(departing from Sign of its fall), or is placed in friendly Signs etc., feebly
auspicious effects will be felt. Similar deductions should be made in regard to
planets otherwise placed. 25-26. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE SUN'S DASA. If the Sun
is favourable, in his Dasa, there will be gains from forests, medicines,
travels, poison, evil friendship, forests, ivory, skin, fire and royal
association. Courage, diligence, intelligence, fame and valour will be on the
increase. Excellence and kingship will be achieved by the native. 27-28.
EFFECTS OF ADVERSE SUN'S DASA. If the Sun is adverse, in his Dasa there will be
grief on account of servants, wealth, theft, eyes, weapons, fire, water and
king and the native will be tormented by children, wife and relatives He will
be interested in sinful acts and be troubled by hunger, thirst (or morbid
fever), heart ailments, bilious diseases and bodily damages. 29-30½. EFFECTS OF
FAVOURABLE MOON'S DASA. If the Moon is favourable, in her Dasa there will be
gains through female association, soft disposition, journey, water, ice, milk,
juice, jaggery, sugar, sports, initiation into Mantras through Brahmins,
flowers, robes, sweet food etc. He will achieve success in his undertakings out
of his intelligence, will receive honours from elders and the king and will be
endowed with increased courage and wisdom. 31-32. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE MOON'S
DASA. If the Moon is evil, in her Dasa there will be fear in family,
misunderstanding with one's family members, difficulties, loss of wealth, enmity with royal assembly, sleep, indolence, evils through
women and grief. 33-34. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE MARS DASA.
During the Dasa of favourable Mars, one will gain through kings, fire, thieves,
enemies, snakes, poison, weapons, confinements, fictitious articles, lands,
goats, buffaloes, copper, gold, prostitutes, gambling, intoxicants, pungent
articles/juices, wealth and grains. 35-36 EFFECTS OF ADVERSE
MARS DASA. During the Dasa of evil Mars, there will be enmity with
friends, wife, children and brothers, sufferances from thirst, swooning, bloody
defects, loss of limbs and wounds. There will be attachment to others' wives
and irreligious acts, followed by aversion to elders and to truth. Bilious
excesses will trouble the subject. 37-39. EFFECTS OF
FAVOURABLE MERCURY DASA. In the Dasa of favourable Mercury, there will
be gains via friends, children, wealth, king, businessmen, priests, gambling
etc. The native will acquire horses, lands, gold, fame, ambassadorship,
limitless happiness, fortunes, high intelligence, fame, success in religious
activities, fond of amusement, destruction of foes and enthusiasm in
planet, that is conjunct the Dasa Lord will subrule half of the period. The
subrulership further goes to planets, as under: one third to that in the
5th/9th from the Dasa Lord; one seventh to that in the 7th from the Dasa Lord
and one fourth to that in the 4th/8th with reference to Dasa Lord. 2-3. The sub-Lords will ripen the sub-period effects according to
their own nature. Should there be more than one planet in the Houses specified
above, the strongest of them will rule over the sub period (and not others). The
sub periods of benefics will yield benefic results, while those of malefics
will give inauspicious effects. According to some authorities, planets in
Angles will first lord over the sub-periods followed by those in Panaphara
(2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) and Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) 4. According to
Satyacharya, the sub periods will rule according to the orders of strength in
case there is more than one planet in one House. 5. Take the fractions (as
mentioned in Sloka 1) and reduce them to equivalent fractions with a common
denominator. Add up the aliquot parts of the Dasa representative of the various
numerators leaving out the denominators. The sub periods will be arrived at,
when the various aliquots are converted into years within the main Dasa and
divided by a common factor. 6-7. Planets, that are conjunct the major Lord will
cause confinement and loss of wealth in their sub periods. If, however, the
major Lord is in an Angle, or in a Trine from the Ascendant, there will be
great happiness. If a planet conjunct 2, or more
planets be in an inimical House, in such sub period, only diseases, evils,
quarrels and royal displeasures will come to pass. 8. In the sub period of a
planet in the 7th from the Mooladasa Lord, death of wife, or the wife's becoming
a servant of an enemy, or getting attached to another man is denoted. 9-10.
Death, destruction of wealth, or imprisonment will result in the sub period of
the planet in the 8th from the Moola Dasa Lord. If 2, or 3, or 4 malefics join
in one House other than an Angle, or a Trine, imprisonment, destruction and
poverty will be the order of the sub period. 11. In the sub period of a planet
in the 4th from the Mooladasa Lord there will be gain through friends,
happiness and increased honours. 12. SUN DASAMOON BHUKTI. In the major period
of the Sun, the Moon's sub period will subdue the valour of the enemies of the
native. He will gain health, wealth and happiness. 13. SUN DASAMARS BHUKTI. In
the sub period of Mars and in the major period of the Sun, the native gain
corals, gold, success in battle, splendour and
happiness. 14. SUN DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mercury under the
Sun's major period, the native will suffer from itch, leprosy etc. and will
face increase of enemies. 15. SUN DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. If the Sub period of
Jupiter be in operation in the major period of the Sun, there will be
destruction of diseases, enemies, sins and poverty and gain of virtues and
happiness. 16. SUN DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Venus under the Sun's
major period, one will suffer from head throat diseases, fever and gout,
followed by defeat from enemies and leaving the native country. 17. SUN
DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of Saturn and in the major period of the
Sun, there will be royal wrath, poverty and defeat from enemies. 18. MOON
DASASUN BHUKTI. During the Sun's sub period, in the major period of the Moon,
the native will suffer from tuberculosis, but will be valorous, will earn
wealth through kings and will enjoy all kinds of monetary gains. 19. MOON
DASAMARS BHUKTI. In the major period of the Moon and in the sub period of Mars,
there will be bilious complaints, diseases of the blood, fear from fire, evils,
ill health and fear from thieves. 20. MOON DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub
period of Mercury and in the major period of the Moon, one will gain positions
with formal seal (or insignia), elephants, horses and wealth and will enjoy
incomparable happiness. 21. MOON DASAJUPITER SUB PERIOD. In the major period of
the Moon and in the sub period of Jupiter, there will be gain of wealth, sudden
acquisition of robes, jewels and conveyances. 22. MOON DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the
major period of the Moon and in the sub period of Venus, there will be
acquisition of conveyances run in waters, robes, ornaments and many wives. 23.
MOON DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of Saturn in the major period of the
Moon, there will be separation from one's own men, fear from diseases and great
grief. 24 MARS DASASUN BHUKTI. If the Sun's sub
period, in the major period of Mars be in operation, the native will be fierce,
valorous, be honoured by the king, be successful in battle and will acquire
wealth in various ways. 25. MARS DASAMOON BHUKTI. In the sub period of the Moon
in the major period of Mars, the native will procure wealth in various ways, be
happy, will have many friends and plenty of corals etc. 26. MARS
DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mercury under the major period
of Mars, one will have fear from thieves and enemies, loss of horses and
elephants and burning sensation. 27. MARS DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. In Mars Dasa and
in Jupiter's sub period there will be good conduct, virtues, meritorious acts
etc. 28. MARS DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the sub period of
Venus in the major period of Mars, the native will have fear of war, diseases,
evils and loss of wealth. 29. MARS DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of
Saturn, in the major period of Mars, there will be evils after evils and loss
of wealth and of near and dear. 30. MERCURY DASASUN BHUKTI. There will be
sudden income of wealth, gold, horses, cora1, elephants etc. in tl1e sub period
of the Sun and in the major period of Mercury. 31. MERCURY DASAMOON BHUKTI. In
the sub period of the Moon in the major period of Mercury, one will be
afflicted by itch, leprosy, tuberculosis, loss of limbs, fear from elephants
and destruction of conveyances. 32. MERCURY DASAMARS BHUKTI. During the sub
rulership of Mars in the major period of Mercury, there will be diseases of the
head, gout, many kinds of miseries etc. 33. MERCURY
DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. One will be free from enemies, diseases and sins, be
virtuous and become a royal adviser in the sub period of Jupiter under the
major leadership of Mercury. 34. MERCURY DASAVENUS BHUKTl. If the sub period of
Venus be in operation in the major period of Mercury, one will honour elders,
Gods and guests and will acquire robes and ornaments. 35. MERCURY DASASATURN
BHUKTI. In the sub period of Saturn in the major period of Mercury the native
will seek sexual gratification, like a eunuch (or, like a bull) and be deprived
of virtues, wealth, pleasures and issues. 36. JUPITER DASASUN BHUKTI. The
native will be free from enemies and diseases and will be honoured by the king
in the sub period of the Sun in the major period of Jupiter. He will either be
endowed with valour and happiness. 37. JUPITER DASAMOON BHUKTI. In the sub
period of the Moon in the Dasa of Jupiter one will marry a thousand women, will
conquer diseases and enemies and will prosper in all fronts akin to a king. 38.
JUPITER DASAMARS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mars in the major period of
Jupiter, one will be rude, will win over enemies, be valorous, be famous in war
and will enjoy all kinds of happiness. 39. JUPITER DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. There
will be destruction of diseases, acquisition of friends and respect for parents
in the sub period of Mercury in the major period of Jupiter. 40. JUPITER
DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Venus in the major period of Jupiter,
the native will have fear from enemies, will face destruction and grief and will
live through Brahmins. 41. JUPITER DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of
Saturn and in the major period of Jupiter, the native will be attached to
prostitutes and intoxicants and will be insulted in gambling. He will be
endowed with buffaloes and acses and be devoid of virtues. 42. VENUS DASASUN
BHUKTI. In the sub period of the Sun in the major period of Venus, there will
be disease, of the throat, stomach and eyes and punishments from the king. 43.
VENUS DASAMOON BHUKTI. In the sub period of the Moon in the major period of
Venus one will suffer from diseases of nails, teeth and head apart from
jaundice. 44. VENUS DASAMARS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mars and in the major
period of Venus, one will suffer from diseases related to blood and bile, will
gain lands, royal patronage and enthusiasm. 45. VENUS DASAMERCURY SUB PERIOD.
In the sub period of Mercury and in the major period of Venus one will gain
through women and will enjoy happiness and fulfillment of desires. 46. VENUS
DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. In the sub period of Jupiter in the major period of Venus,
there will be growth of virtues, good qualities and wealth and acquisition of
kingdom. 47. VENUS DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of Saturn and in the
major period of Venus, one will sport with old women (i. e. be associated with
them), will head over cities, men etc. and will destroy enemies. 48. SATURN
DASASUN BHUKTI. In the sub period of the Sun in the major period of Saturn,
there will be destruction of wealth, wife and children and abundant fear from
enemies. 49. SA TURN DASA--MOON BHUKTI. In the sub period of the Moon and in
the major period of Saturn, one will lose his wife, or she will be kidnapped.
The native will incur separation from relatives, or enmity with them. 50.
SATURN DASAMARS BHUKTI. During the sub period of Mars in the major period of
Saturn, one will leave the country (in adverse circumstances) and will incur
diseases and grief in many matters. 51. SATURN DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub
period of Mercury in the major period of Saturn, the native will enjoy
fortunes, happiness, success and honour and will financially gain. 52. SATURN
DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. In the sub period of Jupiter and in the major period of
Saturn, one will gain a high position and will acquire villages and happiness from
his wife. 53. SATURN DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Venus and in the
major period of Saturn, one will have increased number of friends, freedom from
grief, increase of fame, happiness from wife, wealth and success. 54-57. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. The effects of sub periods,
as above will stand modified according to the exaltation, fall etc. of the
planet. One will have abundant income, happiness etc. in the major period of a
benefic planet and in the sub period of another benefic planet. If a planet is
combust, during such planet's period, one will have a dirty body and will incur
destruction of wealth, happiness, valour, beauty and enthusiasm. In the Dasa of
planets inimical to Ascendant Lord, or to the Moon Sign Lord, one will be very
foolish, will be deprived of kingdom, will be insulted by enemies and will
depend on others. 58. The planet, that is close to the 10th cusp will confer
kingdom. If there is none in the 10th, the strongest of the planets will give
the said effect. 59. One will be opulent, if Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy
the Ascendant, Saturn the 7th and the Sun the 10th. If Angles are occupied by
benefics, while malefic planets are not there, the native will be wealthy
becoming leader of forest tribes. Thus ends the 42nd 1-4. In the sub period of a malefic
planet and in the major period of another malefic, the native will be troubled
by doubts and enemies. It is certain, that death will be inflicted upon the
native though he may have long life indications, in the Dasa of Mars and in the
sub period of Saturn. If a malefic is in the 6th, or the 8th in aspect to
another malefic placed in a malefic's Sign, death will come to pass. In the Dasa
of a planet, that is inimical to Ascendant Lord and in the sub period of the
Ascendant Lord himself, there may be death, according to Satya. Thus ends the
43rd 1-3. If at the time of commencement of a Dasa, even, if one
planet occupies the divisions of a benefic, or of an intimate friend and is
aspected by a benefic, the evils due to come out of the said Dasa will
disappear. If the Lord of the Dasa is not strong enough to cause evil, while
the planet functioning, as an antidote (as stated in the previous Sloka) is
stronger, the evils are then surely destroyed. Even, if a single planet
occupies its exaltation Sign, Moolatrikona Sign, or own Sign and is aspected by
a benefic, or is conjunct a benefic, at the start of a Dasa the evils of the
Dasa are nullified. Thus ends the 44th 1-4. EFFECTS OF EXALTED PLANETS. If the Sun is exalted at birth, the
native will be fierce, be very wealthy and be pre-eminent. With exalted Moon,
one will enjoy sweet food, possess superior clothes and will acquire good
ornaments. If Mars is exalted the native will be splendourous, valorous, blame
worthy and will live in other places. When Mercury is exalted the native will
be intelligent, be supreme among his family members and be a skillful speaker.
One will be famous, wealthy, learned, honourable and skillful with the exaltation
of Jupiter. If Venus is exalted one will be fond of sports, amusements, music,
dance etc. Saturn's exaltation denotes association with royal assignment,
leadership over villages and towns, gain of forest-born grains and mean
Should the Sun be in his Moolatrikona Sign, the native will be wealthy,
intelligent and skillful. The Moon in Moolatrikona
indicates one with enjoyments and virtues. Mars in Moolatrikona will make one a
leader of thieves, adventurous and unkind. The placement of Mercury in his
Moolatrikona Sign denotes a jocular and successful person. One will be helpful
to others, be preeminent and will have knowledge of justice with Jupiter in
Moolatrikona. Venus in such a Sign will make one a prominent person in his
village/town, wealthy and fortunate. If Saturn is so posited the native belongs
to a good family, be wealthy and valorous. 8-11. EFFECTS OF PLANETS IN OWN
SIGNS. If the Sun is placed in his own Sign, the
native will be very fierce and will do very great acts. The Moon in her own
Sign denotes one virtuously disposed, who is very intelligent and beautiful. If
Mars occupies such a Sign, the native will be opulent, impetuous and firm in
disposition. Should Mercury occupy his own Sign the native will be a sweet
speaker and be learned. If Jupiter be in his own Sign
one will be versed in Vedas, literature etc., be rich and will perform great
deeds. If Venus be in his own Sign one will be farmer and a rich person. Should
Saturn be in his own House, the native will be honourable and happy. 12-14. EFFECTS OF PLANETS IN
FRIENDLY SIGNS. If the Sun is in a friendly Sign, one will be firm in
friendship and be charitable. The Moon in a friendly Sign denotes the native
will be happy and very honourable. Mars placed in friendly Sign will make one
protect the wealth of friends. On will be skillful, jocular
and rich, with Mercury in a friendly Sign. Jupiter in a friendly Sign
will make one respectable and a performer of famous deeds. If
Venus be in a friendly Sign the native will be fond of friends, rich and
adventurous. Saturn in a Sign of his friend will force the native to
depend on other for food and inclined to do unethical deeds. 15-18.
EFFECTS OF PLANETS IN DEBILITATION. The various planets in fall denote
the under mentioned effects: The Sun in debilitation causes servitude and
humiliation in the hands of one's own men. The Moon in debilitation causes one
to be not very meritorious in his acts, sickly and unfortunate. Mars in
debilitation causes evils, distressed mind and meanness. Mercury in
debilitation indicates one to be mean and causes enmity with his cousins and
other relatives. Jupiter in debilitation brings dirtyness, dishonour and utter
poverty. Venus in debilitation causes subordination, loss of wife and crooked
disposition. Saturn in debilitation causes fall into adversity, blameworthy
conduct and pennilessness. 19-21 l/2 EFFECTS OF PLANETS IN
INIMICAL SIGNS. If the Sun is placed in an inimical Sign, the native
will be poor and be sensually tormented. Should the Moon be so placed, one will
be devoid of beauty (or brightness) and will suffer from heart diseases. Mars
in an inimical Sign denotes, that native will face
confinement and defeat at the hands of enemies, poverty, distress and misfortunes.
If Mercury be placed in a Sign, that is ruled by his enemy,
the subject will be devoid of intelligence, will experience many miseries and
will be very poor. Should Venus be in his enemy's Sign, this person concerned
will be a servant, will resort to wrong ways of doing things and be very
miserable. If Jupiter is placed in a Sign owned by his enemy, one will be a
eunuch and be devoid of justice and wealth. When Saturn occupies an inimical
camp, the native will be dirty and be distressed due to diseases and the like.
22. EFFECTS IN NAVANSA. If a planet is in its exaltation Navansa, the (good)
effects due to the planet will be full. If it is in its own Navansa, it will
give such results, as applicable to its own Rasi placement. If it is in
Navansas of its enemy, or of fall, the (good) effects will be quite little,
while moderate results will come to pass, if it is in a friendly Navansa. 23-26. EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS IN EXALTATION. If two planets
are simultaneously exalted at birth, the native will be rich and famous. Three
planets in simultaneous exaltation will make one head a town, wealthy and an
Army chief. If four are so placed, that they are in exaltation, one will be
rich, be honoured by the king and will be of regal disposition. Should five
heavenly bodies occupy their exaltation Signs the native will be famous, be a
king's patron and be very rich. When
six planets are posited in their exaltation Signs, the person will be a king,
be charitable, honourable and endowed with many conveyances. When all are
in their respective exaltation Signs, the native will be an emperor ruling over
the land surrounded by seas. 27-31. EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS
IN MOOLATRIKONA SIGNS. If two planets be so placed, as to be in
Moolatrikona Signs, the native will be a householder contributing to the growth
of his race, be pre-eminent and famous. When three planets are similarly
posited one will be quite wealthy and will head a group of men, or villages. If
four planets occupy their Moolatrikona Rasis, the native will be very wealthy,
will receive royal honours and be dear to all. Should five be so placed, as
they are in Moolatrikonas one will be a protector, be principal among men, will
head an Army, town and royal treasury, be a householder and be very happy. With
six planets disposed in their Moolatrikona Rasis, though one may belong to a
cowherd's race, he will be endowed with learning, charitability and various
kinds of wealth, will acquire a kingdom and be famous.
If seven are in their Moolatrikona Rasis, one will become a king, be endowed
with wealth, wife, strength, learning and be skillful in archery. 32-34.
EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS IN OWN HOUSES. If two planets are in their own Houses
at birth, one will be important in his race, be honoured by his relatives and
be fortunate. Three planets occupying own Houses indicate growth of the dynasty
(i.e. birth of children), acquisition of wealth, position and fame. If four
planets occupy their own Houses, one will be famous, will perform significant
acts and will lead over men and cities. If five planets be placed in their own
Houses, the native will be equal to a king, be endowed with abundant
quadrupeds, lands and females. If six planets are in their own Houses, one will
acquire famous titles, abundant wealth, relatives and honours and one born in a
royal family will become, a ruler. If seven planets be
so placed one will be a king of kings and will conquer his enemies. 35-37½. EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS IN FRIENDLY HOUSES. If two
planets occupy their friendly Sign, the native will be endowed with the company
of friends and will have good conduct. If three are so, one will patronize his
relatives, be endowed with good qualities and be pre-eminent. If four are so,
one will honour Brahmins and Gods, be skillful and be famous. If five are so,
one will serve the king, be wealthy and be chief of men. When six are so, one
will have wide enjoyments, abundant conveyances and wealth and be equal to a
king. With seven planets in such placement one will have many servants, many
conveyances, paraphernalia and be a king. 38-41. EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS IN FALL. If two planets
occupy their Signs of fall, one will be mean in thoughts and be very irascible.
Three being so, he will be foolish, not virtuous, be poor and be a servant.
Four being so, he will be indolent, be devoid of (useful) deeds and be a
servant. Five being so, he will be bereft of a house and a female and be a
servant. Six being so, he will be tormented by fear and labor and be emaciated.
All being so, he will eke out his food by begging, be devoid
of everything and will wear torn robes, or will wander without clothes. 42-45. EFFECTS OF MORE PLANETS IN INIMICAL CAMPS. If there
are two planets, that are placed in inimical sings one
will be miserable and ever fond of quarrels and be subjected to humiliation.
With three such planets he will be tormented by many expenses and miseries and
will lose wealth in spite of hard labor. With four being so placed, he will be
at a loss in regard to his near and dear and wealth. Five heavenly bodies in such
a state indicate, that the native will be troubled by
many evils. With six planets in inimical camps, he will be very miserable. If
seven planets are in their inimical Signs, the native belongs to a loathsome
family and will be devoid of food, robes, beds etc. Thus ends the 45th l. Whatever horoscopic effects have been stated for males
are equally applicable to females too. Explained in this Ch. are rules peculiar
to the fair sex. 2. IMPORTANT HOUSES. From the 8th House, her widowhood can be
deduced, while the Ascendant deals with her physique, the 7th House with her
husband's good fortunes and the 5th House with her offspring. 3-4. THE MOON AND ASCENDANT. If the Moon and the Ascendant
are both disposed in even Signs, the female will be virtuous and extremely
good-looking. Should these two be in aspect to auspicious planets, she will be
endowed with ornaments and virtues. In case these two occupy odd Signs, she
will be akin to a male in appearance and in disposition. With these two
receiving aspects of malefics, she will be sinful and bereft of virtues. 5.
TRIMSAMSA POSITIONS. Note the stronger of the Moon and the Ascendant. Whoever
of the two is placed in the Trimsamsa of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, or
Saturn, such effects will come to pass, (as detailed below). 6-10½.
owned by Mars, the Trimsamsa of Mars denotes a harlot, that of Venus a female
devoid of virtuous history, that of Mercury one with cunning disposition, that
of Jupiter a chaste lady and that of Saturn one in servitude. Should a Sign of
Mercury house the Moon/the Ascendant in the Trimsamsa of Mars, the female will
be cunning, in the Trimsamsa of Venus one with high degree of lust, in the
Trimsamsa of Mercury a chaste girl, in the Trimsamsa of Jupiter a virtuous
housewife and in that of Saturn impotent. If it is a Sign of Venus, the
Trimsamsa of Mars denotes a female with wicked nature, Venusian Trimsamsa one
with fame for her virtues, Mercurian Trimsamsa skillful, Jupiterian Trimsamsa a
virtuous female and Saturn's Trimsamsa a woman given in marriage, as a second
wife. In the Sign owned by the Moon the Trimsamsa of Mars bestows her freedom
not due to a housewife, Venusian Trimsamsa will make her unchaste, Mercurian
Trimsamsa will bestow skill in arts, Jupiterian Trimsamsa will make her quite
virtuous and in Saturn's Trimsamsa she will betray her husband. In Leo the
Trimsamsa of Mars will make the female garrulous, Venusian Trimsamsa chaste,
Mercurian Trimsamsa male-natured, Jupiterian Trimsamsa a queen and Saturn s
Trimsamsa fallen. 11-13. TRIMSAMSA EFFECTS (continued). In a Sign of Jupiter
the Trimsamsa of Mars will make her a gentlewoman with many (of the seven
principal) virtues, the Trimsamsa of Venus a female with evil speech, the
Trimsamsa of Mercury one with knowledge, the Trimsamsa of Jupiter one with many
virtues and the Trimsamsa of Saturn a female desiring limited physical union.
Lastly in a Sign owned by Saturn, a Trimsamsa of Mars will make one servant,
that of Venus intelligent, that of Mercury cruel and devoid of conduct, that of
Jupiter a chaste lady and that of Saturn himself one addicted to base men. 14.
BEASTLY LUST OF A FEMALE. When Venus and Saturn are in mutual aspects in the
case of a birth in Taurus, or Libra Ascendant with Saturn's Navansa, the female
concerned burnt with sexual lust will unite with a woman playing the role of a
male. Venus and Saturn should simultaneously be in exchange in Navansas owned
by them. 15-17. THE 7th HOUSE. Should the 7th House be
vacant, her husband will be a contemptible fellow. With the said House bereft
of aspect of a benefic, he will be bereft of strength. He will be disposed to
living in other places, if the 7th House is a Movable Sign. He will be a eunuch
with Mercury, or Saturn in the 7th House. She will be discarded by her husband,
if the Sun is in her 7th House. Mars in the said House will cause early
widowhood, while Saturn in the 7th with malefic aspects will make her old soon.
Again she will be given up by her husband with malefics being weak and combust
in the 7th receiving aspects from malefics. Benefics and malefics combust in
the 7th will give away the woman native in second marriage. 18. UNCHASTITY. If
Venus and Mars exchange their divisions, the female will go after other males.
If the Moon be simultaneously in the 7th House, she will join others with
consent of her husband. 19. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. If a Sign of Mars, or Saturn be ascending with Venus and the Moon in it
in aspect to malefics, the female along with her mother may be deemed unchaste.
20. MISCELLANEOUS. If the 7th House falls in a Navansa of
Mars and be in aspect to the Moon (Saturn, according to some texts), the female
will have a diseased vagina. A Navansa of Venus denotes a fortunate
female, who will be dear to her husband. 21-24. EFFECTS OF
RULERS OF 7th·HOUSE/NAVANSA. If the 7th House,
or its Navansa be ruled by Saturn, the female's husband will be old and
foolish. The ruler ship of Mars in such a case will give a husband, who will be
addicted to other women and be irascible. If Venus heads the 7th House, or its
Navansa the husband will be very beautiful and be fortunate. The husband will
be skillful and knowledgeable, if Mercury be such a planet. A sexually
tormented husband, who will, however, be soft in disposition
will be bestowed by the Moon in such circumstances. The husband will be
virtuous and be a conqueror of the five senses, if Jupiter rules the 7th House,
or its Navansa. Leo, as the 7th House, or the 7th
Navansa will indicate an industrious and a very intelligent husband. Thus the
effects relating to the rulership of the 7th House and 7th Navansa be declared in respect of males. 25-26.
EFFECTS OF PLANETS IN THE ASCENDANT. She will be jealously disposed and
be happy with Venus and the Moon in the Ascendant. Mercury replacing Venus in
the said Yoga will make the female happy, skillful in arts, virtuous and
modest. If Mercury and Venus are together in the Ascendant, the female will be
beautiful, fortunate and skillful in arts. Benefics in the Ascendant will endow
a female with servants, happiness and robes, while malefics give adverse
effects in regard to these. 27. EFFECTS OF THE 8th HOUSE. Malefics in the 8th
will cause widowhood. This will occur in the Dasa periods of the Lord of the
Navansa occupied by the 8th Lord. A benefic in the 2nd will, however, cause the
female's death in this Yoga, instead of widowhood. 28. LIMITED PROGENY. If the
5th House be one of Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo
receiving the aspect of a benefic, there will be limited number of children
Alternatively, the said 5th House may be conjunct a benefic, or the Moon. 29.
FEMALE WITH MASCULINE DISPOSITION. Should Mercury, Venus and the Moon be in the
Ascendant and be weak, while Saturn has moderate strength, as the rest are
strong, the female concerned will be akin to a male in appearance and in acts.
The Ascendant should in this case necessarily be an odd Sign. 30. TAKING TO RELIGIOUS
ORDER. A female will be initiated into a religious order, if a malefic is in
the 7th House, while the 9th House is occupied by any planet. The order will
relate to the planet in the 7th House. 31. VEDIC EXPONENT. If strong Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon be in the Ascendant identical with an even Sign,
the female will be a teacher/exponent of Vedas (or be a follower of Vedanta
Philosophy). And she will be an expert in interpretation of various Shastras.
32. APPLICATION. Whatever has been stated in this 1. REASONS OF DEATH. If the 8th House is occupied by any
planet from the Sun to Saturn, the reason for death in the same order will be
fire, water, weapon, fever, indigestion (or constipation), thirst and hunger.
According to the 8th House being a Movable, Fixed, or Dual Sign, the place of
death will be a foreign place, own place, or on the way. 2. Death may be due to
the imbalance of that humour belonging to the planet aspecting the 8th House.
If there is no planet in the 8th House, the aspecting one may indicate the kind
of death. If many are thus related, the strongest one will prevail. 3. DEATH BY
DROWNING, FALL ETC. If the 10th and 4th are occupied by the Sun and Mars, the
native will die due to fall from hills. If the 10th, 7th and 4th Houses are
occupied by Mars, Mercury and Saturn, it may be due to fall in a well. Death
due to imprisonment will follow, if the Luminaries are placed in Virgo in
aspect to malefics. The end will be by drowning, if Pisces is occupied by the
Sun and the Moon. 4-5. DEATH BY FIRE ETC. If the Moon
and Saturn, respectively, are in Capricorn and Cancer, death will be due to
affliction of stomach. If the Moon be hemmed between malefics and occupies a
Sign of Mars, fire/weapons will cause death. Death will be certainly inflicted
by dryness of blood, if the Moon is in Virgo hemmed between malefics. 6-7. DEATH BY HANGING ETC. If the Moon in Capricorn,
or Aquarius be hemmed between benefics, death will be due to hanging, fire, or
fall, which is doubtless according to Chanakya. The same effect will come to
pass, if the 5th and 9th Houses are occupied by malefics in aspect to malefics.
If the drekkana of the 8th House be one of Pasa, Sarpa and Nigala, death will
be reticent. 8. DEATH DUE TO A FEMALE. If the Sun be in Pisces Ascendant, while
the Moon is in the 7th (in Virgo), or in the 2nd in Aries, or in the 5th in
Cancer, a female will be reason for the native's end. 9. DEATH DUE TO A
TRIDENT'S HIT. If the 4th House is occupied by Mars, or the Sun, while Saturn
is conjunct weak Moon in the 10th House and malefics are in the Ascendant and
its Trines, hit of a trident will cause the end. 10. DEATH BY HIT OF WOOD. If
the Sun is in the 4th, while the Moon devoid of strength is in the 10th along
with Mars, or in aspect to Saturn, the native will be hit by a log. 11. DEATH
BY HIT OF A CLUB etc. If weak Moon, Mars, Sun and Mercury along with Saturn are
in the 10th, 8th, 4th and Ascendant (in any way), the subject will have his end
due to a club beat. If these planets fill the 10th, 9th, 5th and Ascendant,
death will be by smoke, fire, confinement, or a blow of fist. 12. DEATH DUE TO
ROYAL WRATH. If the 4th, 7th and 10th Houses are occupied by Mars, the Sun and
Saturn, death will be due to weapon, fire, or royal wrath. 13-14.
to insects, if the 10th, 4th and 2nd Houses at his birth are occupied by Mars,
the Moon and Saturn. If the 10th House is constellated by the Luminaries and
Mars, the native will end his life on account of intoxicants, or fall from
height. Machinery will be the source of one's death, if the 7th House is
occupied by Mars, as the trio of weak Moon, Saturn and the Sun afflict
Ascendant by occupation. 15-16. DEATH IN FILTHY SURROUNDINGS.
One will die amidst ordure, if Mars is in Libra, the Sun in Aries/Scorpio and
the Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. The Sun, weak Moon and Mars in the 8th, 10th
and 4th Houses, will kill one amidst excrement. So says Siddhasena. 17-18. DEATH BY THIRST, WEAPONS AND BIRDS. If the 8th House
contains both the weak Moon and Saturn in aspect to strong Mars, the subject
will die due to spleenary disorders, colics, thirst, or weapons. The Sun and
Mars in the 7th, while Saturn occupies the 8th and the Moon the 4th, one's death
will be caused by birds. 19. If the Ascendant, 8th, 5th and 9th Houses are
occupied by the Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon, death will be due to fall from
a hill, hit of a weapon, or fall of a wall etc. 20. Yavanas indicate,
that the place of death will correspond to the Navansa Lagna Lord. The
aphorisms stated in this 1. When the time of birth, or time
of conception is unknown, through horary method the lost birth details can be
traced. 2. The effects of ten divisions (Dasa Vargas) will help to arrive at
the natal Ascendant. These ten divisions are explained infra, the first being
the effects of Ascendant. 3-6. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN ARIES
ASCENDANT. One born in Aries Ascendant will be highly susceptible to
fire, be interested in visiting foreign places, be miserly in disposition,
emaciated, not happy, be jealous, stammering in speech, troubled by bilious and
windy diseases and complaints of heat, be skillful in performance, timid,
religious, not very intelligent and will destroy others' wealth. He will be
fickle-minded. He will enjoy pleasures, be famous, will have bad (ugly) nails,
be bereft of brothers, be discarded by his father, will walk fast, will have
inactive (or unlucky) children, be endowed with various kinds of wealth and be,
virtuous. His wife will belong to a base family, be virtuous and be reproached
even by her own people. The native will derive happiness and wealth in undesirable
One born in Taurus Ascendant will be brave, will endure miseries, be happy,
will destroy his enemies, will have the tendency of gathering wealth right from
boyhood, will have broad and strong forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, be
industrious, fortunate, devoted to parents, liberal, will have many expenses,
be very short-tempered, be phlegmatic and windy in humour, be the father of
(many) daughters, will insult his own men, be devoid of religion, be interested
in women, fickle minded, be fond of food and drinks and be endowed with various
kinds of robes and ornaments. 10-13. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN
GEMINI ASCENDANT. One born in Gemini Ascendant will have a dear wife, be
fond of ornaments, charitable, respectable, will have two mothers, will be
favourable even to his enemies, be interested in music, fine arts, Vedas,
Shastras, amusement, poetry etc., gentle, fond of beautification, be conceit,
truthful, impatient, will have evil sons, be crafty, will have a few relatives,
will possess limbs of irregular sizes, will have round eyes, be fierce in
appearance, will destroy even fearful enemies and will be endowed with lands,
jewels, gold etc. 14-17. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN CANCER
ASCENDANT. One born is Cancer Ascendant will be timid, will have many
residences, be fickle minded, learned, intelligent, enduring, troubled by
diseases of the anus, will destroy his enemies, be crooked in disposition,
sensuous, will honour Brahmins and Gods, be religious, very phlegmatic, will
possess a physique, akin to that of a female, be honoured for his virtues, will
be preceded by sisters in birth, be bereft of relatives, will have a few
children, will have a censured family and a vile wife, will enjoy others'
wealth, be firmly obstinate, will live in foreign places, be valorous in his
deeds, be courageous, will earn through water (i. e. products related to water,
sea travel etc.) and be endowed with wife, ornaments, robes and happiness. 18-21. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN LEO ASCENDANT. One born in this
Ascendant will be fond of eating meat, will earn wealth and honour through the
king, be bereft of religion, be dutiful in family affairs, will have a face,
resembling that of a lion, will hold a high rank of office, be majestic,
strong, bold, will speak sparingly, be a miser, will trouble others, be
desirous of (eating or) worldly enjoyments, will wander in hills and forests,
be irascible, be firm in friendship, be careless, inaccessible (or inviolable),
will destroy his enemies, will have famous sons, will honour the virtuous, be
rich through agriculture etc., interested in business and will spend heavily on
prostitutes, dancers and his own wife and will suffer dental diseases. 22-25. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN VIRGO ASCENDANT. One born in
Virgo Ascendant will be gentle, skillful in training (or teaching others),
music, poetry and fine arts be a sweet speaker, be affectionate, interested in
charitability and serving others, will sport with virgins, be endowed with
goodness, merciful, will enjoy others' wealth, will wander, will have a
female's disposition, be modest, be a liar, will attempt to enlarge his landed
properties, be fortunate, sensuous, famous, virtuous, beautiful, will honour
elders, be sinful, inimical to brothers, will have (more) daughters, be
phlegmatic and windy in humour and will be away from base and inimical people. 26-29. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN LIBRA ASCENDANT. One born in
Libra Ascendant will have a crooked physique, be bereft of virtues, be fickle
minded, will have increasing and decreasing wealth, be bereft of physical
happiness, be phlegmatic and windy in humour, be fond of promoting quarrels,
will have a long face and a long physique, be virtuous, learned, very
miserable, very intelligent, will injure others' honour, will possess beautiful
and black eyes, will honour guests, Gods and Brahmins, will perform Yagnas
etc., will respect preceptors (or elders), be respectable, will help the
helpless, be truthful, will have a beautiful body, will be affectionate to
brothers, be pre-eminent, chaste, will yet help sinners, will have mean
profession, be charitable, be religious and baseminded. 30-33.
will have fleshy and broad limbs, (as though) perfected by exercises, be clever,
crooked in innate disposition, valorous, attached to his mother inclined to
quarrel, generous, will have majestic and tawny eyes, a prominent chest, a
sunken belly and depressed nose, be adventurous, firm, fierce, trustworthy,
amusing, be troubled by bilious complaints, will have a big family, will betray
his preceptors (or elders) and friends, be engaged in attracting other women,
will have an attractive face, will serve a king, will have enemies, be pious,
will give his money to others, will possess an amiable wife, be religious,
affectionate and base. 34-37. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN SAGITTARIUS
ASCENDANT. One born in Sagittarius Ascendant will have big teeth and
prominent forehead, will patronize dependents, be courageous, strong, just,
will have very fat thighs and belly, be skillful in Shastras, be of high
intelligence, be irascible, short tempered even with mighty men, be important
among the men of his race, will destroy enemies, be famous through battles,
will fault his relatives, be interested in fine arts etc., will have own
profession, will do good to his men, be splendourous, be afflicted with facial
and eye diseases, will earn wealth through royal favours and be virtuous. 38-41. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN CAPRICORN ASCENDANT. One born in
Capricorn Ascendant will have an emaciated body, be timid, will have a face,
akin to that of a deer, be troubled by windy diseases, will have a bright and
elevated nose, be not mighty, will have many sons, be hairy-bodied, will have
broad feet and hands, be devoid of conduct and virtues, be tormented by thirst
(or morbid heat), be dear to the fair sex, will wander in hills and forests, be
valorous, will have knowledge of Shastras, Vedas, fine arts, music and musical
instruments, will have little strength, be a householder, be hostile, wicked,
ill disposed to relatives, splendourous, will have a wicked wife, will not be a
talebearer, be wealthy, virtuous, will serve a king, be very liberal, happy and
One born in Aquarius Ascendant will indulge in mean acts, be principal among
the men of his race, be foolish, will have blown and sharp nose, be base,
irascible, indolent, inclined to enmity, dissatisfied, harsh, be fond of
gambling and of base females, will not be helpful to relatives, be agitated,
will have checkered prosperity, will acquire wealth, be a talebearer, be
crafty, will suffer penury, will face loss of relatives, be prohibited (in
social circles), be not agreeable, will acquire great wealth and will honour
elders. At birth Aquarius is not an auspicious Ascendant for ever, according to
Satyacharya. Yavanas go a step further, stating, that even Aquarius Vargas are
not auspicious (at birth), while Chanakya does not consider such divisions
inauspicious. 46-49. BIRTH IN PISCES ASCENDANT. One
born in Pisces Ascendant, will be fortunate, will have well blown nose and
unblown (not wide open) eyes, will be interested in profane knowledge and
poetry, be respectable, famous, will have exposed lips and teeth, be tormented
by leprosy, will have an afflicted face, be courteous, trustworthy, will be
endowed with goats, she-goats etc., will have pure conduct, will have knowledge
of Vedas, be courageous, will have (more) daughters, be modest, gently
disposed, be mighty, will have knowledge of music and sexual union, be
virtuous, liberal, will gain through brothers and will have good relatives. If
the ascending Sign, or the Lord of the Ascendant is
strong, the effects stated will fully come to pass (in regard to all
Ascendants). Thus ends the 48th 1-2 HORAS IN ARIES. If the first Hora of Aries ascends
at birth, the native will roll his eyeballs unnecessarily, be cruel, rich, very bright in appearance, will have a fierce wife, be tall,
irascible and be a leader of thieves. If the second Hora of Aries ascends at
birth, the native will be a thief, be careless, will have afflicted foot,
fingers etc., large eyes and tall stature and be very intelligent. 3-4. HORAS IN TAURUS. If the first Hora of Taurus ascend at birth, the native will be dark in complexion, will
have broad eyes, fore face and chest, be eminent, disposed to carnal pleasures
and will have strong bones and strong physique. If the second Hora of Taurus
ascend at birth, he will have broad, long and round (i.e. muscular) limbs, be
liberal, will have attractive hair, thin waist and eyes, akin to that of an ox.
5-6. HORAS IN GEMINI. If the first Hora of Gemini be
the Ascendant, the native will have a long waist, be very skillful, will have a
moderate physique and soft hair and feet, be courageous and fond of sexual
union, be wealthy and learned. Born in the second Hora
of Gemini, one will have beautiful and large eyes, be sensuous, soft, be a gifted speaker and be attached to others' housewives. 7-8. HORAS IN CANCER. If the birth be in the first half of
Cancer, one will be endowed with elevated body, (i.e. be prominent in
appearance), a beautiful head, eminence and intelligence, be weak sighted, will
have limbs moving off and on, be crafty, dark in complexion, ungrateful and
will have broken teeth. If the birth be in the second half of Cancer, he will
be fond of gambling and travels, will have a broad
chest, be quite truthful, irascible and will have a harsh physique. 9-10. HORAS IN LEO. One born in the first Hora of Leo will
have blood-red eyes, be bold, be endowed with a large and long physique, be
crooked, happy and decidedly firm in his undertakiugs. One born in the later
half of Leo will be fond of women, sweets, foods, drinks and robes, will move
frequently, will have a harsh physique, be liberal, fond of travels, will have
a few sons, will enjoy pleasures and be firm in friendship. 11-12.
HORAS IN VIRGO. If the birth be in the initial half of Virgo, the native
concerned will have a soft and beautiful body, be a sweet speaker, be fond of
music, females and sexual union, be sweet, fortunate
and excellent. Born in the second half of Virgo one will be short-statured,
will have knowledge of Hatha Yoga and Vedas, will possess a big head, be
agreeable, argumentative, learned in service, drawing and writing, will have
checkered prosperity and (yet) be happy. 13-14. HORAS IN
LIBRA. If the first Hora of Libra ascends at birth one will have a round
face, elevated nose and back and large eyes, be sportive, will have a strong
body and strong bones, be wealthy and will be affectionate to his men. If the
second Hora of Libra ascends at birth, he will be very wealthy, will have firm
wealth, will be endowed with black and curly hair, be
crafty, round-eyed, will have a strong lower body and attractive skin and will
have defective feet. 15-16. HORAS IN SCORPIO. One born
in the first half of Scorpio will have blood-red eyes, be adventurous in acts,
be valorous in battle, wicked, fond of females and be rich. If born in the
second half of Scorpio, one will have broad, well grown, long and fleshy limbs,
will serve a king, will have many debts and many friends and will possess blown
eyes (expanded, as a flower). 17-18. HORAS IN SAGITTARIUS.
One born in the first half of Sagittarius will possess a wide and split face
and chest, with eyes and neck contracted (i.e. small), will be discarded by
elders in boyhood and be pious. If the later half of Sagittarius rises, one
will possess eyes akin to the petals of a lotus and long arms, will have
knowledge of Shastras, be good in appearance, will speak sweetly, be fortunate and famous. 19-20. HORAS IN
CAPRICORN. If the first half of Capricorn be on
the Ascendant, the native will be dark in complexion, will possess eyes, like
that of a deer, be fortunate, will conquer women, be beautiful, crafty,
opulent, will eat purified food, will do good acts and will have elevated nose.
If born in the second half of Capricorn one will have blood-red eyes, be
indolent, be interested in long travels, be foolish, dark in complexion, will
have a hairy physique, be clever and fierce. 21-22. HORAS IN
AQUARIUS. One born in the first half of Aquarius will be endowed with a
female and with friends, be a person of tastes, or feelings (or be an
alchemist), be soft in disposition, will have a few sons, be virtuous,
valorous, will be endowed with physical complexion akin to copper, be radiant
and interested in travels. If born in the second half of Aquarius, one will
have copper-brilliant eyes, be emaciated, firm, very insignificant in
appearance, indolent, not outspoken, very dejected, miserly and very crafty. 23-24. HORAS IN PISCES. One born in the first 15 degrees of
Pisces will be short-statured, be endowed with broad and beautiful body, a
large fore face, large face and broad chest, be dear to women, be very famous, skillful and valorous. If born in the second
Hora of Pisces, one will be liberal, will have an elevated nose, be skillful,
intelligent, will possess charming eyes be dear to king and will speak affably.
25. The (good effects) due to a Hora will come to pass in full measure, if
either the Sun, or the Moon is strong in aspect to the Ascendant Lord, or, if
the Ascendant Lord is himself in an Angle. Thus ends the 49th 1-3. DECANATES IN ARIES. One born in the first decanate of
Aries will be charitable, be a thief, be splendourous, will have checkered
prosperity, be fierce in battle (or in quarrels), pleasing in appearance and
will inflict punishment on relatives. If born in the second decanate of Aries,
he will be attached to females, will wander, be interested in carnal pleasures
and music, be intelligent, be endowed with friends and wealth, be good-looking
and will have an eye on women's property. If born in the third decanate of
Aries, he will be virtuous, will fault others, be fickle minded, mighty, will
serve a king, be attached to his own men, be very righteous and honourable, but
not learned. 4-6. DECANATES IN TAURUS. If the birth be
in the first decanate of Taurus, one will be fond of food and drinks, be
tormented due to separation of his wife, endowed with robes and ornaments and
will act according to the desires of his wife. If the birth be in the second
decanate of Taurus, one will be beautiful, liked by women, will have large
lips, be endowed with beauty and wealth, firmly wealthy, intelligent and
attached to mean women. If the birth be in the third decanate of Taurus, one
will be skillful, be not very fortunate, be valorous, dirty and will repent
after spending money. 7-9. DECANATES IN GEMINI. One
born in the first decanate of Gemini will have broad and excellent limbs, be
wealthy, lofty, deceiving, virtuous, sportive, honoured
by the king and be a good speaker. One born in the second decanate of Gemini
will be miserly, dreaming, conquered by the fair sex, self respected, endowed
with co-born, fickle-minded, sportive and tormented by many diseases. One born
in the third decanate of Gemini will hate women, will have a large head, will
have enemies, be lofty, will possess rough nails and will not have firm wealth.
10-12. DECANATES IN CANCER. One born in the first
decanate of Cancer will honour Brahmins and Gods, be fickle-minded, fair in
complexion, will help others, be intelligent, pleasing in appearance,
will possess a fortunate wife and be himself fortunate. One born in the second
decanate of Cancer will be miserly, dreaming, conquered by the fair sex,
self-respected, endowed with co-born, fickle minded, sportive and be tormented
by many diseases. One born in the third decanate of Cancer will lose his
firmness to females, be wealthy, intent on living in foreign places, fond of wine,
be virtuous, will have liking for forests wine, have diseased eyes and will
like garlands etc. 13-l5. DECANATES IN LEO. One born
in the first decanate of Leo will be liberal, will maintain people, will
conquer his enemies, will have abundant wealth, many wives and good friends,
will serve many kings and be very mighty. One born in the second decanate of
Leo will perform beneficial acts, be liberal, firm, fond of quarrels, happy,
will follow the rules of Vedas and be intelligent. One born in the third decanate
of Leo will be a miser, will steal others' wealth, be free from sickness,
hard-hearted, very intelligent, roguish, will have a
narrow physique, be pre-eminent and will have many children. 16-18.
DECANATES IN VIRGO. One born in the first decanate of Virgo will be dark
in complexion, will speak affably, be modest, lofty, beautiful,
will gain wealth through females, be ominous and will have a long head and
honey coloured eyes. One born in the second decanate of Virgo will be bold,
will live in foreign places, be skillful in fine arts, fables and battles, be
garrulous, will honour Vedic teachings and be dear to forest tribes. Birth in
the third decanate of Virgo indicates one enjoying music
and other's wealth. He will be dear to king, short in stature and will be
endowed with large head and large eyes. 19-21. DECANATES IN
LIBRA. If the Ascendant be in the first decanate of Libra, one will be
akin to Cupid in physical charm, be skillful, will enjoy travels, be dark in
complexion, fond of arts and business, will fulfill appointed tasks and be very
learned. If the Ascendant be in the second decanate of Libra, one will have
eyes of the lotus-kind, be charming, affable in speech, valorous, famous and
will perform acts to increase the reputation of one's race and family. If the
Ascendant be in the third decanate of Libra one will be fickle minded, crafty,
ungrateful, crooked, will lose friends and wealth and will not be very
intelligent. 22-24. DECANATES IN SCORPIO. If birth be
in the first decanate of Scorpio, the native will be fair in complexion, firm
in disposition, fierce in temperament, interested in battle, broad-eyed, fat
and broad physiques and fond of promoting quarrels. One will be fond of
purified food, be skillful, will have rolling eyes, be
gold-coloured in complexion, splendourous, endowed with other's wealth,
virtuous and skillful in arts, if the Ascendant be in the second decanate of
Scorpio. One born in the third decanate of Scorpio will be devoid of beard,
mustache etc., be torturous, will have tawny eyes and large belly, be an
assailant, will incur loss of brothers and will possess long hands and brave
heart. 25-27. DECANATES IN SAGITTARIUS. One born in
the first decanate of Sagittarius will have a round face and round eyes, be
chief among his men, will advance due to his own efforts, will have good
conduct and be soft in disposition. If the birth be in the second decanate of
Sagittarius, one will be expert in Shastras, be a good
speaker, will perform hundred yagnas (i.e. many sacrifices), will have
knowledge of Mantras, be excellent in disposition and will visit many shrines.
If born in the third decanate of Sagittarius, one will be chief of his
relatives, be skillful, will always take to virtuous path, be sensuous, will
enjoy other women, be charming, famous and successful.
28-30. DECANATES IN CAPRICORN. One born in the first
decanate of Capricorn will have long hands, be dark in complexion, charming,
famous, crafty, sparing in speech, be conquered by
ladies, will perform superior acts and be wealthy. One born in the second
decanate of Capricorn will have a small face, be fickle minded, will steal the
wealth of other women, skillful, be a fortune-teller, be liberal and will
suffer from diseases of the feet. One born in the third decanate of Capricorn
will be garrulous, dirty, emaciated, long-limbed,
devoid of father and will be reduced to evils in foreign places. 31-33. DECANATES IN AQUARIUS. One born in the first decanate
of Aquarius will be endowed with wife, honour and fame, be very efficacious, lofty,
devoted to his duties, wealthy and will serve a king. If born in the second
decanate of Aquarius, one will be a miser, be skillful, sweet, fair complexioned, tawny and broad eyed, will earn wealth
through amusement, will speak unhesitatingly, be intelligent and will be
endowed with many friends. If born in the third decanate, one will be tall in
stature, crafty, valorous, emaciated, short-armed, be
endowed with sons and wealth, hard-hearted, will tell many lies, be crooked in
nature, will have afflicted eyes and will have knowledge of sexology. 34-36. DECANATES IN PISCES. If the Ascendant is in the first
decanate of Pisces, one will have honey coloured and tawny eyes, be fair in
complexion, very learned, will perform virtuous deeds, be happy, will undertake
trips by sea etc. and be modest. If it be the second decanate of Pisces, one
will be skillful in serving the fair sex, will eat purified food, will enjoy
others' wealth, be sensuous, dear to females and virtuous people and be an
excellent person. If born in the last decanate of Pisces one will be dark in
complexion, be skillful in arts, will have wide feet, will be generous with
friends and will consume purified food and drinks. 37. Thus spoke of the
decanates the preceptors well-versed in that branch. Should the Sign holding
the decanate be strong, or be aspected by its Lord, these effects will mature
in full. Thus ends the 50th 1. A native's complexion, disposition and appearance can be
deduced based on the rising Navansa at birth. The effects being stated infra
will depend on the stronger of the two, viz. the Moon's Navansa dispositor and
the Navansa Lagna Lord. 2-10. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN ARIES.
Following are the effects of births in the nine Navansas in Aries Ascendant:
Effects of Aries Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will have a face,
resembling that of a he-goat, with nose and shoulders not being very prominent.
He will have a fierce voice, ugly appearance and narrow eyes. His body will be
thin, but free from defects. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Second Navansa: The
native will be dark in complexion, will have broad
shoulders and long arms. small forehead, strong collar
bones, sharp sight and prominent face and nose. He will be an affable speaker
and will possess weak legs. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Third Navansa: The
native will suffer loss of hair, be fair in complexion, will have irregular
(defective) arms, charming eyes and nose, will be a scholar in direct poetic
ability and will have weak thighs. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Fourth Navansa:
The native will have an erratic sight, be irascible, short-nosed, wandering-natured, will have rough legs and coarse hair, be
bereft of co-born and emaciated. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The
native will be fierce and will have eyes, resembling that of a supreme
elephant, a fat nose, thick eye brows, wide fore face,
fat body and coarse hair. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native
will be dark in complexion, soft in disposition, will have eyes, akin to that
of a deer, be tall in stature, will have irregular (defective) stomach and
hands, be a eunuch, be timid and garrulous. Effects of
Aries Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have complexion akin to green
sprout, be fickle-minded, will possess white eyes, will marry an unchaste lady,
be malicious and will have a broad physique. Effects of Aries Ascendant, Eighth
Navansa: The native will have a face, akin to that of a monkey, be a good
speaker, will have an afflicted and tawny body, will suffer from secret
diseases, be torturous, be a liar, be fond of friends and be fierce. Effects of
Aries Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will be tall, emaciated, wandering,
will have defective fore face and ears, will have a face, akin to that of a
horse, will possess many names and be crooked. 11-19. EFFECTS
OF NAVANSAS IN TAURUS. Following are the effects due to births in the
Navansas belonging to Taurus Ascendant: Effects of Taurus Ascendant, First
Navansa: The native will have an even and dark coloured physique, be
hard-hearted, will perform obsequies in the beginning and ending parts of his
life, be base, will indulge in unnatural acts and will have crooked sight.
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will be endowed with
majestic looks, be indolent, will have a bent body, be not very intelligent,
will indulge in hostile acts and be a great liar. Effects of Taurus Ascendant,
Third Navansa: The native will be erratic in sight, be fierce, will have a
short nose, be wandering natured, will have coarse legs and hair will have soft
limbs, be beautiful, will have broad eyes and big limbs, be interested, in
Sacrifices etc. and will have stiff legs and hands. Effects of Taurus
Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will be short in stature, will be
wandering natured, be easily irritable, will have eyes, akin to that of a
he-goat, be tawny in complexion, be poor and will
steal others' wealth. Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native
will be vicious, will have a well-elevated nose, will
appear, like a giant ox, will have crooked hair, be sportive, will have large
shoulders and hips. Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will
have beautiful eyes and hair, be firm, be endowed with a fair complexioned
physique, will speak sweetly, be pre-eminent, be fond of amusements, be emaciated and skillful. Effects of Taurus Ascendant,
Seventh Navansa: The native will be interested in females, who lost their sons,
will have somewhat elevated nose and prominent eyes, will possess a strong
physique, will hate his own men and will have stout feet and exquisite hair.
Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native will have eyes, akin to
that of a tiger and charming teeth, be unconquerable, will possess a full-blown
nose, will work sparingly, will have curly and bluish hair and sharp nails and
be garrulous. Effects of Taurus Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will be
honourable, will not be very strong, be timid, given
to anger, will possess an even and charming body, be a rogue (or cheat), will
gather money, be famous, will have a thin lower body and will prattle. 20-28. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN GEMINI. Following are the
effects of births in the nine Navansas of Gemini Ascendant: Effects of Gemini
Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will have hair on the shoulders, will
possess charming and dark eyes and an elevated nose, be akin to green (Durva)
grass in complexion and will possess thin legs and thin hands. Effects of
Gemini Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will have a pot-like head, will do
dirty acts, be fond of torturous deeds, will have depressed nose, will speak
much, will work much and will lead in strife and quarrels. Effects of Gemini
Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will be fair in complexion, will possess
blood-red eyes, charming nose and even physique be very intelligent, will have
a long face and dark eye-brows and be a skillful
speaker. Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will possess
charming eye brows and forehead, be lustful, will possess a physique with the
splendour of a blue lotus, will be broad-chested and white teethed, be soft in
speech and will have attractive hair. Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Fifth Navansa:
The native will have a broad face, strong chest and big head, be wicked,
cunning and will possess charming and friendly looks. Effects of Gemini
Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will possess eyes with the hue of honey,
be garrulous, will possess a broad fore face, even body and charming lips, be a
rogue, be fickle-minded and be strong. Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Seventh
Navansa: The native will possess a copper coloured physique, copper red and
prominent eyes and a broad chest, be skillful in teaching and arts and be
jocular in disposition. Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native
will be dark in complexion, be great, intelligent, soft in disposition, sweet
in speech, will have a broad and tall physique and large and black eyes and
will be an expert in arts. Effects of Gemini Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The
native will have round and dark coloured eyes and charming body, be successful,
very intelligent and be fond of sexual cohabitation, poetry and worldly
Following are the effects for births in various Navansas related to Cancer
Ascendant: Effects of Cancer Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will have a
clean, charming and fair coloured physique, beautiful hair, broad belly,
impressive face, prominent eyes, thin body and thin shoulders. Effects of
Cancer Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will be blood red in complexion,
be fierce in quarrels, will like fine arts, will possess face and eyes, akin to
that of a cat, will be well disposed to sacrify for others and will have weak
knees and shanks. Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will
be fair in complexion, will possess beautiful eyes, be an eloquent speaker,
will have a soft body, akin to that of a female, be intelligent be a sparing
and light worker and be indolent. Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Fourth Navansa:
The native will be black in complexion, will have pressed eyebrows, be graceful
in appearance, will have charming eyes and nose, be courageous, liberal, will
perform acts prescribed for superior caste-men and be crafty. Effects of Cancer
Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native will possess voice akin to the sound of
bell, crooked, or stooping face, allied eyebrows and very long arms, be
interested in worship, be bereft of dutifulness, will injure others and be not
very intelligent. Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will
have a long and broad physique, charming eyes and great courage, be fair in
complexion, be a good speaker and will possess beautiful nose and big teeth.
Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have scattered
hair, big body and sinewy knees, will be disposed to protect others' families
and will be akin to a crow in appearance. Effects of Cancer Ascendant, Eighth
Navansa: The native will have a head with bell shape, charming face, shoulders
and limbs, will be a degraded artisan (i.e. an infamous worker), will have the
gait of a tortoise and crooked nose and be dark in complexion. Effects of
Cancer Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will be fair complexioned, will
possess eyes resembling fish, be great, be soft-bellied, broad-chested, will have prominent chins and lips, large, but weak knees
and similar ankles. 38-46. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN LEO.
Following effects will mature in the various Navansas prevailing in Leo
Ascendant at birth: Effects of Leo Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will
have an even belly (like a lion), be fierce, will have sharp and blood-red nose
and a big head, be valorous and will possess a prominent and fleshy chest.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will have a prominent and
broad fore face, a square body, broad eyes, broad chest, long arms and big
nose. Effects of Leo Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will have hairy and
broad arms, eyes, akin to that of (Greek) partridge (said to live on
moon-beams), be fickle-minded, charitable, will have an elevated nose, pure
white physique and round neck. Effects of Leo Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The
native will have (ash-coloured) body akin to ghee, large and black eyes, soft
hair, peculiar voice, big hands and legs and stomach, resembling that of a
frog. Effects of Leo Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native will have a
bell-shaped head with limited hair, charming nose and eyes, hairy body and long
belly, be fierce and will have unsightly teeth and strong and broad cheek.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will have limited, but soft
hair on his physique, white and large eyes, be tall in stature, dark in complexion,
will have proven skill (only) among females, be swaggering and be learned.
Effects of Leo Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have a long face, be
sinewy, will have a prominent physique, be unfortunate in the matter of wife
(or females in general), dark-complexioned, fierce, hairy-bodied and be cunning
and harsh in speech. Effects of Leo Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native will
be endowed with excellent speech, firm limbs, charming and majestic looks, be
undutiful, poor and crafty. Effects of Leo Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native
will have a face akin to a donkey's, will possess dark eyes, long arms, charming legs and be troubled by breathing disorders. 47-55. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN VIRGO. The various Navansas
emanating from Virgo Ascendant at birth will give the following effects:
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will possess eyes, akin
to that of an antelope, be a good speaker, be charitable, will enjoy sexual
pleasures, be very rich, dark in complexion and large hearted. Effects of Virgo
Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will have a charming face, charming eyes
and fair complexion, be soft, argumentative, fickle minded and long-bellied.
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will have blown nose, prominent
feet, long arms, pure speech, fair complexion and be
friendly. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will be
learned, will be sportive with the fair sex, be
beautiful, sweet, blood red in complexion, sharp, intelligent, emaciated and
will have charming eyes and face. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Fifth Navansa:
The native will have large lips and hands, big body, broad chest, strong ankles
and will depend on others. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The
native will have charming appearance, impressive speech, splendourous
body, be an exponent of Shastras, be very intelligent, skillful in writing and
fine arts, be good hearted and will take pleasure in walking, or roaming.
Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have a small face,
elevated nose, compact arms, very fair complexion, prominent belly, hands and
legs and will have fear for water. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Eighth Navansa:
The native will be very beautiful, fair in complexion, tall in stature, will
have charming eyes, be fierce, honourable and will have long and stout arms and
brown hair. Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will be
famous, will have charming physique, broad eyes, incomparable vigour, be
skillful, be with stooping shoulders and be learned a writer. 56-64. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN LIBRA. The various Navansas
out of Libra Ascendant at birth will produce following effects: Effects of
Libra Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will be fair complexioned, broad
eyed, praiseworthy, long-faced, skillful in business, happy and famous. Effects
of Libra Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will have squint and round eyes,
elevated (ill formed) teeth, depressed waist, charming neck, large (physical)
heart, ugly body and compact brows. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Third Navansa:
The native will be fair in complexion, will have a face, akin to that of a
horse, be thin-bodied, famous, long-haired and long-nosed and will have
beautiful legs. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will
have weak hands, be timid, will have ill-formed teeth (some placed over
others), weak body, rolling eyes, small nails, dark complexion and be devoid of
virtues and be miserable. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native
will have majestic looks, be firm disposition, be not proud, rough haired,
even-eyed and will possess a beautiful nose. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Sixth
Navansa: The native will have fleshy limbs, be fair in complexion, will have
broad eyes, beautiful nose and white nails, be diplomatic and be learned in
Shastras. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will be
blood-red in complexion, be intelligent, will have long physique and long arms
and a big head, be miserly, fierce and intelligent.
Effects of Libra Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native will have elevated
shoulders and prominent neck, will enjoy pleasures, will have a coarse
physique, long and dark brows, be a polite speaker and
will have a beautiful chest and bruised head. Effects of Libra Ascendant, Ninth
Navansa: The native will have charming eyes, pleased mind, be fair
complexioned, even and beautiful bodied, be skillful, fond of arts, be charitable and jocular. 65-73. EFFECTS
OF NAVANSAS IN SCORPIO. The Ascendant Scorpio will produce various
following effects according to the nine Navansas thereof. Effects of Scorpio
Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will be short in stature, will have
prominent lips and nose, charming forehead, strong and fair complexioned body
with belly, akin to that of a frog and will act, as a marriage broker
(ascertaining genealogies and negotiating marital alliances). Effects of
Scorpio Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will be fair in complexion, will
possess a strong and broad chest and shoulders and reddish eyes, will conquer his enemies be valorous and will have abundant
hair. Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will be learned,
will have strong shoulders and arms and beautiful hair, be endowed with clear
speech, fair complexion and charming lips. He is born of a virgin. Effects of
Scorpio Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will be intent upon joining
others' wives, will induce others to be active, be valorous, tall, dark in
complexion, dark-haired and dark eyed. Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Fifth
Navansa: The native will be majestic, will possess copper-red eyes, depressed
nose, be courageous, proud, will perform fearful acts, be famous and will have
a strong physique. Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will
be impudent, intelligent of a high order, will have elevated nose and great
strength, will be endowed with knowledge of justice
(or be diplomatic), be skillful, will possess less hair and compact brows.
Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have a split
face, strong body, teeth in various sizes, depressed belly, squint
sight and be very splendourous. Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Eighth Navansa:
The native will have blown nose, be dark in complexion, devoid of virtues,
dirty in appearance, will possess stiff hair and be foolhardy. Effects of
Scorpio Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will have a fair coloured
physique, be beautiful, like a deer, will possess calm and tawny eyes and
similar hair and strong body and be amiable to elders. 74-82.
EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN SAGITTARIUS. The native born in Sagittarius
Ascendant, but in its various Navansas will obtain following effects: Effects
of Sagittarius Ascendant, First Navansa: The native will have charming big
nose, will possess sight, akin to that of a goat, be a gifted speaker, will
have charming teeth and hair, be fair in complexion, will have inset testicles
and be fierce. Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native
will have a prominent head, be firm in disposition, will have large eyes,
strong waist and knees, ugly nose, tall stature and firm cheeks. Effects of
Sagittarius Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will have skill in educating
and in fine arts, be majestic, just, fond of females, intelligent and jocular. Effects
of Sagittarius Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will be skillful, be tawny
in complexion, will possess round eyes, fair-coloured physique and a belly akin
to tortoise, be intelligent, wandering-natured, will have charming hair and
charming appearance. Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The
native will have large ears, eyes and face, will possess a (majestic) physique,
like a lion, widely spread eye brows, strong shoulders and arms, hairless
physique and firm disposition. Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Sixth Navansa:
The native will have beautiful and large eyes, broad forehead and broad face,
be a poet, be mean and interested in scholarly
discussions. Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will
be dark in complexion, soft in disposition, will keep up his promise, will have
a prominent head, will be interested in accumulating savings, be tall in
stature, will possess broad eyes and be liberal. Effects of Sagittarius
Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native will be flat-nosed, broad headed,
inimical, erratic sighted, garrulous and be dear to
elders. Effects of Sagittarius Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The native will be
fair in complexion, will have a face, akin to that of a horse and broad and
dark eyes, will speak sparingly, be truthful, miserable and will possess
crooked walking limbs. 83-91. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS IN
CAPRICORN. The various Navansas resulting in the Ascendant Capricorn
will emanate the following effects: Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, First
Navansa: The native will have intersticed and outwardly visible teeth, be dark
in complexion, will speak with broken words, or be stammering, will have coarse
hair, be famous, be interested in music and amusement, be emaciated and will
have fluctuating wealth. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Second Navansa: The
native will be indolent, crafty, crooked nosed, fond of music, broad bodied, be
interested in many females, will prattle much and be skillful. Effects of
Capricorn Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will have lust for music, be
famous, fair complexioned, be endowed with superior looks and charming nose,
will be fond of many friends and relatives and achieves fulfillment of desires.
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will have round eyes
with a mix of blood-red and black hue, large forehead, emaciated body and thin
arms, scattered hair, intersticed teeth and broken speech. Effects of Capricorn
Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native will have prominent neck, nose and belly,
will enjoy pleasures, be attached to women, be dark in complexion, will have
round knees and arms and will attain successful beginnings in his undertakings.
Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will possess a
splendourous body, will attire charmingly, be libidinous, will possess small
and even teeth, be a good speaker and will have big
cheeks and large forehead. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The
native will be dark in complexion, be indolent, be an eloquent speaker, be
short-haired, big-bodied, be harsh in disposition, will possess soft hands and
legs, be intelligent and very virtuous. Effects of
Capricorn Ascendant, Eighth Navansa: The native will be endowed with majestic
sight and charming nose, reddish face, uneven nails and hair, grotesque body
and forehead protruding, like a pot. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Ninth
Navansa: The native will have broad chest and large eyes, high intelligence,
fully developed face, interest in musical studies, be endowed with sweetness
and strength, be gentle and diplomatic. 92-100. EFFECTS OF
NAVANSAS IN AQUARIUS. The various Navansas ascending, while Aquarius is
on the East will produce following effects: Effects of Aquarius Ascendant,
First Navansa: The native will be dark in complexion, be soft in disposition,
will have an emaciated body and prominent cheeks, be learned in poetry and
Shastras, be libidinous, interested in carnal pleasures and be splendourous.
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Second Navansa: The native will possess coarse
skin, nails, sight and hair, be kind to the helpless, be gentle, be tall in
stature, foolish and will have a ‘distinct' head. Effects of Aquarius
Ascendant, Third Navansa: The native will have a compact body (limbs sticking
close to each other), be fond of females, will possess the splendour of lapis
lazuli, be learned in the meanings of Shastras and will act accordingly.
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Fourth Navansa: The native will be fond of
women, be fair in complexion, will have a split face, will destroy enemies, be
majestic, courageous and be fond of pleasures and sexual enjoyments. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native will be
learned in clear meanings of Shastras and in fine arts, will have coarse hair
on legs, concealed (not prominent) neck and ears and be dark in complexion.
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Sixth Navansa: The native will have a face,
resembling that of a tiger, be bold, short-haired, will have unchanging aims,
will kill living beings viz. tiger, deer, snake etc. and be dear to king.
Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will have eyes and
face, resembling that of a goat, be fierce in disposition, be delighted in
village life, insulted by females, will suffer diseases of bilious imbalances
and be endowed with strength and courage. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Eighth
Navansa: The native will possess an undiminishing strength, firm be disposition
and affection, be a warrior with the king, or be a king himself, be beautiful
and will have strong teeth and broad eyes. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant, Ninth
Navansa: The native will be dark in complexion, will possess unclean and
elevated teeth, be disunited from his wife, children and wealth, be an affable
speaker and be famous and skillful. 101-109. EFFECTS OF NAVANSAS
IN PISCES. Should Pisces ascend at birth, the various Navansas thereof
will yield following specific effects: Effects of Pisces Ascendant, First
Navansa: Though the native may be white in complexion, his body will reveal the
splendour of blood-red hue; he will be soft in disposition, be akin to a female
in mental make up, (i.e. will act, like a female), be fickle-minded and will
have a short neck and emaciated waist. Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Second
Navansa: The native will have a big nose, be skillful in his assignments, will
eat meat and the like, be endowed with a charming physique, will wander in
forests and hills and will have a big head. Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Third
Navansa: The native will be white in complexion, be crafty, will possess
beautiful eyes, be beautiful, righteous, learned,
courteous, modest and charming in appearance. Effects of Pisces Ascendant,
Fourth Navansa: The native will have praiseworthy attributes, will fall into
adversity, will serve aged people, be skillful in his assignments, learned,
very strong versed in justice and will have elevated nose. Effects of Pisces
Ascendant, Fifth Navansa: The native will be tall in stature, dark in
complexion, be valorous, be not peaceful, will have a small nose and charming
eyes, be fond of torturing others, be impatient, will
possess beautiful teeth and prattle. Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Sixth
Navansa: The native will be self-respected, righteous, excellent, strong,
miserable, crafty, unsteady and be a minister. Effects
of Pisces Ascendant, Seventh Navansa: The native will be self-respected, will
show interest in other religions, be excellent, be a
minister, strong, miserable, cruel and unsteady. Effects of Pisces Ascendant,
Eighth Navansa: The native will be tall in stature, will have a big head, be
emaciated, indolent, will have uneven (or dirtied) eyes and hair, will have
foolish children (or a few children), be interested in earning money and be
skillful in war (or quarrels). Effects of Pisces Ascendant, Ninth Navansa: The
native will be short, soft in disposition, courageous, broad chested, broad
eyed, big nosed, be bright, will have a broad physique, be intelligent,
virtuous and famous. 110. ABOUT OTHER DIVISIONS. The effects described in
regard to individual Signs apply to Dwadasamsas of each Sign as well. Regarding
effects for various other divisions not explained, the
effects related to Sapthamsas will apply. Thus ends the 51st 1. THE 1. In order to evaluate the auspicious and inauspicious
effects in day-to-day life due to planetary transits, Yavanacharyas have
explained AshtakaVarga (which are detailed below). 2. THE SUN'S ASHTAKAVARGA.
The Sun contributes benefic dots in his Ashtaka Varga, as under. From his own
self in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Mars and
Saturn in similar Signs; from the Moon in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs;
from Jupiter in the 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Venus in the 6th, 7th
and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
Signs and from the Ascendant in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs.
3. THE MOON'S ASHTAKA VARGA. The Moon contributes benefic points in her
AshtakaVarga, as under. In the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs from the
Sun; in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th Signs from her position; in the
2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Mars; in the 1st,
3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Mercury; in the 1st,
4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs from Jupiter; in the 3rd, 4th, 5th,
7th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Venus; in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th
Signs from Saturn and in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from the
ascending Sign. 4. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF MARS. Mars in his AshtakaVarga drops
auspicious points in the various Signs from the various planets and Ascendant,
as denoted below. From the Sun in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs; from
the Moon in the 3rd, 6th and 11th Signs; from his own position in the 1st, 2nd,
4th, 7th 8th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th
Signs; from Jupiter in the 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Venus in the
6th, 8th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th
and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th
Signs. 5. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF MERCURY. Auspicious points are contributed by
Mercury in his AshtakaVarga, as under: From the Sun in the 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th
and 12th Signs; from the Moon in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs;
from Mars and Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th Signs,
from his own self in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs;
from Jupiter in the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Venus in 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd,
4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs. 6. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF JUPITER. Jupiter's
AshtakaVarga gains auspicious points, as under. From the Sun in the 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from the Moon in the 2nd, 5th
7th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th 10th and 11th
Signs; from Mercury in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs;
from his own self in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs;
from Venus in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th Signs; from Saturn in the 3rd,
5th, 6th and 12th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs. 7. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF VENUS. Mark benefic
dots in the following places. From the Sun in the 8th, 11th and 12th Signs;
from the Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs;
from Mars in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the
3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Jupiter in the 5th 8th, 9th, 10th and
11th Signs; from his own self in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th
and 11th Signs; from Saturn in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs
and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th
Signs. This is called the AshtakaVarga of Venus. 8. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF SATURN.
Saturn's AshtakaVarga is prepared by inserting benefic dots in places, as
denoted below. From the Sun in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th
Signs; from the Moon in the 3rd, 6th and 11th Houses; from Mars in the 3rd,
5th, 6th, 10th 11th and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th,
11th and 12th Signs; from Jupiter in the 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th Signs; from
Venus in the 6th, 11th and 12th Signs; from his own self in the 3rd, 5th, 6th
and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th
Signs. 9-10. The places mentioned above are auspicious
for the various planets and the others are inauspicious. Planets transiting
Signs with more benefic dots will reveal auspicious results, while inauspicious
results will come to pass in case of transits in Signs with less benefic dots.
Benefic results will be predominant, if these Signs happen to be exaltation, own,
friendly etc. and malefic effects will be ordinary. Similarly in
debilitation/inimical Signs, malefic results will be more and benefic effects
will be ordinary. In giving transit effects, the Sun and Mars will be
effective, while in the beginning of the Sign, Jupiter and Venus, while in the
middle of the Sign and lastly Saturn and the Moon, while in the end of the
Sign. Mercury is effective in his transit through the whole Sign. Thus ends the
53rd 1. Draw 13 horizontal lines intersected by 9 parallel
(horizontally) lines (thus getting 96 squares) noting the names of the 12 Signs
from Aries onwards in a rightward manner and the names of the 7 planets and
Ascendant in the left hand side vertical columns. Mark the benefic dots for
each planets' AshtakaVarga and malefic points (where benefic points are
absent), as per the positions told earlier. 2. GENERAL EFFECTS. If a planet is
associated with 8 Bindusin the Sign occupied by it, even an ordinary person
will become a king; with 7 Bindusfulfillment of all desires; with 6 Bindusfame
and financial gains; with 5 Bindus happiness and friendship; with 4 Bindus
eradication and misery; with 3 Bindusloss of money; with 2 Bindusworries; with
1 Bindubodily emaciation and with the complete absence of Bindus there will be
evils at all times. 3 EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S A.V. The
association of the Sun with particular number of Bindus (auspicious points) in
the Sign occupied by him will lead to respective effects, thus; with 8
Binduswealth from the king; 7 Bindustranscendental beauty, happiness and
riches; 6 Bindusincrease of valour and fame; 5 Bindusinflux of money; 4 Bindus
neither gainful nor losing; 3 Bindusfatigue due to (frequent) travels (or
difficulties on account of travels, proneness to accidents and the like); 2
Bindusfear of diseases; 1 Bindudifficulties; and absence of Bindusdeath (or
troubles of a very severe nature). 4. EFFECTS OF THE MOON'S A.V. Note the
Bindus in the Sign occupied by the Moon. If she be associated with 8 Bindus,
the native will enjoy affluence and pleasures; 7 Bindus financial gains through
robes, food, scented articles etc., 6 Bindusacquaintance with the virtuous; 5
Bindusacquisition of courage and intelligence due to association with Brahmins
(or the learned); 4 Bindusequilibrium of happiness and grief; 3 Bindusenmity
with relatives; 2 Bindusseparation from kith and kin and deprival of wealth; 1
Bindu evils and absence of auspicious pointsgrief and difficulties following
excitement. 5. EFFECTS OF THE A.V. OF MARS. If Mars be associated with various
benefic points, as denoted below in the Sign tenanted by him, the results due
will be: 8 Bindus acquisition of wealth and land and victory over foes; 7
Bindus increase of fortunes and splendour; 6 Bindusroyal favours; 5
Bindusincrease of fame; 4 Bindusequality of wealth and calamity; 3
Bindusseparation from co-born and conjugal partner; 2 Bindustroubles from king,
fire and bilious disorders; 1 Binduulcer and stomachial diseases and absence of
Bindus diseases of the eye and difficulties comparable to death. 6. EFFECTS OF
MERCURY'S A.V. The effects of Mercury's association with various auspicious
points in the Sign occupied by him will be: 8 Bindushonour from the ruler; 7 Binduswealth,
knowledge and happiness; 6 Bindussuccess in all undertakings; 5 Bindusnew
acquaintances; 4 Bindus unemployment; 3 Bindusmental worries on account of
financial losses; 2 Bindusenmity with wife, children and friends causing loss
of courage and wisdom; 1 Binduevils of all kinds and absence of Bindus will
bring about death. 7. EFFECTS OF JUPITER'S A.V. Based on the number of
auspicious points, the Sign occupied by Jupiter will produce the following
effects: 8 Bindusspotless fame, happiness and growth of wealth; 7
Bindusfortunes and happiness; 6 Bindusacquisition of robes, conveyances, gold
etc.; 5 Bindus destruction of enemies and success in undertakings; 4 Bindus no
loss, no gain; 3 Bindusloss of hearing, sight and masculine vigour; 2
Bindusincurring royal wrath; 1 Bindudistress due to diseases and absence of
Bindusdestruction of relatives, wealth and progeny. 8. EFFECTS OF A.V. OF
VENUS. The association of Venus with various number of Bindus will generate the
under mentioned effects: 8 Bindusenjoyments of all kinds and acquisition of
robes, wife, scents, food, drinks etc.; 7 Bindus plentifulness of ornaments and
pearls; 6 Bindusacquisition of a girl of choice; 5 Bindusassociation with
friends; 4 Bindus equality of inauspicious and auspicious results; 3 Bindus
enmity with people of his community and senior members of the village; 2
Bindusdisplacement; 1 Binduphlegmatic disorders and absence of Bindusbecoming a
synonym of all kinds of evils. 9. EFFECTS OF SATURN'S A.V. If Saturn is
associated with a certain number of Bindus, the effects due will be: 8 Bindus
lordship over villages, towns and people; 7 Bindus acquisition of female
servants, asses and elephants; 6 Bindus gains from thieves, hunters and Army
heads; 5 Bindusadvent of wealth, corn and happiness; 4 Bindushappiness caused
by association with others; 3 Bindus destruction of progeny, wife, attendants
and money; 2 Bindusimprisonment, emotions and diseases; 1 Bindu/absence of
Bindusloss of wealth, family etc. 10-12. May the astrologers be pleased with
the Science of Astrology thus described by Kalyana Varma.
Ancestors, like Paulasa, Vasishta, Romasa, Yavana, Badarayana, Sakthi, Atri,
Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, Guna, Agnikesa, Garga, Parashara, Jeevasarma and a host
of others have authored elaborate texts on astrology. The science of astrology
thus deals with the good and bad in stock for an individual with Chitragupta
(the official record keeper of Yamathe God of Deathnoting down the virtues and
vices of mankind). Thus ends the 54th 1. Acharya Kanaka's school of thought dealing with ‘Manifold
Births' is narrated in this Aum tat sat |