Can I buy Gems from this site? Yes.
| You have a jewellery shop? No. This site is not a jewellery site. We are selling gems to be used as pariharams. More for remedial measure than show. Our gems are of first quality as per stringent astrology rules. Since we do not make fancy designs, the gems are less priced than at jewellery shops. Do gems work ? Yes. Reliable Gems will start bringing good results within a week. What good results will be experienced by me ? Better health, more knowledge and good luck followed by happiness from children. How many gems are good for a person ? 3 to 4 gems are very good for a person. [see explanation below on Triangle Houses] How many colours are good for a person ? Only 3 to 4 colour combinations are enough for everybody. How many combination of colours are there ? The six combinations are as given in following table:
Which combination of gems is good for me?
If you have a
North Indian style horoscope please see which number is written on the top to
find out which combination of gems is for you. In the following example 12 is written
in the Ascendant hence Mina/Pisces was rising Sign.
substitute gems be equal to Ruby and Sapphires ? No. Substitute
gems do not work. Reliable Gems work as they are 1st quality gems.
They are bought from old established wholesalers. Synthetic gems are
uniform, original will have small variation in size and colour. Synthetic gems
have no power to be used as remedial measure in astrology. Yellow Topaz is substitute gem for Yellow
Sapphire. The reliable gems are small and can be set in a ring. As the size of
the gem grows, its price grows geometrically. Also getting clear gems is
possible only when the size is small.
Getting perfect big gems is very difficult. Their price also goes up
astronomically. Planetary Colour, Gem,
Metal, Direction, Plants
Colour, Carat, Cut and Clarity are the 4 Cs of a diamond. The diamond sold by
most jewelers and shops are with scratches. pits, colours and black spots. They are visible on the top table
of the diamond. You can verify the
diamonds at home using a small microscope or powerful magnifying glass loop.
Even the branded diamond jewellery sold in India are
with diamonds having a few scratches. Only difference is branded jewellery
shops correctly tell you whether it is VS2 or VS1 quality diamond. See clarity grading diagram at bottom of
this page. We are sad that jewellers
charge for 12 cents and give only 10 cents or less size. The best diamonds
are flawless and difficult to procure. Unless you are an expert, you would not
even be able to see the scratches and spots on the rim of the diamond. A
perfect diamond should reflect back all the lights entering it through the top
table. The culet at the bottom should
allow only a ray of sunlight to pass through it. The bottom cone should be
black backsides of a mirror when the diamond is held to sunlight. The 58 sides
of a diamond have to be at particular angle otherwise it would not reflect 98%
of the light entering it. See cuts at bottom of this page. All diamonds sold
by our site are of best quality, cut and with zero scratches or pits. They are flawless under
10x magnification. Pink Ruby: Those
who have Sun as beneficial lord positioned in bad house or powerless should
wear this gem. Pink ruby is Indian ruby. Dark blood red translucent ruby is
best. The more the
translucent the more costly the ruby.
We have rubies from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 200,000. Coral: Orange
coral (paviyam)
will have small holes as though an ant has burrowed the gem. Dark red
triangular or spherical shaped coral without holes are cheaper because they are
made of coral powder, colour and gum. Most ready sets of nava
graha stones in the market have white coral painted
in orange! Hence we select each and every gem individually after testing it. Pearl: A
genuine pearl will be round with a colour
"inside" seen from outside. This inside colour can vary from pink to
black. Pinkish pearls are
"Brahmin" class and best. Black pearls from mid-pacific are not to be
worn. Rice pearls and other unshapely sizes make the wearer "mad",
emotionally upset and quarrel with all relatives and friends. South Seas pearls near north-east-Australia
are the best white pinkish pearls. They cost about Rs.
15,000 per 16 mm diameter pearl. A South seas necklace
would cost Rs. 2 to 5 Lakhs.
We recommend aso Chinese fresh water pearls from 2 mm
to 10 mm. Pearls can be worn as earring, bottom open ring or necklace. All pearls sold
by our site are of best quality South Seas or Chinese fresh water pearls. We
have sample pearls cut in half showing you that there is no “plastic” inside
coated with chemicals. Emerald: Green emerald is Mercury
Gem. Getting a clear emerald is difficult. There would be some black lines or
bubbles inside this gem. Tirupathi Balaji God Mahavishnu's idol is wearing a big Emerald on his chest.
Avoid emeralds with cracks or big black spots seen at 10x magnification. Yellow Sapphire: This is Jupiter's stone. Depending
on quality this stone costs Rs. 100 to 50,000 per
carat. Topaz is substitute gem for this. Blue Sapphire: This is Gem for Saturn. Amitabh Bachan is wearing this.
The more clear the gem the more costly. Darker the blue more the cost. We have blue sapphire from Rs. 1,000 to 2, 00, 00,000. Gomedha: This is Hessonite. It is also known as cow's urine
colour stone. Cat's eye: This is Gem for Ketu. It
looks white with a cat’s eye design. Tiger eye is another stone not included in
Indian astrology. How much does
a Reliable Gems combination cost ? This
site is not a jewellery site. We are selling gems to be used as pariharams. More for remedial measure than show. Our gems are of first
quality as per stringent astrology rules. Since we do not make fancy designs
the gems are less priced than at jewellery shops. Our objective is
to give proper solution at lowest price to middle class families. Reliable gems
are original and not synthetic. We only supply
the gems. You have to give it to your jeweller and make it into a ring or
dollar in gold or silver as prescribed below.
We re-iterate that in astrology Venus is represented by Diamond
and Silver. So even though jewelers through out the world make diamond
jewellery in gold, we advocate silver ring or pendant to set your diamond. This is for astrological reasons only. Additionally
a diamond in silver would not attract theft as people would think it is
synthetic or “American” zircon diamond set in silver. All rings and pendants have “bottom open” design. This has 2
advantages. It is easier to clean them. Astrological texts prescribe the gem
should "touch" the skin or at least allow light to pass through them
to the skin. Which Gem is good for me
? Can I select gems by my
English Calendar Zodiac ? No selecting gems by
English calendar zodiac does not work. To find Indian Astrology
Ascendant, please fill up your birth details in our horoscope order form at www.reliableastrology.com\horoscope.htm
. Please check the ascendant = Lagna = rising Sign in your Indian horoscope.
Explanation Our
body is composed of seven colours of the Rainbow. If
there is deficiency of any colour in the body, we usually suffer from diseases both mental and physical, ill-luck, get into troubles
unnecessarily without being guilty, etc. Gems help by transmitting planetary
rays in the body of the sufferer. Colours are stored
abundantly in gems that are not exhausted even after constant use for years. Generally,
the precious stone is wrapped in a silk strip of the same colour as the stone
and tied round the arm for a trial period of 3 days. If it shows a bad effect,
it is removed at once, and if it shows a good effect, it is studded in a ring
or pendant with the underside not covered, so that it is in direct contact with
the skin. The upper surface is also left open to catch the light rays. You
should not wear the Gem of planets which are Lords of 6,
8 or 12th house. They will only bring sickness, expenditure, trouble, death
etc. The gems signified by the other houses, are ok. But,
the best gems suitable are of planets which are lords of 1, 5 and 9.
These three houses are called Trine or Trikon
in Sanskrit. These three houses form mutual angle of 120 ° in the
horoscope. The following are the 9 planets
and their gems in Indian Astrology.
Since many of
these gems are costly or not available, the following substitute gems are
generally used. But in our experience a small genuine gem is 100 times more
powerful and cost effective than substitute gems in the long run.
Accordingly the following table
shows the 3 gems to be worn for life based on your Zodiac Sign rising at
birth. Four rising signs allow 4 gems to be worn for lifetime.
Combining the common gems pattern in the
above table we get only 3 sets as shown in table below.
If you have a
North Indian style horoscope please see which number is written on the top to
find out which combination of gems is for you. In the following example 12 is written
in the Ascendant hence C type combination is good for this native.
you have a South Indian style of horoscope then find out where the Lagnam [Ascendant] is written. Match it with the following diagram to find
out which combination of gems is suitable for you.
example, in your horoscope, if "La" is written in top right
corner, [ie. Gemini/Mithun Sign], B type of gem combinatiion is suitable for you. All the gems are hand
picked from big lots. Since we accept only properly shaped, cut, clear, and
perfect size, the price goes up slightly. You can wear
Reliable Gems 24 hours 7 days a week. FAQ answers => You can wear it while
taking bath, sleeping and even when going to
toilet. Ladies can wear this during their periods. You need not wear reliable
gems when going to cremation ground/cemetery or when going for condolences. You
need not wear this when attending 12 days function after the death of a
relative or during death anniversaries [shraadh]. All our gems are
water proof. They are soap proof. The gems are shampoo proof. Please do not put
scent spray on pearl as the chemicals may damage the gem. Remove the pearl
before applying spray scents, then put the gem after 5
minutes when the alcohol would have evaporated. The advantage of Reliable Gems
is that they are small. You can set them in a ring or pendant. The special NavaRatna
ring or dollar which has all the 9 gems can be worn by all. Pariharams Table
Reliable Nava Ratna Ring Everybody including those without proper horoscope
can wear a Reliable Nava Ratna
Ring containing all the 9 gems of the 9 planets exactly in following order.
The ring is square faced. Any other shape will cause 100 problems to the wearer.
We were sad to see wrong placements of gems even in branded shops in
The gems shown in above diagram are enlarged and big to
show details. The actual gems will be very small, each about 1 mm diameter. All
will be shaped like the diamond except the pearl, cat's eye and orange coral
which are spherical. The ring top will
be only 4mm x 4mm square. We do not advocate the circular design or any other
layout of gems other than the square shape shown above. The sequence shown
above should be strictly adhered to. Then you get full 100% results. Not adhering to this design also leads to
100 problems. This is our experience from real cases.
The Nava Ratna or 9 gems
ring is to be made in Gold or Silver as per the wearing person's ascendant
given below. The gems are set with bottom open for cleaning as well as for the
full effect of the gems to the wearer.
You may also make this into a pendant or dollar with bottoms open for 9
gems. But the design has to be square with the gems set exactly as shown
Terms: 100% advance for the
full amount. Delivery time in India: 15
days. Outside India : 30 days. For all gems orders please
Email details to info@reliableastrology.com. Thanks.
An Example of the Different Clarity Grades: The Cut of the diamond should be ideal.
Shallow or deep cut will allow light to escape casuing
the diamond to appear dark and dull. The ideal cut will reflect back all the
light entering the table making the diamond appear more bright and bigger. Should I buy reliable gems
from this site? Reliable Diamonds are of
VVS1 or VVS2 clarity and D to G colour. Best available in
India. Our gems are also of very good colour astrologically and without
blemishes like black spot, proper shape and weight. This is not a jewellery
site. Our gems are meant for astrological remedial measures only. Most of those
buying gems from this site are middle-class people who want respite from life's
problems. Hence our prices are lower than what your jeweller might quote
because we are giving jewels for use as remedial measures (pariharams).
Those who want can also have these made into
pendants in silver or gold (as appropriate, shown above) and wear around the
neck. The gems in these pendants have bottom open.
This bottom open design also enables annual cleaning of them by your local
jeweller. Diamonds should be set in silver or platinum, not in gold or white
gold. The best 3-D symmetrically cut diamonds are
available at www.eightstar.com but there is a long waiting time and the cost is
40% higher and the size of these diamonds are half to 2 carat. We strongly
recommend that "Eightstar" and "Hearts
on Fire" branded diamonds are best to give astrological results for those
who can afford Rs. 1 to Rs.
3 lakhs. Astrologically these are more suited to
those aspiring to rise very high in business or politics. |